LEAGUE CONSTITUTION. (Modifications for 2018 - 2019 are shown in RED)
(hereafter ‘the Constitution’)
1. NAME.
The League shall be called the East Flintshire Table Tennis League (hereafter ‘the
League’) and shall be affiliated to the Table Tennis Association of Wales Ltd (hereafter
the TTAW) and the North Wales Counties Table Tennis Association (hereafter the
2.1 To assist and encourage the formation of Table Tennis clubs and teams in the
East Flintshire area.
2.2 To further the interests of the sport of Table Tennis in the East Flintshire area,
wherever possible.
2.3 To organise such activities, competitions and tournaments as the members shall
2.4 In pursuing its objects, the League will promote equal opportunities and actively
seek to eliminate effects of prejudice and discrimination relating to age, culture, disability,
gender, language, racial origin, religious beliefs or sexual identity.
2.5 The League is committed to protecting children from emotional, physical or
sexual harm by implementing clear practice and procedures.
3.1 Applications for membership of the League shall be made, on the official form in
force at the time, through the Fixture Secretary, to the League Management
Committee, which has the power to refuse admission.
3.2 In accepting membership of the League, Clubs and their teams agree to abide by
this Constitution, together with the Rules of the League, and to require their
individual playing members to do so also.
3.3 Membership of the League shall lapse on the 30th June each year.
4.1 An annual subscription will be payable to the League by each registered player.
4.2 This subscription will be recommended each year by the League Treasurer for
approval at the Annual General Meeting (hereafter ‘A.G.M’) by all members
present at that meeting.
4.3 Each Club Secretary will be responsible for returning their completed registration
form to the Fixture Secretary before the start of the season, and payment of the annual
subscription & affiliation fees for all players registered to the League Treasurer
by the 30th September (or other date as decided upon by the Treasurer) of the new season.
5.1 The officers of the League shall be the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, League
Secretary, League Treasurer and Fixture Secretary. (hereafter ‘the Officers’).
5.2 The conduct of the League shall be vested in the Officers, who may, provided
three Officers are present, make decisions affecting the day to day running of
the League. The Officers shall, however, be responsible to the Management
Committee, to whom all decisions taken must be referred for ratification.
5.3 The Officers shall retire annually, but shall be eligible for re-election.
5.4 Election of the Officers, together with any other positions, shall take place at the
A.G.M of the League.
5.5 Any of the Officers not willing to stand for re-election should inform the League
Secretary at the A.G.M, or earlier, if possible.
5.6 In the event of more than one nomination for any office or position at the A.G.M,
then a ballot shall take place.
5.7 The safe keeping of League trophies shall be vested with the Officers who will
act in the capacity of Trustees.
6.1 The control of all matters affecting the League shall be exercised by the
Management Committee.
6.2 The Management Committee shall consist of the Officers (as per 5.1 above) and
at least one representative of each Club team which is a member of the League,
but not already represented by one of the Officers.
6.3 The Management Committee shall have the power to create and fill any other
office which in its opinion is necessary, including – but not limited to – Selection
and Disciplinary Committees. All representatives created by these means must
retire at the next A.G.M and stand for re-election should the office(s) be deemed
necessary to continue.
6.4 The dates and venues of all meetings of the Management Committee, during the
playing season, shall be included in the official handbook for that season.
6.5 The quorum necessary for the transaction of business by the Management
Committee is five persons of the membership present and eligible to vote, and in
the absence of the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson shall be entitled to elect a
Chair from those present.
6.6 Every item for discussion at a Management Committee meeting shall be
determined by a majority of the votes of the members present and voting, each
Officer and team representative having one vote. However, if an Officer is also
his/her team representative, then he/she should only have one vote and not two.
In the event of an equality of votes, the Chair shall have a second or casting vote.
6.7 The interpretation of the Constitution shall be vested in the Management
Committee, who shall decide all questions relating to the League, other than
those specified in, or involving an amendment to, the Constitution.
6.8 Club Secretaries may request the Chairperson to call a Management Committee at any time,
upon submitting, in writing, details of any important matter they wish to be raised, outside the
dates of meetings included in the official handbook for that season. The Chairperson may then
decide to call such a meeting or decide the matter must be dealt with by the Officers in
accordance with 5.2 above.
7.1 The financial year of the League shall end on the 30th April each year, and an
audited Statement of Accounts up to and including this date shall be presented
by the League Treasurer to the A.G.M.
7.2 The League Treasurer shall be responsible for the safe keeping of all funds.
7.3 All funds belonging to the League shall be lodged in a bank account in the name
of The East Flintshire Table Tennis League. Cheques or drafts drawn on this
account must be signed by two of the following Officers: Chairperson, Secretary,
Treasurer or by one other nominated signatory.
7.4 In the event that the League is dissolved, any funds belonging to the League,
after discharge of all debts and liabilities at the time of dissolution, shall not be
distributed amongst members, but shall be donated to a society (or societies)
with similar aims, or other charity as decided by the Officers in post at that time.
8.1 The A.G.M of the League will be held during June each year, when:-
(a) the annual reports of the Chairperson, Fixture Secretary and the
audited Statement of Accounts from the Treasurer shall be presented.
(b) the election of the Officers, and any other Committee members or
representatives will take place.
(c) any proposed amendments or alterations to the Constitution and the
League/Cup Competition Rules will be debated before being accepted or
rejected by a majority of the votes of the members present and voting.
(d) two Auditors will be appointed for the coming season.
8.2 28 days notice of the date of the A.G.M and its Agenda, shall be circulated to all
League Officials and Club Secretaries by the League Secretary, together with an
invitation to submit nominations for the election of Officers, other Committee
members or representatives, and any resolutions proposing amendments or
alterations to the Constitution and the League/Cup Competition Rules.
8.3 Nominations for the Officers, other Committee members or representatives must
be received by the League Secretary at the A.G.M, or earlier if possible.
Nominations can only be accepted from persons eligible to vote at the A.G.M. Any
position not filled at the A.G.M shall be referred to the authority of the
Management Committee.
8.4 Resolutions for the A.G.M Agenda involving proposed changes to the Constitution
and the League/Cup Competition Rules must be received by the League
Secretary at least 14 days prior to the A.G.M. No resolution involving amendments
or alterations to the Constitution and the League/Cup Competition Rules may be
proposed from the floor of the meeting.
8.5 Not less than 10 days before the A.G.M, the League Secretary will forward to all
League Officials and Club Secretaries a finalised A.G.M Agenda, giving details of
any nominations received, and of any resolutions proposing amendments or
alterations to the Constitution and the League/Cup Competition Rules.
8.6 No other business may be transacted at the A.G.M.
9.1 (a) A Special General Meeting, open to all members of the League, shall
be convened on a resolution of the Management Committee.
(b) An Extraordinary General Meeting, open to all members of the League,
must be called by the League Secretary, within 21 days of the League
Secretary receiving a written resolution signed by at least 5 League members.
9.2 Not less than 14 days notice of such Special or Extraordinary General Meetings
shall be given to all members.
9.3 Only business for which the meeting was convened may be transacted at
Special or Extraordinary General Meetings.
9.4 If the League’s Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson are not present at such General Meetings
then the meeting shall elect a chair from those present.
9.5 Each member present at such General Meetings shall have one vote, with resolutions being
decided by a simple majority. In the event of an equality of votes, the Chair shall have a second
or casting vote.
9.6 All matters at such General Meetings shall be decided by a show of hands of those
members present and eligible to vote, unless, at the request of any member present, the vote
shall be taken as a secret ballot.
The Management Committee shall be entitled, either directly or through a
Disciplinary Panel appointed for the purpose, to take appropriate disciplinary
action against players from any Club over conduct deemed to have brought
the sport and/or the League into disrepute.
There shall be a right of appeal to the Management Committee, or to an
Appeals Panel set up to act on its behalf, against any decision made by the
Disciplinary Panel.
LEAGUE RULES. (Modifications for 2018 - 2019 are shown in RED)
No amendment to, or alteration of these League Rules shall be made except at an
Annual General Meeting. (hereafter ‘A.G.M’). Any amendment, alteration or additional
rules must be submitted, in writing, to the League Secretary FOURTEEN days prior to
the date fixed for the A.G.M for inclusion on it’s Agenda, which shall be circulated to all
member Clubs prior to the A.G.M.
2.1 The Fixture Secretary shall call a League Formation Meeting in June of each year to take place
immediately after the closure of the A.G.M.
2.2 Officers of the League together with representatives of interested clubs that are
in attendance at the League Formation Meeting will be entitled to one vote each
on items under discussion. However, if an Officer is also his/her club
representative, then he/she will only have one vote and not two. In the event of
an equality of votes, the Chair shall have a second or casting vote.
2.3 In determining the format of the various divisions of the League at the start of the
season, the League Formation Meeting shall firstly follow the procedure laid
down regarding promotion and relegation as well as endeavouring to keep
divisions equally balanced in numbers of teams.
2.4 A relegated team may retain their status for the following season, at the
discretion of the League Formation Meeting, should a division become depleted
or due to a re-organisation of divisions.
2.5 New teams to the League will normally be placed in the lowest division, but in
such cases where the playing standard is considered sufficiently high enough,
then entry to a higher division shall be effected where possible.
3.1 The bottom team in the first division shall be relegated to the second division and
the top team in the second division shall be promoted to the first division. This system of one up
and one down shall also apply to all lower divisions.
3.2 Where two teams gain an equal number of points at the end of a season, league placing will be
based on the number of matches won, drawn and lost for each of the teams. If the tie cannot be
resolved in this manner where promotion or relegation is at issue, then the 'head to head'
results should be used and if this does not solve the problem, then the individual points scored
by each team in the 'head to head' results should be totalled to give an outcome.
The playing season shall commence not earlier than 1st September in each year and shall
terminate not later than the 2nd week of May in each succeeding year.
5.1 A club entering teams in the League shall, at least SEVEN days prior to the start
of the season, deposit with the Fixture Secretary, a list of that Club’s registered
players, ranked in strict order of merit, such list to include one group of three for
each team in excess of the first. Following acceptance of this list by the League
Management, players will play within each group in which they are placed.
5.2 The Management Committee have the power to alter a Club’s ranking list if it feels
this to be justified.
5.3 A player may play up to a total of FIVEgames for a particular higher seeded team during the
league season.The player cannot then play again for his/her lower seeded team during the
season. Where clubs have more than one team, then so that the lowest team is not
disadvantaged by this rule, thenONE and ONLY ONE of the three players in the
club’s accepted ranking list above those eligible for the lowest team may play
down for up to a total of THREE games for the lowest team.
5.4 Subject to the restriction detailed in 5.3 above, a player may play for TWO teams
in any one week.
5.5 Any club wishing to register a player after the start of the season must place
him/her in the correct position in their ranking list. The player cannot participate in
league or cup matches until he/she has been registered at least 24 hours
following receipt of a written application to the Fixture Secretary.
5.6 No registration of players will be allowed after 31st December without the
permission of the League Management.
6.1 Teams shall consist of 3, 4 or 5 players. Each match to consist of NINE singles and ONE doubles.
i.e 3 players shall play 3 opponents in singles and any 2 players shall play any 2 opponents
in doubles.
6.2 Each set will be the best of FIVE games of 11 points unless both players or doubles pairing
have scored 10 points when the winner of the game shall be the player or doubles pairing who
first wins 2 points more than their opponent(s). Should a player or doubles pairing not conclude
their game, then the game shall be awarded to their opponent(s).
6.3 Matches will be played under the following schedule:-
1 v 2; 2 v 3; 3 v 1; 1 v 3; 3 v 2; Doubles; 2 v 1; 3 v 3; 2 v 2; 1 v 1.
The number of GAMES won in each SET will be awarded to each team.
6.4 Matches to start at 7.30 pm. Non-attendance of a team by 8.00 pm will result in
the loss of the match. If only ONE player is present at 8.30 pm, his/her team will
forfeit the remaining SEVEN sets. If only TWO players are present at 9.00 pm,
the remaining THREE sets will be forfeited. In the case of inclement weather an
appeal can be made to the Management Committee.
6.5 All league matches must be played on the nights stipulated in the fixture lists.
6.6 Where two team captains are in agreement, a league fixture can be postponed if a team has
only one player available. If two players are available for a team, the fixture cannot be
postponed. The request for a postponement must be notified, in writing, and agreed with the
Fixture Secretary before moving the fixture to the next “catch-up” week, as designated within
the official fixture list. Failure to meet this condition wil result in the match being awarded to
the team not originally requesting the postponement.
6.7 If a player is selected to represent either the TTAW, NWCTTA or the EFTTL, and the match falls
on the same date as a league or cup fixture, then the re-arranged league or cup fixture must be
fulfilled under the conditions detailed under 6.6 above. Any exception to this will be at the sole
discretion of the Management Committee.
6.8 Any team failing to fulfil fixtures on more than THREE occasions in a season will
be automatically expelled from the League for the remainder of the season.
6.9 The appearance of TWO registered players by 8.30 pm on the stipulated fixture
night shall mean that the fixture ha\s been fulfilled, provided they then play. The
appearance of only ONE registered player by 8.00 pm with no others arriving by
8.30 pm on the stipulated fixture night shall mean that the fixture has not been
fulfilled. If the sole player then plays, any games won will be credited to his/her
team league points total.
The scorecards for each match shall be signed by each team captain and posted
or scanned & e-mailed by the home club to reach the Fixture Secretary, no later
than 72 hours following the date of the stipulated match.
8.1 Any team playing an unregistered, or otherwise ineligible player, shall on the first
occasion have FIVE points deducted, and on each subsequent occasion have TEN points
deducted from its league total. Any set in which he/she plays and wins, shall be awarded to
the opposing team.
8.2 Any player who is not eligible for a team in which he/she plays will be liable to THREE WEEKS
suspension commencing the Sunday following the decision to suspend.
8.3 In the event of a club team not fulfilling a scheduled fixture, the opponents shall be awarded
the points. If a club fails to notify opponents of its inability to fulfil a fixture by 5.00 pm on the
day of the match, then the offending club shall be liable for any costs incurred by their
8.4 The record of any team who resigns or is expelled from the League during the
playing season will be expunged.
9.1 All protests and disputes must be sent to the League Secretary, in writing, for
consideration at the next League Management Meeting, with a deposit fee of
ONE POUND, to be refunded if the complaint is upheld.
9.2 No protest relating to a match will be considered unless it is received by the
League Secretary within SEVEN days from the stipulated date of the match.
9.3 A copy of the relevant protest must be sent to the opposing club concerned, by the protesting
club, at the same time as the protest is sent to the League Secretary.
9.4 The representatives of the clubs concerned shall not vote OR be present when
the League Management Committee arrives at its decision which will be final and binding.
10.1 No Divisional or Cup Trophy can be won outright by any club or team, and the
holders shall keep such trophies in proper condition, being responsible for any
damage thereto, except in so far as any insurance monies are recovered in
respect of same.
10.2 Trophies shall be returned to the League Secretary by the holding clubs at least
one month before the completion of the league fixtures or respective cup finals
in the current playing season.
10.3 The League shall award up to FOUR momentoes to the winners and runners-up
of the divisional and cup events.
11.1 The Laws of Table Tennis adopted by the ITTF and approved by the TTAW shall
be used in the divisions of the League.
11.2 Only 3 Star balls currently approved by the ITTF and the TTAW may be used in
all matches.
11.3 If players play with different types of rubber on each side of their bats, then one
must be red and the other one must be black.
11.4 All matters not provided for in these League Rules, and arising during the
playing season, shall be decided by the Management Committee.
CUP COMPETITION RULES. (Modifications for 2018 - 2019 are shown in RED)
1.1 The Cup Competition Committee shall organise all Cup Competitions according
to the number of divisions and teams in the League.
1.2 Where cup competitions are to be run on a knockout basis, then the draw for
each will be made on a “straight through basis” by the Cup Competition
Committee prior to the start of the playing season, thereby enabling such draws
to be included in the Official Handbook for that season.
1.3 In the case of drawn matches, where cup matches are run on a knockout
basis, an extra doubles game will be played, using a different combination of
doubles partners to achieve a result.
1.4 The dates and neutral venues for all final ties shall be arranged by the Cup
Competition Committee, who shall also appoint a referee to control these ties.
The decision of the referee shall be final.
1.5 Designation of home and away teams in the final of a cup competition shall be
determined by the referee tossing a coin.
1.6 No player may play in a semi-final or final of any cup competition unless he/she
has played in at least FIVE matches for that team before the date on which the
semi-final or final is to be played.
1.7 No registered player shall play for more than one team in the same cup
Competition, where that Competition is run on a knockout basis. Any team
playing a “Cup Tied” player will be automatically disqualified from that competition.
1.8 In the case of a team playing an unregistered or otherwise ineligible player, then
the opposing team will be deemed the winners of the match.
1.9 With the exception of the group stages of the D.R.Ledgard Challenge & Handicap
Cups, all cup matches, including semi-finals and finals must be played in the
week stipulated in the official league handbook, or as directed by the Cup
Competitions Committee. NO REARRANGEMENT CAN BE MADE. Teams unable or failing
to fulfil a fixture will result in the match being awarded to their opponents
1.10 Where two team captains are in agreement, a cup group stage fixture can be postponed if a
team has only one player available. If two players are available for a team, the fixture cannot
be postponed. The request for a postponement must be notified, in writing, and agreed with
the Fixture Secretary before moving the fixture to the next “catch-up” week, as designated
within the official fixture list. Failure to meet this condition will result in the match being
awarded to the team not originally requesting the postponement.
2.1 This competition shall be open to all teams in Division One of the League.
2.2 Commencing the second half of the season, teams will play on a group basis,
home and away, from which the top FOUR teams of the group will then contest
the semi-finals to decide the TWO finalists.
2.3 All sets will be the best of FIVE games of 11 points unless each player/pairing
have scored 10 points, then the winner(s) of the game will be will be the one(s) who first win 2
more points than their opponent(s).
2.4 The player cannot then play again for the lower seeded team during the competition.
Where clubs have more than one team, then so that the lowest team is not
disadvantaged by this rule, then ONE and ONLY ONE of the three players in
the club’s accepted ranking list above those eligible for the lowest team may play down
at anytime for up to a total of THREE games for the lowest team.
2.5 The draw for the semi-finals will be made at the last League Management of the playing season
and that the team drawn first for each semi-final will be the "Home" team.
3.1 This competition shall be open to all teams in Division Two of the League.
3.2 Commencing the second half of the season, teams will play on a group basis,
home and away, from which the top FOUR teams of the group will then contest
the semi-finals to decide the TWO finalists.
3.3 Team players shall be handicapped by the Cup Competitions Committee each
season, based on their playing record, prior to the first round of the competition.
Individual percentage records will be used by the Committee for this purpose,
these being provided by the Fixture Secretary on request.
Where clubs have more than one team in Division Two, then a player's handicap will be based
on their overall percentage record for all teams they have played for in Division Two prior to
the group stage of this Cup Competition and will apply irrespective of which team they are
eligible to play for in the group stage i.e. 1 player, 1 handicap, no matter how many teams they
play for prior to the group stage.
Players will be handicapped as follows:-
80% & over will be on scratch; 70% upwards will be on +1;
60% upwards on +2; 55% upwards on +3; 50% upwards on +4;
45% upwards on +5; 40% upwards on +6; 35% upwards on +7;
30% upwards on +8; and then 0% upto 30% will be on +9.
These handicaps will apply to every game of all sets played in the competition.
Club Secretaries will be notified by the Fixture Secretary of their players
handicaps before the start of the group. When doubles pairing handicaps are
added and then halved to give the pairings handicap, should a half-point
result, then the higher figure must be used. For example, 5.5 would be
rounded up to give 6.0, etc.
3.4 The score for each game will start with each players handicap
3.5 All sets will be the best of THREE games of 21 points unless each player/pairing
have scored 20 points, then the winner(s) of the game will be the one(s) who first
wins 2 more points than their opponent(s).
3.6 A player may play up to a total of THREE games for higher seeded teams.
The player cannot then play again for the lower seeded team during the
competition. Where clubs have more than one team, then so that the lowest
team is not disadvantaged by this rule, then only ONE and ONLY ONE of
the three players in the club’s accepted ranking list above those eligible for
the lowest team may play down at anytime for up to a total of THREE games
for the lowest team.
3.7 The draw for the semi-finals will be made at the last League Management of the playing season
and that the team drawn first for each semi-final will be the "Home" team.
4.1 This competition shall be open to all teams in membership of the EFTTL and will
be run on a knockout basis with teams handicapped as per 4.2 below.
4.2 Handicaps will be based on the League points of each team after completion of
the first two sessions of the season. Where teams have not completed the
requisite number of matches as scheduled by their League fixture list for this
period, then for the purpose of determining their handicap, they will be deemed to
have a penalty of TEN points added to their actual league points total at the
aforesaid stage of the season, for each match not fulfilled, thereby not giving
them any advantage over teams who have completed their required fixtures.
4.3 A match will be decided on a “total points scored” basis. On conclusion of the
match, each team shall total the points they have scored during the match, to
which their team handicap will then be added. The team with the higher total of
points shall be the winner.
4.4 As handicaps depend on the League points of each team after completion of the
first two sessions of the season, no player shall represent his/her team in the
competition unless he/she has played in THREE or more of the possible League
games during the first two sessions of the season.
4.5 Each set shall consist of TWO games only. A game stops when one player
reaches TWENTY ONE points.
5.1 This competition shall be open to all teams in Division Two of the League and will
be run on a knockout basis.
5.2 Each match will consist of NINE DOUBLES sets.
5.3 Each set shall consist of three games of 11 points. A game shall be won by
the pairing first scoring 11 points, unless each pairing has scored 10 points,
when the game shall be won by the pairing who then gain a lead of 2 points.
5.4 After each 2 points have been scored, the receiving pair shall become the serving
pair and so on until the end of the game, unless deuce score 10 - 10 occurs when
the sequence of serving and receiving shall be the same but each player shall
serve for only 1 point in turn. In the third game of each set, the pairings shall
change ends when first one pairing scores 5 points and the receiving pair shall
change their order of receiving.
5.5 Matches will be played under the following schedule:-
1&2 v 2&3; 2&3 v 1&3; 1&3 v 1&2; 1&2 v 1&3; 1&3 v 2&3;
2&3 v 1&2; 1&3 v 1&3; 1&2 v 1&2; 2&3 v 2&3
ONE match point shall be awarded for each game of each set won by a team.
5.6 A match will be decided on a "total match points scored" basis. The team with the
higher number of match points shall be the winner.