Coaching Requirements

It has recently come to the attention of the committee that there are some coaches delivering coaching sessions that do not currently hold an up to date coaching licence with TTE. 


It is the committees view that whilst this is a decision an individual coach may take it is our expectation that all coaches who are working with children and young people in Leamington should be licensed.  This will ensure both the safety of the coach and the individual being coached.  It is also our expectation that where you may be coaching young people under the age of 18 that a parent or carer should be present during each session to ensure both parties safety.


As the LDTTA Welfare Officer I will be gathering the names of all coaches and collating a copy of the licenses.  If you have this information in place please can you forward that to me directly.  If you are in the process of, or will be applying following this correspondence please can you forward your details as soon as possible.
If you need any further clarification or discussion please get in touch.


kind regards Chris

LDTTA Welfare Officer
Author: via Leamington Table Tennis League
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