Cup Handicaps (March 2025)

Below is a link to the handicaps for the semi-final and finals of the various handicap cups.  The handicaps have been calculated using the percentage win rate from this season for all results recorded up to 16/03/2025.  If you feel a handicap is inaccurate/unfair, please contact me and I will happily consider amending/modifying it to make it fairer.  As you can appreciate, it would be impossible for me to "sense check" every individuals handicap manually so I apologize in advance if some are inaccurate/wrong

Download handicaps from link below:

  • Handicaps All Cups (Mar 2025)
  • Please remember that the match cards cannot be entered via the TableTennis365 website, so use WhatsApp/Messenger/Email to send a photo of the match card to me so I can update the relevant web page manually.

    Let me know if you have any problems/questions. 


    Good luck.




    Martyn Rolling

    Match Secretary
    Bury & District Table Tennis League
    Mobile: 07739 936 136

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