Chairmans letter


Thank you for entering a team in the South Devon and Torbay TableTennis League for 2016/17.

You should have received, or will shortly be receiving, the following;    

1   Handbooks for every registered player.

2   Sufficient result cards for both League and Cup matches.

3   Entry forms for the Early Season Tournament on Sunday 20th November at the Torbay Leisure Centre. Closing date is Thursday 17th November. Forms can also be downloaded from our website.

This season we have 33 teams across 4 Divisions. As teams in Divisions 1, 2 and 3 will be playing each other 3 times this will mean more matches but extra responsibility on Team Contacts to get the matches played with minimal postponements.

Please do your best to organise your league/cup programme efficiently.

It is hoped that despite the full programme there will be the opportunity to play the Singles Super League – details to follow.

Finally, if any of the Clubs/Teams do NOT wish to enter the Cup Competitions this season then please let me know as soon as possible.

I hope everyone has an enjoyable and sporting season.

Best wishes


PS   If required, I have plenty of plastic balls for sale!


Author: via South Devon and Torbay Table Tennis League
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