Brian Rainford (68594) - BETA

Summary 2023-24

Current Points:
Monthly +/-
Season +/-
Wins / Losses
25 / 9
Last Match:
374 days ago
Best Win:
Highest Winning Streak:



Playing Hand:
Playing Style:


Season History
Season Start End Change
2015-16 1435 1435 0
2016-17 2578 2604 26
2017-18 2344 2382 38
2018-19 2144 2219 75
2019-20 2219 2260 41
2020-21 2260 2260 0
2021-22 2260 2260 0
2022-23 2260 2261 1
2023-24 2261 2285 24
2024-25 2285 2285 0
* click season to view previous season archive
Monthly Points Change
Best 8 wins
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Nigel Holding (2339) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 2271 6
Michael Dudley (2283) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 2292 4
Michael Dudley (2265) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 2261 4
Neville Lacey (2218) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 2287 3
Neville Lacey (2219) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 2282 3
Matthew Croft (2214) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 2271 3
Jon Jacom (1997) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 2261 2
Simon White (1385) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 2280 1
Worst Loss :-(
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Brian Bevan (1901) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA LOSS 2297 -8
Full Season History
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Matthew Croft (2211) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA LOSS 2290 -3
Nigel Holding (2361) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA LOSS 2290 -2
John Wallis (1543) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 2287 1
Andrew Micklewright (1909) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 2287 1
Tim Simcock (1667) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 2287 1
Brian Bevan (1901) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA LOSS 2297 -8
Ralph Humphries (2203) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA LOSS 2297 -3
Keith Pritchard (1988) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 2297 1
Jon Jacom (1989) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 2292 1
Michael Dudley (2283) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 2292 4
Jamie Davies (2734) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA LOSS 2292 0
Robert Mansfield (1743) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 2287 1
Cliff Frazer (1854) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 2287 1
Neville Lacey (2218) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 2287 3
Robert Mansfield (1745) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 2282 1
Cliff Frazer (1856) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 2282 1
Neville Lacey (2219) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 2282 3
Keith Pritchard (1982) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 2283 1
Brian Bevan (1881) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 2283 1
Ralph Humphries (2202) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA LOSS 2283 -3
Rogan Child (1437) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 2280 1
Graham Child (1653) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 2280 1
Simon White (1385) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 2280 1
Nigel Holding (2339) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 2271 6
Matthew Croft (2214) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 2271 3
Tim Simcock (1595) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 2268 1
Andrew Micklewright (1830) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 2268 1
Rod Lipman (1384) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 2268 1
Purdip Shoker (1876) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 2267 1
Lee Horton (2888) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA LOSS 2267 0
Stephen Horton (2910) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA LOSS 2267 0
Jon Jacom (1997) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 2261 2
Michael Dudley (2265) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 2261 4
Jamie Davies (2640) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA LOSS 2261 0