Jeremy Giffin
Ranking Stats
Points History
Position History
Change History
Ranking Points HistoryFeb 24Mar 24Apr 24May 24Jun 24Jul 24Oct 24Nov 24Dec 24Jan 25Feb 2513001350140014501500
Ranking Position History For BasildonFeb 24Mar 24Apr 24May 24Jun 24Jul 24Oct 24Nov 24Dec 24Jan 25Feb 259216931694169516961697169816
Ranking Change HistoryFeb 24Mar 24Apr 24May 24Jun 24Jul 24Oct 24Nov 24Dec 24Jan 25Feb 25-50510152025
Ranking Summary
Season Starting Points 1383
Results Count 79
Current Points (Calculated monthly) 1434
Current Points Season Change +51
Provisional (Calculated Daily) 1432
Provisional Season Change +49
Click here to view TT365 Ranking Profile
Player Audit :: 79 Results
Opponent (Rating) Weight Date Your Rating Result Link Bonus +/-
Denis Crapnell (1753) 0.5 05/02/2025 1434 LOSS 0 0
Mervyn Perriman (1696) 0.5 05/02/2025 1434 LOSS 0 -1
Louis Gunn (1608) 0.5 05/02/2025 1434 LOSS 0 -1
Randy Santiago (1023) 0.5 30/01/2025 1432 WIN 0 1
James Parker (525) 0.5 30/01/2025 1432 WIN 0 1
David Hancox (1558) 0.5 28/01/2025 1434 LOSS 0 -1
Gordon Gatheral (1641) 0.5 28/01/2025 1434 LOSS 0 -1
Neil Want (1947) 0.5 28/01/2025 1434 LOSS 0 0
David Marsh (1535) 0.5 24/01/2025 1439 LOSS 0 -2
Terry Hyland (1550) 0.5 24/01/2025 1439 LOSS 0 -1
Peter Harverson (1458) 0.5 24/01/2025 1439 LOSS 0 -2
Kevin Walsingham (1211) 0.5 13/01/2025 1436 WIN 0 2
Joanna Hills (1213) 0.5 13/01/2025 1436 WIN 0 2
Terry Giddens (1543) 0.5 13/01/2025 1436 LOSS 0 -1
Peter Chastin (1858) 0.5 08/01/2025 1436 LOSS 0 0
Richard Storey (2051) 0.5 08/01/2025 1436 LOSS 0 0
Gary Brignall (2126) 0.5 08/01/2025 1436 LOSS 0 0
Matthew Brown (1945) 0.5 07/01/2025 1426 LOSS 0 0
Malcolm Henstock (1695) 0.5 07/01/2025 1426 WIN 0 11
Peter Layzell (1654) 0.5 07/01/2025 1426 LOSS 0 -1
Vaughan Chambers (1104) 0.5 19/12/2024 1420 WIN 0 1
Tony Papasifakis (1189) 0.5 19/12/2024 1420 WIN 0 2
Chris Crooks (1274) 0.5 19/12/2024 1420 WIN 0 3
Mike Trendell (1459) 0.5 13/12/2024 1418 WIN 0 5
John Max Southby (1351) 0.5 13/12/2024 1418 LOSS 0 -3
Simon Quelch (1499) 0.5 06/12/2024 1419 LOSS 0 -2
Neil Freeman (1888) 0.5 06/12/2024 1419 LOSS 0 0
Gary Simmons (1019) 0.5 06/12/2024 1419 WIN 0 1
Andy Seaman (1770) 0.5 05/12/2024 1404 LOSS 0 0
Patrick White (1715) 0.5 05/12/2024 1404 LOSS 0 0
Michael Johnston (1780) 0.5 05/12/2024 1404 WIN 0 15
Xi Wei (1012) 0.5 28/11/2024 1411 LOSS 0 -8
Andrew Roff (1034) 0.5 28/11/2024 1411 WIN 0 1
Andrew Meader  0.5 28/11/2024 1411 LOSS 0 0
Trevor Ward (1645) 0.5 26/11/2024 1392 LOSS 0 -1
Kim Shead (2231) 0.5 26/11/2024 1392 LOSS 0 0
Tony Ayliffe (1852) 0.5 26/11/2024 1392 WIN 0 20
Dion Fernandes (1122) 0.5 25/11/2024 1407 LOSS 0 -6
Cleon Fernandes (1576) 0.5 25/11/2024 1407 LOSS 0 -1
Vishnu Surendran (1096) 0.5 25/11/2024 1407 LOSS 0 -8
James Hughes (1214) 0.5 25/10/2024 1401 WIN 0 2
Ray Horton (1170) 0.5 25/10/2024 1401 WIN 0 2
Keith Cullen (1165) 0.5 25/10/2024 1401 WIN 0 2
Jean Chasmer (1309) 0.5 24/10/2024 1392 WIN 0 3
Peter Layzell (1695) 0.5 24/10/2024 1392 LOSS 0 0
David Oxley-Goody (1471) 0.5 24/10/2024 1392 WIN 0 6
Louis Gunn (1616) 0.5 18/10/2024 1381 WIN 0 11
Denis Balic (1839) 0.5 18/10/2024 1381 LOSS 0 0
Denis Crapnell (1769) 0.5 18/10/2024 1381 LOSS 0 0
Peter Saunders (1672) 0.5 17/10/2024 1379 LOSS 0 -1
Mike Trendell (1498) 0.5 17/10/2024 1379 LOSS 0 -1
John Max Southby (1387) 0.5 17/10/2024 1379 WIN 0 4
Colin Napper (1928) 0.5 14/10/2024 1380 LOSS 0 0
Brian Riedling (1638) 0.5 14/10/2024 1380 LOSS 0 -1
Lloyd Bennett-Smith (1960) 0.5 14/10/2024 1380 LOSS 0 0
David Hancox (1569) 0.5 10/10/2024 1359 WIN 0 11
Terry Hyland (1499) 0.5 10/10/2024 1359 LOSS 0 -1
Peter Lucraft (1641) 0.5 10/10/2024 1359 WIN 0 11
Keith Martin (1794) 0.5 07/10/2024 1360 LOSS 0 0
Michael Johnston (1771) 0.5 07/10/2024 1360 LOSS 0 0
Alex Tkachuk (1541) 0.5 07/10/2024 1360 LOSS 0 -1
Paul Aarons (1003) 0.5 04/10/2024 1360 WIN 0 1
Bob Francis (1108) 0.5 04/10/2024 1360 WIN 0 2
Nick Rounce (1288) 0.5 04/10/2024 1360 LOSS 0 -3
Todd Barker (508) 0.5 01/10/2024 1373 LOSS 0 -13
David Woolmer (1771) 0.5 01/10/2024 1373 LOSS 0 0
Tony Jacks (1749) 0.5 01/10/2024 1373 LOSS 0 0
Ryan Pitt (1905) 0.5 27/09/2024 1362 LOSS 0 0
Matthew Brown (1928) 0.5 27/09/2024 1362 LOSS 0 0
Robert Garson (1588) 0.5 27/09/2024 1362 WIN 0 11
Andrew Roff (1031) 0.5 26/09/2024 1365 WIN 0 1
Dave Walton (1154) 0.5 26/09/2024 1365 LOSS 0 -6
Steve Lennox (1110) 0.5 26/09/2024 1365 WIN 0 2
Nick Giles (1359) 0.5 25/09/2024 1379 LOSS 0 -2
Jago Ware (228) 0.5 25/09/2024 1379 LOSS 0 -13
Sachin Torne (389) 0.5 25/09/2024 1379 WIN 0 1
David Moles (1581) 0.5 16/09/2024 1383 LOSS 0 -1
Colin Barham (1420) 0.5 16/09/2024 1383 LOSS 0 -2
Malcolm Storey (1568) 0.5 16/09/2024 1383 LOSS 0 -1
Total Points:  49

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Rankings Explained
The Table Tennis 365 ranking scheme is a cumulative point based system that produces an ordered list based on relative playing standards. Read more detailed information here.

About Your Rating
The rankings listed on this page are for Basildon Table Tennis League. To see your ranking in other organisations please visit their website. To view your (or any other players) full ranking audit, click on the player name.

Why am I not on the list?
If you are not listed but you expect to be, there are a few reasons why.

1. Are you a member of this organisation, check your Table Tennis 365 (UK) membership record.
2. Check with the Basildon Table Tennis League administrator to make sure you have met their criteria for inclusion.
3. You may not have a rating, this happens automatically usually it takes less than one month, so check with the Basildon Table Tennis League administrator if you have played in more than 6 matches, with at least one win for a period of longer than one month.

How Ratings Are Calculated
A rating is based on your season starting points and then applying all the ranking changes accrued from every match played that is counted for ranking. If you play in multiple leagues the effect of all matches will be noticeable on your rating. Note: If the league you play in does not use TT365 league manager the results are not counted.

Periods Explained
Current period is based on the entire season's results which is from 1st August to the end of the last full month. You can view historic period data by clicking the more periods button. Provisional is based on the points from the current period, plus all calculated result to date. Click here to see when the scheduled ranking run dates.

Note: Whilst Table Tennis 365 do power the Table Tennis England & Table Tennis Scotland national ranking systems, this ranking scheme is operated independently by Table Tennis 365. If you have queries relating to these rankings, please direct your query to your local league or club administrator, who will respond or feed queries that cannot be answered by them, to us. Do not contact Table Tennis England or Table Tennis Scotland about these ranking lists.