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SL 2019 Tables

Summer League tables

Christopher Garfin :

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Recent Match Reports

LSG Dragons (5 - 30) LSG Saints

Apparently there is an additional score to add to the card which is Edges and nets , the scores being Dragons 2  Saints 81

Full report and card

Written by: David Mawdesley for match on

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Future Fixtures
LSG Knights vs Wigan One Bats

Source: Wigan - Three

Wigan Eagles vs LSG Dragons

Source: Wigan - One

LSG Dragons vs Wigan Wanderers

Source: Wigan - One

Wigan Royals vs LSG Saints

Source: Wigan - One

Wigan Chasers vs LSG Raiders

Source: Wigan - Two

LSG Crusaders vs Rainford Spurs

Source: Wigan - Three