Bing Siah (43175) - BETA

Summary 2015-16

Current Points:
Monthly +/-
Season +/-
Wins / Losses
16 / 31
Last Match:
12 days ago
Best Win:
Highest Winning Streak:



Playing Hand:
Playing Style:


Season History
Season Start End Change
2015-16 2148 2140 -8
2016-17 1926 2049 123
2017-18 1844 1902 58
2018-19 1712 1677 -35
2019-20 1677 1677 0
2020-21 1677 1677 0
2021-22 1677 1609 -68
2022-23 1609 1562 -47
2023-24 1562 1549 -13
2024-25 1549 1549 0
* click season to view previous season archive
Monthly Points Change
Best 8 wins
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Adil Islam (1642) LondonBanksAndCivilService\Active Season 24-25 WIN 1553 6
Zeshi Wang (2225) CentralLondon\Winter 2015-16 WIN 2145 6
Will Wood (1512) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1550 4
Chris Alexander (1413) LondonBanksAndCivilService\Active Season 24-25 WIN 1549 3
Ke Xin Li (1912) CentralLondon\Winter 2015-16 WIN 2145 2
Gary Defroand (1330) LondonBanksAndCivilService\Active Season 24-25 WIN 1553 2
Anoop Sharma (1359) LondonBanksAndCivilService\Active Season 24-25 WIN 1553 2
Ke Xin Li (1988) CentralLondon\Winter 2015-16 WIN 2146 2
Worst Loss :-(
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Ben Richardson-Bunbury (803) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 1563 -13
Full Season History
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Milind Mahajan (788) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1550 1
Will Wood (1512) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1550 4
Amartya Biswas (1210) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 1550 -8
Roger Cattermole (663) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1547 1
Bharat Raghu (330) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1547 1
Michaela Kirchem (346) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1547 1
Dave Mesfin (887) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1563 1
Ben Richardson-Bunbury (803) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 1563 -13
Ke Xin Li (1440) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 1563 -4
Gary Defroand (1330) LondonBanksAndCivilService\Active Season 24-25 WIN 1553 2
Anoop Sharma (1359) LondonBanksAndCivilService\Active Season 24-25 WIN 1553 2
Adil Islam (1642) LondonBanksAndCivilService\Active Season 24-25 WIN 1553 6
Ornob Abedin (1197) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1550 1
Isaac Jong Chee Yi (275) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1550 1
Matthias Kroeger (929) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1550 1
Duncan Brown (1820) LondonBanksAndCivilService\Active Season 24-25 LOSS 1549 -1
Chris Alexander (1413) LondonBanksAndCivilService\Active Season 24-25 WIN 1549 3
Toan To (1765) LondonBanksAndCivilService\Active Season 24-25 LOSS 1549 -1
Leo Veinsreider (2977) CentralLondon\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2140 0
CentralLondon\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2140 0
Silvia Trenti (2845) CentralLondon\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2140 0
CentralLondon\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2140 0
CentralLondon\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2140 0
David Busari (2943) CentralLondon\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2140 0
CentralLondon\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2146 -8
Ke Xin Li (1988) CentralLondon\Winter 2015-16 WIN 2146 2
CentralLondon\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2146 0
Robert Chambers (2434) CentralLondon\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2148 -1
Oleg Blyuss (2367) CentralLondon\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2148 -1
David Bottomley (2620) CentralLondon\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2151 0
Beng-Fai Mok (2249) CentralLondon\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2151 -2
Duong Yang (2282) CentralLondon\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2151 -1
Malgorzata Muda (3264) CentralLondon\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2151 0
CentralLondon\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2151 0
CentralLondon\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2151 0
Lawrence Chamberlain (2488) CentralLondon\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2152 0
Eric Van Looy (2550) CentralLondon\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2152 0
Biao Yang (2429) CentralLondon\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2152 -1
Giovanni Giuffrida (2421) CentralLondon\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2153 -1
Ahad Miah (2566) CentralLondon\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2153 0
Samson Bekele (2995) CentralLondon\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2153 0
Ke Xin Li (1912) CentralLondon\Winter 2015-16 WIN 2145 2
CentralLondon\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2145 0
Zeshi Wang (2225) CentralLondon\Winter 2015-16 WIN 2145 6
Beng-Fai Mok (2218) CentralLondon\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2148 -2
Christopher Marshall (2449) CentralLondon\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2148 0
CentralLondon\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2148 -1