National News
Shackleton makes winning start to Paralympic singl...
Megan Shackleton started her Paralympic singles campaign with ...
Billy Shilton and Paul Karabardak were beaten in three close sets in the semi-final of men’s clas...
Billy Shilton and Paul Karabardak’s dream of adding Paralympic gold to the World title they won t...
The draws for the singles competitions at the Paralympics have been made, with some tough draws h...
Competing in only their second tournament together Joshua Stacey and teenager Bly Twomey missed o...
After sailing through the group stages 3-0, 3-2 and 3-0, Dimitar Dimitrov lost out by the smalles...
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Joydens Wood A vs Youngs C

Source: Division 1

Bexley Sports A vs Youngs A

Source: Division 1

Source: Division 2

Source: Division 3

VCD A vs Erith A

Source: Division 1

Erith B vs VCD C

Source: Division 2