Local Coaching Sessions

TT Coaching and Practice Sessions

South Otterington Village Hall

2 hour sessions available in the new year for players looking to improve their game and get more from Table Tennis in terms of skill level, physical and mental fitness and friendly competitiveness.

Their are 10 places available across four tables on the 4 dates below for individuals, pairs of playing partners and from existing teams/groups from around the area.

The format of each session will be workshop based on ,for the first hour, topics such as

Serving/Receiving, Forehand, Backhand, Managing Spin, Movement and Game Tactics for singles and doubles play. The second hour will be free play on a 'round robin' basis with opportunities to practice technique associated with the skill topic of the session.

Sessions will be facilitated by Bob Moffat, Table Tennis England(TTE) Lead Coach and will be running initially on 4 Thursdays (fortnightly cycle) in January/February from 7.00 till 9.00.

The dates are:

16th January

30th January

13th February

27th February

Session Plans will be provided prior to each session

The cost of each session is £5 payable to South Otterington Village Hall.

For more information and booking a place(s) please call Bob Moffat on 07850271483 or email: moffatbob@hotmail.co.uk as soon as possible. Places will be limited to 10 people.

Author: via Northallerton Table Tennis League
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