Match Report
A hard fought game with no player managing to win all of his games making the draw a fair result
Written by: Ryan Sutcliffe
Basildon Table Tennis League is a table tennis league affiliated to Table Tennis 365 (UK).
This website is powered by Table Tennis 365.
Alan Wood (TT365 Webmaster)
07794619988 (m)
David Woolmer (TT365 Webmaster ,Divisional Results Secretary)
01702 512287 (h)
07983500014 (m)
Ian Cranstone (Committee Member)
07707036754 (m)
Kim Shead (General Secretary)
07905 614899 (h)
07905 614899 (m)
Lin Roff (Coaching Officer)
01268 976076 (h)
07832 218232 (m)
Mike Trendell (Committee Member)
07818755438 (m)
Peter Saunders (Chairman ,Divisional Results Secretary)
01702553786 (h)
07837663450 (m)