Player Statistics > David Farrar
Player Performance
23456789101113131415161718192122Match Number0123Wins
Results > Off Centre Delta
Opponent Team Date Score Ranking Result
Simon Kennett Wiff Waffers 11-4 9-11 11-3 13-15 6-11 -5 Loss
Jamie Beaumont Wiff Waffers 10-12 6-11 11-8 11-6 14-12 +5 Win
Adrian Kelly Wiff Waffers 5-11 9-11 7-11 -2 Loss
Francis Cioffi Off Centre C 7-11 4-11 8-11 -1 Loss
Jordan Barkas Off Centre C 5-11 4-11 8-11 -1 Loss
Peter Johnson Off Centre C 9-11 5-11 6-11 -1 Loss
Stefano Bartolini Foxtrot 11-9 8-11 5-11 11-8 11-6 +3 Win
Saj Mohammed Foxtrot 11-9 12-10 9-11 8-11 2-11 -2 Loss
Stephen Dearing Foxtrot 9-11 9-11 11-13 -1 Loss
Mike Belk Rams 5-11 11-13 11-4 11-7 11-7 +7 Win
Edward Bowen Rams 10-12 10-12 7-11 -1 Loss
Jonathan Vaughan Rams 15-13 11-6 11-5 +4 Win
Humphrey Hall Titans 8-11 11-5 11-5 11-5 +1 Win
Dhruvan Karthik Titans 11-9 9-11 11-8 11-6 +3 Win
Safiyah Adeel Titans 9-11 11-9 6-11 11-9 7-11 -8 Loss
Sha Khaghai All Stars 8-11 6-11 4-11 -2 Loss
Richard Musgrove All Stars 11-7 4-11 11-6 4-11 11-7 +6 Win
Salamat Hussain All Stars 10-12 6-11 7-11 -1 Loss
Steve Caulfield Off Centre E 9-11 6-11 7-11 -2 Loss
Mike Kosmowsky Off Centre E 12-10 6-11 9-11 6-11 -2 Loss
Steve Conway Off Centre E 9-11 11-8 11-8 12-14 7-11 -1 Loss
David Lewis Phoenix 11-7 4-11 9-11 9-11 -1 Loss
Maryam Adeel Phoenix 11-1 11-4 9-11 11-5 +2 Win
Alfie Broadbent Phoenix 9-11 12-10 3-11 4-11 -3 Loss
Eric Greenwood Choppers 12-10 11-4 7-11 11-6 +5 Win
Shaun Forbes Choppers 11-7 11-4 11-3 +3 Win
James Dawber Choppers 11-9 11-5 6-11 7-11 7-11 -1 Loss
Alan Veal Cock And Bottle 3-11 9-11 3-11 0 Loss
Paul Birkhead Cock And Bottle 6-11 8-11 5-11 0 Loss
Keith Skarz Cock And Bottle 8-11 2-11 7-11 -1 Loss
Bob Underwood Off Centre C 6-11 3-11 3-11 0 Loss
Francis Cioffi Off Centre C 5-11 8-11 11-8 6-11 -1 Loss
Jordan Barkas Off Centre C 11-6 3-11 3-11 5-11 -1 Loss
Huddy Hudson Merlins 11-3 11-5 11-9 +4 Win
Philip Gatehouse Merlins 10-12 4-11 7-11 0 Loss
Trevor Stansfield Merlins 11-6 11-9 11-5 +2 Win
Sha Khaghai All Stars 11-9 9-11 11-6 11-8 +5 Win
Richard Musgrove All Stars 11-4 5-11 7-11 9-11 -1 Loss
Salamat Hussain All Stars 11-7 5-11 4-11 11-8 11-9 +9 Win
Mike Belk Rams 8-11 10-12 12-14 -1 Loss
Edward Bowen Rams 8-11 5-11 8-11 -1 Loss
Jonathan Vaughan Rams 10-12 11-4 11-8 7-11 6-11 -2 Loss
Steve Conway Off Centre E 5-11 7-11 12-10 4-11 -1 Loss
Mike Kosmowsky Off Centre E 4-11 7-11 7-11 -1 Loss
Geoff Barnes Off Centre E 5-11 11-9 13-11 11-9 +7 Win
Humphrey Hall Titans 11-8 11-6 11-7 +1 Win
Kristophers Bulgacs Titans 8-11 7-11 11-13 -6 Loss
Dhruvan Karthik Titans 11-7 6-11 12-10 4-11 11-8 +4 Win
Paul Birkhead Cock And Bottle 3-11 9-11 9-11 n/a Loss
Alan Veal Cock And Bottle 11-5 4-11 11-8 6-11 8-11 n/a Loss
Keith Skarz Cock And Bottle 3-11 5-11 11-9 11-5 8-11 n/a Loss
Eric Greenwood Choppers 8-11 7-11 11-7 11-5 11-9 n/a Win
Shaun Forbes Choppers 11-8 7-11 11-5 11-8 n/a Win
James Dawber Choppers 11-6 11-6 9-11 5-11 6-11 n/a Loss
Played: 54
Results > Off Centre Foxtrot
Opponent Team Date Score Ranking Result
David Lewis Phoenix 12-10 8-11 8-11 10-12 -1 Loss
Maryam Adeel Phoenix 11-6 12-14 11-7 16-14 +2 Win
Alfie Broadbent Phoenix 4-11 8-11 11-7 13-15 -3 Loss
Played: 3
Results > Off Centre Charlie
Opponent Team Date Score Ranking Result
Steve Conway Off Centre E 11-13 11-5 13-11 5-11 8-11 -1 Loss
Geoff Barnes Off Centre E 4-11 11-8 11-7 11-2 +7 Win
Mike Kosmowsky Off Centre E 3-11 9-11 11-13 -1 Loss
Played: 3
Other Seasons
Start Date Season
Winter League 22-23
Winter League 23-24
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