Colin Sayce (160377) - BETA

Summary 2018-19

Current Points:
Monthly +/-
Season +/-
Wins / Losses
25 / 51
Last Match:
2105 days ago
Best Win:
Highest Winning Streak:


West Midlands
Hereford Titans


Playing Hand:
Playing Style:


Season History
Season Start End Change
2015-16 1430 1459 29
2016-17 1313 1371 58
2017-18 1234 1585 351
2018-19 1426 1585 159
2019-20 1585 1648 63
2020-21 1648 1648 0
2021-22 1648 1645 -3
2022-23 1645 1613 -32
2023-24 1613 1641 28
2024-25 1641 1641 0
* click season to view previous season archive
Monthly Points Change
Best 8 wins
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Matthew Croft (2184) Telford\Winter 2018-2019 WIN 1570 25
Stephen Brown (2124) Telford\Winter 2018-2019 WIN 1550 25
Terry Ridgway (1953) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1499 20
David Allen (1851) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1499 15
Dudley\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1426 15
Peter Leahy (1490) Veterans Eastern Masters -Singles WIN 1479 12
William Ingham (1822) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1534 11
Tim Walters (1704) Dudley\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1426 11
Worst Loss :-(
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Gary Lewin (1321) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1506 -5
Full Season History
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Philip Bell (2591) Vetts Northern Masters LOSS 1585 0
Paul Garner (2196) Vetts Northern Masters LOSS 1585 0
Stephen Roberts (1721) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1588 -1
Martin Roberts (1265) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1588 1
Ian Turner (1528) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1588 -3
Wayne Richards (1791) Telford\Winter 2018-2019 LOSS 1590 -1
Ralph Humphries (2057) Telford\Winter 2018-2019 LOSS 1590 0
Paul Maxfield (1789) Telford\Winter 2018-2019 LOSS 1590 -1
Vic Wedge (1660) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1595 -2
Brian Bevan (1692) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1595 -2
Keith Pritchard (1815) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1595 -1
Darek Zawada (1934) Telford\Winter 2018-2019 LOSS 1570 0
Ian Playsted (2175) Telford\Winter 2018-2019 LOSS 1570 0
Matthew Croft (2184) Telford\Winter 2018-2019 WIN 1570 25
Steve Dorrell (2188) Dudley\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1570 0
Mike Sykes (1943) Dudley\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1570 0
Eric Hardman (2190) Dudley\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1570 0
Tony Bartram (1806) Dudley\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1571 -1
Nick Scott (1117) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1575 1
Mark Howorth (1501) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1575 -3
Cliff Frazer (1559) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1575 -2
Henri Bedworth (2039) Telford\Winter 2018-2019 LOSS 1550 0
Stephen Brown (2124) Telford\Winter 2018-2019 WIN 1550 25
Mitch Haynes (1288) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1549 2
Robert Mansfield (1719) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1549 -1
Neville Lacey (1984) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1549 0
Vetts Southern Masters 040's Mens and Womens Singles LOSS 1549 0
Stephen Green (2588) Vetts Southern Masters 040's Mens and Womens Singles LOSS 1549 0
Paul Martindill (2257) Vetts Southern Masters 040's Mens and Womens Singles LOSS 1549 0
William Ingham (1822) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1534 11
Stephen Roberts (1726) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1534 -1
Ian Turner (1568) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1534 5
Dan Jones (1908) Dudley\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1534 0
Steve Hammond (1927) Dudley\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1534 0
Martin Madkins (2291) Dudley\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1534 0
David Allen (1851) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1499 15
Terry Ridgway (1953) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1499 20
Michael Dudley (2208) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1499 0
Phil Pugh (1199) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1506 1
Gary Lewin (1321) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1506 -5
Ian Pennington (1409) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1506 -3
Dudley\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1499 2
Dudley\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1499 1
Alan Warby (1505) Dudley\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1499 4
Ian Playsted (2129) Telford\Winter 2018-2019 LOSS 1499 0
Darek Zawada (1941) Telford\Winter 2018-2019 LOSS 1499 0
Matthew Croft (2165) Telford\Winter 2018-2019 LOSS 1499 0
Paul Davies (990) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1495 1
Richard Hunt (1509) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1495 4
Kenneth Pratt (1644) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1495 -1
Alan Cummings (1840) Veterans Eastern Masters -Singles LOSS 1479 -1
Daniel Milburn (1250) Veterans Eastern Masters -Singles WIN 1479 5
Peter Leahy (1490) Veterans Eastern Masters -Singles WIN 1479 12
John Payne (2578) Veterans Eastern Masters -Singles LOSS 1479 0
Hon Kau Choy (2524) Veterans Eastern Masters -Singles LOSS 1479 0
Qian Zhang (1347) Dudley\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1478 3
Reece Chand (1701) Dudley\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1478 -1
Ryan Cox (1711) Dudley\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1478 -1
Vic Wedge (1568) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1468 -1
Brian Bevan (1695) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1468 11
Keith Pritchard (1808) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1468 0
Huw Jones (2173) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1464 0
Rob Williams (1462) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1464 4
Brian Rainford (2144) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1464 0
Steve Dorrell (2217) Dudley\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1457 0
Dudley\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1457 7
Ian Davies (1971) Dudley\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1457 0
Peter Collins (1400) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1455 3
Robert Mansfield (1709) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1455 -1
Neville Lacey (1901) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1455 0
Stephen Horton (2802) Veterans 040's Midlands Masters -Singles LOSS 1455 0
John Payne (2560) Veterans 040's Midlands Masters -Singles LOSS 1455 0
Anthony Worthington (2615) Veterans 040's Midlands Masters -Singles LOSS 1455 0
Dudley\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1426 15
Tim Walters (1704) Dudley\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1426 11
Dudley\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1426 3