Coach - Jim Clegg
How to Play a Table Tennis Forehand Drive: Beginners Level
How to Play a Table Tennis Backhand Drive
Stage 1 Control
Stage 2 Speed
Stage 3 Wrist
Stage 4 Posture
9 Thought Processes For A Table Tennis Serve
(No.1-4): forehand or backhand serve; type of spin; where I should serve the ball from; where I should serve the ball to
(No.5-7): length of serve, speed of serve and where the ball should land on the servers side of the table
(No.8): how do you want your opponent to receive your serve
(No.9): how to make your opponent return your serve to where you want them to
How to Return a Short Backspin Serve: Forehand Flick - Beginners Level with Jim Clegg