(Affiliated to Table Tennis England and the Surrey TTA)



President: John Barker


Hon Treasurer                                Chairman                    TT365 Administrator

Simon Fisher                                   Chris Harper                        Graham Hansen


Minutes of the Annual General Meeting

held at Eldon Phab on Tuesday 30th July 2024



John Barker, President

Chris Harper, Chairman

Simon Fisher, Hon Treasurer

Harry Isaacs

Simon Narramore

Mo Istihikhar,

Roger Nichols, Committee members

Graham Rose                       Sam Boison

Quan Zhou                           Jane Barella (Surrey TTA)

Ashley Hird                          Ian O’Connor

Jeremy Wu                           Roy Thompson

Aaron Graham                    Gerry Mold

Richard Pratt                       Michelle McGovern

Lew Hodges                         Andrew McCarthy

Chris Posford                       John Dungate

Robin Faulkner                   Massimo De Santis

Desmond Coke


Apology for Absence: Graham Hansen


Minutes of the 2023AGM


Chris Harper said he had not copied the minutes (already circulated) as the only matter arising is the TTE appointment of Nick Donald as chairman.






Chairman/Secretary’s Report


Chris Harper said that Simon Narramore and Harry Isaacs joined the committee last season and he would like to thank them as well as the other committee members, including John, Simon Fisher, Graham Hansen, Roger Nichols and Mo for their work over the year.


The divisions ran fairly smoothly but there was again the problem of teams not having sufficient players, leading often to postponements. It can happen to any team in certain circumstances but the main culprit, as usual, was South Croydon. In addition to their normal problems, they had to withdraw their A team from the 1st Division after the season had started.


They will need to be careful thought given to the composition of their teams next season or the League will have to consider sanctions.


The Cup Competitions ran successfully with the final of the Handicap being held at Eldon and the final of the Open Cup held, for various reasons, at Sparta. Congratulations to Limpsfield B, who slightly benefited from the handicapping system and to Sparta who won an excellent match against Ballards in the 9th and final game.


Because I had to take over the cup competitions  after the season had started I could not find the formula for handicapping teams based on ratings and had to rely on giving 5 points advantage or more to teams from different divisions. It worked reasonably well but hopefully the League will be able to revert to ratings next season.



Treasurer’s Report


Simon Fisher ran through the spreadsheet he had provided to the meeting. He mentioned that we have a healthy balance of £1812.05 but the cost of the trophies will reduce that figure. Chris Harper mentioned that the cost of engraving is nearly as much as the trophies and inflation has had an effect.


Simon ran through some of the payments made and referred to the compensation NatWest had paid for us being unable to access our account for a long period. Simon had borne the brunt of the work but insisted on sharing the sum with Chris.


Table Tennis England/ Surrey TTA


Chris Harper mentioned that he had already said that TTE appointed Nick Donald as chairman and they are still recruiting a new CEO. Most of the directors won’t be known to the membership apart, possibly, from Donald Parker and Ritchie Venner.


He believed that the membership fee for club players had increased to £20 but was quickly corrected by Jane Barella who said it is now £22.

We will not know the level of fees to Surrey TTA for a couple of months but they are due an increase. He said that Surrey are desperate for new committee members and at the moment everything appears to be falling on Jane Barella.


Proposals for Rule Changes


Ian O’Connor (Sparta) had proposed that the League considers using the British League format for matches, whereby teams still consist of 3 players but each only plays 2 games. As the doubles is still played the match is reduced to 7 games and so finishes in good time. Speaking to his proposal he said the intention is to stop matches finishing well after 11.00 when people have to work the next day and to encourage juniors to play in league matches.


CAH put it to the floor and there was a mixed reaction with some wanting to retain the present format and someone from Wickham Park suggesting that we drop the doubles.


After discussion, CAH agreed to circulate all clubs with the proposal and the options to remain as we are or to drop the doubles.


Harry Isaacs had proposed preventing players practising on spare tables when playing in a match as they gained an advantage. This is usually home team players but not always. There was no opposition and the meeting agreed that it be added to the League Rules.


CAH raised the matter if Rule 9 of the Cup Rules which stipulated that players in the semi-final or final of the cup competitions had to have played at least a third of league matches. He said that the current rule was created when there were settled teams of 3 or 4 regular players but that was no longer the case and the rule is obviously causing some clubs difficulty in complying.


Ian O’Connor said it was virtually impossible for Sparta to comply as they register a lot of players for each team just to get through the season and few, if any, would be eligible.


CAH asked the floor for suggestions as to how the integrity of the competitions can be maintained while preventing teams bringing in a ‘ringer’. After discussion it was agreed that the rule would be relaxed to stipulate that players must have played at least 3 league matches.


Election of League Officials


CAH said that he had notified clubs that both he and Simon Fisher would be standing down at this AGM and asked the meeting for nominations. Having been met with silence he adjourned the meeting for 10 minutes for members to discuss.


On resumption Jeremy Wu was nominated for Treasurer , seconded by Quan Zhou, and Aaron Graham volunteered to take over as League Secretary. CAH said that he and Simon would provide whatever support is required.


Harry Isaacs volunteered to become Cup Secretary and organise the competitions but declined purchasing the trophies. The new committee will have to decide whether to continue with trophies or purchase vouchers.


The new nominations and the existing committee were agreed by all.


Any Other Business


Jane Barella commanded the floor and presented Chris Harper with the Trevor Channing trophy by which Surrey mark people who have given a significant contribution to table tennis in Surrey. Chris said he was extremely honoured to have been presented with such an award.


Presentation of trophies


The chairman asked the President if he would kindly present the trophies to last year’s winners and runners up.


Division 1 Winners: Sparta A

Division 1 Runners Up: Ballard A

Division 2 Winners: Sparta B

Divisions 2 Runners Up: South Croydon B

Divisions 3 Winners: Sparta D

Division 3 Runners Up: Wickham Park D

Division 4 Winners: Limpsfield B

Division 4 Runners Up: Eldon E

The John Mullis Open Cup Winners: Sparta A

The John Mullis Open Cup Runners Up: Ballards A

The John Mullis Handicap Cup Winners: Limpsfield B

The John Mullis Handicap Cup Runners Up: Wickham Park D


The Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance and wished them a successful season.


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