I must sadly advise that Nigel Stone passed away aged 75 on 8th July following a cardiac arrest.
I am unsure of his early career in the SDTTTL, other than a brief spell with Taverners, but he was a key player for the Tykes between 1998 and 2008, always averaging above 70%.
I am sure many of his opponents came to the table and thought they would have little problem in defeating the middle-aged, slightly portly, unathletic looking player at the other end. They got their best shots away but the ball just kept coming back! Twenty-one unforced errors later Nigel had won another game – but always in a warm, friendly and respectful manner.
He often told us that in his younger days he had an all round game and bemoaned the loss of his attacking strokes. We were just grateful he frustrated his opponents to defeat and Tykes had another point on the board.
There must be players in the league who were taught French by Nigel at Audley Park, where he was Deputy Head. I hope there are fewer who came across him after he retired from teaching when he took on a new role as a JP!
Nigel and Lyn loved to travel but unfortunately this was curtailed from August 2019 when he was diagnosed with myeloma, a cancer of the bone marrow. This also prevented him from travelling to watch his beloved Plymouth Argyle at Home Park, where he was a season ticket holder.
Rest in Peace Nigel, a respected opponent and a true gentleman.
Steve Metcalfe
Tykes Table Tennis