Christopher Nebard (2038) - BETA

Summary 2017-18

Current Points:
Monthly +/-
Season +/-
Wins / Losses
37 / 58
Last Match:
2339 days ago
Best Win:
Highest Winning Streak:



Playing Hand:
Playing Style:


Season History
Season Start End Change
2015-16 2672 2710 38
2016-17 2439 2406 -33
2017-18 2165 2183 18
2018-19 1965 1955 -10
2019-20 1955 1992 37
2020-21 1992 2002 10
2021-22 2002 2009 7
2022-23 2009 2015 6
2023-24 2015 2015 0
2024-25 2015 2015 0
* click season to view previous season archive
Monthly Points Change
Best 8 wins
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Keiron Beswick (2572) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 2164 20
Martin Ireland (2449) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 2152 11
Andrea Harrison (2469) Preston\Winter 2017-18 WIN 2173 11
Liam Bedford (2441) Preston\Winter 2017-18 WIN 2185 11
Martin Shaw (2364) Preston\Winter 2017-18 WIN 2185 9
Andrew Morey (2295) Preston\Winter 2017-18 WIN 2196 6
Barry Crook (2213) Preston\Summer 2018 R1 WIN 2186 5
Barry Mason (2217) Preston\Winter 2017-18 WIN 2191 5
Worst Loss :-(
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 LOSS 2200 -13
Full Season History
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Oliver Garmston (2358) Preston\Summer 2018 R3 LOSS 2185 -1
Adam Linton (2551) Preston\Summer 2018 R3 LOSS 2185 0
Martin Shaw (2391) Preston\Summer 2018 R3 LOSS 2185 -1
Bernhard Frank (2307) Preston\Summer 2018 R3 LOSS 2183 -1
Les Dodd (1908) Preston\Summer 2018 R3 WIN 2183 2
Paul Lunan (1875) Preston\Summer 2018 R3 WIN 2183 1
Oliver Garmston (2342) Preston\Summer 2018 R2 LOSS 2185 -1
Adam Linton (2545) Preston\Summer 2018 R2 LOSS 2185 0
Martin Shaw (2383) Preston\Summer 2018 R2 LOSS 2185 -1
David Gott (2262) Preston\Summer 2018 R1 LOSS 2190 -2
Michael Armishaw (2155) Preston\Summer 2018 R1 LOSS 2190 -2
Chris Knowles (2305) Preston\Summer 2018 R1 LOSS 2190 -1
Josh Lumb (2205) Preston\Summer 2018 R1 WIN 2189 4
Manoj Gandhi (2269) Preston\Summer 2018 R1 LOSS 2189 -2
Tony Rigby (2467) Preston\Summer 2018 R1 LOSS 2189 -1
Anthony Kendall (2486) Preston\Summer 2018 R1 LOSS 2186 0
Barry Crook (2213) Preston\Summer 2018 R1 WIN 2186 5
Paul Penny (2247) Preston\Summer 2018 R1 LOSS 2186 -2
Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2187 -1
Phil Crankshaw (2684) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2187 0
Brian Oldfield (2570) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2187 0
Ashley Bradburn (2437) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2189 -1
Keiron Beswick (2562) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2189 0
Oliver Garmston (2343) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2189 -1
Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 LOSS 2200 -13
Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 2200 1
Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 2200 1
Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 2197 1
Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 2197 1
Tony Johnstone (1808) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 2197 1
Andrew Morey (2295) Preston\Winter 2017-18 WIN 2196 6
David Jones (2100) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2196 -3
Kevin Chapman (2274) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2196 -2
Paul Penny (2243) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2196 -2
Adam Oldfield (2105) Preston\Winter 2017-18 WIN 2196 3
Daniel Johnston (2392) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2196 -1
Andrew Michnowiec (2799) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2191 0
Mark Gibson (2637) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2191 0
Barry Mason (2217) Preston\Winter 2017-18 WIN 2191 5
Keith Lee (2605) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2191 0
Andrew Deacon (2519) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2191 0
Colin Parkinson (2538) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2191 0
Peter Mitchell (1380) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 2188 1
Brian Carter (1411) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 2188 1
Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 2188 1
Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 2193 1
George Crook (1948) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 LOSS 2193 -6
Les Richmond (2507) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 LOSS 2193 0
Phil Crankshaw (2641) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 LOSS 2193 0
Brian Oldfield (2561) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 LOSS 2193 0
Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 2203 2
Daniel Jackson (1694) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 LOSS 2203 -13
James Garbett (1621) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 2203 1
Tim Young (1911) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 2205 2
Ronnie Carroll (1559) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 2205 1
Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 LOSS 2205 -5
Martin Shaw (2364) Preston\Winter 2017-18 WIN 2185 9
Liam Bedford (2441) Preston\Winter 2017-18 WIN 2185 11
Christopher Spedding (2525) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2185 0
Bruce Adamson (1776) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 2184 1
Paul Gawne (2360) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 LOSS 2184 -1
Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 2184 1
Anthony Kendall (2484) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2187 -1
Oliver Garmston (2273) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2187 -2
Keiron Beswick (2560) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2187 0
Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 2184 1
Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 2184 1
Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 2184 1
Ian Felton (2640) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2173 0
Alex Tyson (2537) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2173 0
Andrea Harrison (2469) Preston\Winter 2017-18 WIN 2173 11
KEITH WARD (2168) LancashireAndCheshire\Vets 2017-18 LOSS 2176 -2
David Kay (2570) LancashireAndCheshire\Vets 2017-18 LOSS 2176 0
Ashley Bradburn (2423) LancashireAndCheshire\Vets 2017-18 LOSS 2176 -1
Roy Honeyman (1896) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 LOSS 2164 -6
Keiron Beswick (2572) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 2164 20
John Lynch (2227) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 LOSS 2164 -2
Mark Speakman (2046) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2166 -4
Chris Naylor (2285) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2166 -1
David Jones (2054) Preston\Winter 2017-18 WIN 2166 3
Brian Carter (1380) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 2163 1
Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 2163 1
David Hill (1556) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 2163 1
Les Richmond (2496) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 LOSS 2152 0
Phil Crankshaw (2613) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 LOSS 2152 0
Martin Ireland (2449) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 2152 11
James Garbett (1618) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 2158 1
Daniel Jackson (1684) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 LOSS 2158 -10
Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 2158 3
Martin Shaw (2371) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2160 -1
Christopher Spedding (2501) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2160 0
Matthew Nettleton (2380) Preston\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2160 -1
Paul Gawne (2342) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 LOSS 2165 -1
Lee Nelson (1985) Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 LOSS 2165 -5
Blackpool\Blackpool And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 2165 1