League Performance
Match Players
Name Played Win % POM Form
Allan Nicholls 24 62.50% 2
James Defty 18 27.78% 0
Don Dixon 18 16.67% 0
Steve Barrett 11 36.36% 0
Wayne Mason 9 100.00% 3
Opposition Fixture Date Score Points Card
Nets And Edges Away 7 - 3 +3
Eagles 2nd Home 5 - 5 +5
Rhubarb Crumble Home 5 - 5 +5
Stingers Away 3 - 7 +7
Wisbech Wizards Home 5 - 5 +5
Eagles 1st Away 8 - 2 +2
Pegg Scaffolding Away 6 - 4 +4
Warlords Away 4 - 6 +6
The Inbetweeners Home 4 - 6 +4
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