The ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Reading and District Table Tennis Association
was held at the Our Lady of Peace Club on Wednesday 7th June 2017 commencing at 7.30pm.
Please note: Under Rule 9.6 each affiliated Club must have at least one registered player or the Club secretary in attendance.
RDTTA Officers were elected for most positions - click here or see Contacts/Officers for details
There are vacancies for: Assistant Gen. Secretary & Development Officer
All proposals were passed unanimously (see below for details).
1. Adoption of Standing Orders (see RTT 16 07/04)
2. Apologies for absence
3. Minutes of the 2016 Annual General Meeting
4. Matters Arising
5. Secretary’s Report
6. Treasurer’s Report
7. Development Officer’s Report
8. Special Competitions Secretary’s Report
9. Senior Inter-Town Match Secretary’s Report
10. Junior Representative & Junior Competitions Secretary’s Report
11. Proposed Rule and Fee changes (see details below)
12. Election of the President and the honorary officers:-
(i) President
(ii) Chairman
(iii) General Secretary
(iv) Assistant Gen. Secretary
(v) Minute Secretary
(vi) Treasurer
(vii) League Registrations Secretary
(viii) Publicity Officer
(ix) Newsletter Editor
(x) Special Competitions Secretary
(xi) Senior Inter-Town Match Secretary
(xii) Junior Representative & Junior Competitions Secretary
(xiii) Trophy Secretary
(xiv) Development Officer
(xv) Handbook Secretary
(xvi) Website Co-ordinator
(xvii) Divisional Fixture Secretaries (5 for the main divisions and 1for the youth division)
13. Election of the person to be nominated as ‘the Association’s League Representative Member of Table Tennis England ’ (from the President and the officers)
14. Election of an honorary auditor
15. Any other business:
Fees - There are no proposals to change the RDTTA fees for 2017/18.
However to note, Table Tennis England has a proposal for their AGM to increase their annual membership fees by £2 for Senior Players.
11.1 Proposal from RDTTA Management Committee
Amend the following rules to read as follows, for clarification and to reflect the membership types that are available through Table Tennis England (no change is being made to the meaning of these rules):
Rule 4.2 Table Tennis England (TTE): the governing body of table tennis in England.
Rule 4.4 Individual member: the President, a Life Vice President, a Life Member, an honorary officer, a registered player, an Associate member, the secretary of an affiliated club.
Rule 4.5 Associate member: a person who has taken out Associate Membership with Table Tennis England and is “associated” with the Association (RDTTA) on the TTE players’ database.
11.2 Proposal from RDTTA Management Committee
The following changes remove the rule which details a specific, separate cost of producing the RDTTA Newsletter, along with the option for taking out a subscription, and includes any Newsletter costs within the team fees.
Delete Rule 7.8 (charging for Newsletter subscriptions – team registration fees will incorporate the cost of producing the RDTTA Newsletter)
Amend Rule 7.2.1: For each team entered in a main division, an amount as determined from time to time by an Annual General Meeting, or a Special General Meeting called for that purpose.
[For 2017-18 the amount is £25.50].
11.3 Proposal from RDTTA Management Committee
Amend the following rule to read as follows, to update the wording relating to appropriate footwear:
Rule 11.5.1 Players should wear soft training / sports shoes when playing at all premises and these should be of a make not likely to cause marks or scuffs to the flooring of premises.
11.4 Proposal from RDTTA Management Committee
The following amendments are to update the wording to allow for fees to be paid by bank transfer:
Rule 12.1 Before each season every club secretary shall forward to the General Secretary (or other designated official) a completed form RTT A, accompanied by the appropriate fees or with confirmation that these fees have been paid to the Association’s bank account, by the date determined by the Management Committee. The completed form RTT A will show details of teams to be entered in the various divisions, including for each team the team captain and home team match night, which may not be a Saturday or Sunday.
Rule 12.2.1 Before each season every club secretary shall also forward to the League Registrations Secretary a completed form RTT B, accompanied by the appropriate fees (or with confirmation that these fees have been paid to the Association’s bank account), showing a list of players for which application for registration is made, by the date to be determined by the Management Committee. The list of players for the main divisions must contain at least three players in each team.
Rule 12.2.2 Applications for registration made by clubs after forwarding completed form RTT B shall be made in writing by the club secretary and sent to the League Registrations Secretary accompanied by the appropriate fees or with confirmation that these fees have been paid to the Association’s bank account. The appropriate Divisional Fixture Secretary shall be notified at the same time (if the handbook has not been published then notification should be sent to the Divisional Fixture Secretary immediately after its publication).
11.5 Proposal from RDTTA Management Committee
The following amendments are to remove the fines for conceding sets and playing a match with less than three players. It is not in the spirit of the game and no fines have been imposed for many years
Rule 12.7.1 – replace final sentence:
If a team fails to play all possible sets its club shall be fined £2.00 for each set conceded.
Team Captains should make every effort to ensure that a minimum of three players turn up for each match, even if this means using eligible available reserves from lower ranked teams.
Delete Rule 12.7.5:
If a team in a team match plays with less than the minimum number of eligible registered players as required the club shall be fined £3.00 for the first offence and £10.00 for each subsequent offence in a season.
11.6 Proposal from RDTTA Management Committee
The following amendment is to include the provision for emailing match scorecards, re-orders the paragraphs and removes the section about fines.
Replace the current Rule 12.10 with the following:
The official scorecard provided should be used to record the names of the players taking part in the team match (including the doubles pairings) and the full scores of every set. The scorecard must be signed by the captain of each team.
The completed scorecard must be forwarded to the appropriate Divisional Fixture Secretary at the earliest opportunity. If posted it should be stamped with a first class stamp and postmarked not later than the day following the team match. If a photo or scan of the scorecard is sent by email this should be done within 24 hours of the team match. If delivered by hand to the residence of the Divisional Fixture Secretary this should be done within 48 hours of the team match.
11.7 Proposal from RDTTA Management Committee
The following amendments are to:
12.11.1 Emphasise that teams should call on reserves from lower teams
12.11.2 Emphasise the responsibility of the team captain
12.11.3 Remove the fine for matches not played
12.11.4 Remove the associated fine refund
Rule 12.11.1 Each team match shall take place on the fixture list date except that, by mutual agreement, it may be played at an earlier date. Every effort should be made to field a full team, where necessary making use of players from the same club who are registered in a lower division as per rule 12.5.2.
Rule 12.11.2 If a team is unable to fulfil or complete a fixture due to circumstances beyond its control (e.g. electricity failure, loss of venue or extreme weather conditions) the Management Committee may direct that the team match shall be played at a later date provided that application is made by the relevant team captain to the Divisional Fixture Secretary. Such an application must be in writing and must give full particulars in support.
Rule 12.11.3 If a team match is not played in accordance with 12.11.1 or 12.11.2 a 10-0 win together with two points shall be awarded to the opposing team.
Rule 12.11.4 If the Management Committee accepts an application claiming that there is a very good reason for not being able to fulfil a fixture under 12.11.1 or 12.11.2, and if the team match is subsequently played by mutual agreement with the opponents, the result may be allowed to stand. Any application claiming that there is a very good reason must be made in writing to the Divisional Fixture Secretary before the team match is rearranged, and must give full particulars in support.