National News
Gold Badge for Nico
Fresh from officiating the Men’s Singles gold medal match at t...
Fresh from officiating the Men’s Singles gold medal match at the Paris Olympics, Nico Caltabiano ...
Rio 2016 Paralympic champions Rob Davies and Will Bayley came through tough quarterfinals yesterd...
Rio 2016 Paralympic champions Rob Davies and Will Bayley came through tough quarterfinals yesterd...
World champion Will Bayley made the perfect start to his bid to regain the men’s class 7 singles ...
Dimitar Dimitrov reached the final of the Under-11 boy’s singles event at the WTT Youth Contender...
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Future Fixtures

Source: Division 2

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Joydens Wood A vs Youngs C

Source: Division 1

Bexley Sports A vs Youngs A

Source: Division 1

Source: Division 3

VCD A vs Erith A

Source: Division 1

Erith B vs VCD C

Source: Division 2