Player Statistics > Alan Levine
Player Performance
1234589101112Match Number0123Wins
Results > Shotguns C
Opponent Team Date Score Result
Chris Jones Shot A 6-11 9-11 7-11 Loss
Tim Simms-Baalham Shot A 11-6 5-11 8-11 7-11 Loss
Adrian Key With Bees 11-4 11-9 11-5 Win
Steve Griffee With Bees 5-11 11-2 6-11 8-11 Loss
Ian Brown With Bees 6-11 4-11 12-14 Loss
Trevor Cottee Roy Reb 11-9 11-8 11-9 Win
Andrew Doe Roy Reb 11-6 11-7 11-7 Win
Scott Boast Roy Reb 9-11 11-8 9-11 11-9 8-11 Loss
David Crisp Diss Apaches 11-7 11-8 10-12 11-8 Win
James Taylor Diss Apaches 2-11 9-11 4-11 Loss
James Crisp Diss Apaches 4-11 7-11 11-8 7-11 Loss
Tim Simms-Baalham Shot A 5-11 8-11 4-11 Loss
Lewis Taylor Shot A 4-11 9-11 1-11 Loss
Stuart Langridge Shot A 8-11 11-7 4-11 6-11 Loss
Steve Griffee With Bees 11-6 11-13 6-11 11-3 11-4 Win
Ian Brown With Bees 7-11 1-11 6-11 Loss
Adrian Key With Bees 9-11 11-8 11-6 11-7 Win
Andrew Doe Roy Reb 5-11 7-11 11-7 11-6 11-6 Win
Nigel Manning Roy Reb 7-11 11-6 9-11 8-11 Loss
Daniel Taylor Roy Reb 5-11 11-8 4-11 11-5 10-12 Loss
Marcus Hammond Shot B 7-11 9-11 11-8 7-11 Loss
Philip Mortlock Shot B 11-9 6-11 8-11 9-11 Loss
James Taylor Diss Apaches 4-11 4-11 11-6 9-11 Loss
James Crisp Diss Apaches 1-11 5-11 9-11 Loss
David Crisp Diss Apaches 10-12 3-11 11-2 11-4 5-11 Loss
Played: 25
Results > Shotguns A
Opponent Team Date Score Result
Ian Brown With Bees 5-11 6-11 4-11 Loss
Andrew Holmes With Bees 5-11 2-11 9-11 Loss
Adrian Key With Bees 14-12 11-8 11-4 Win
Played: 3
Other Seasons
Start Date Season
Winter 2017-18
Winter 2018-19
Winter 2020-21
Winter 2021-22
Winter 2022-23
Diss 2024-25
Winter 2023-24
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