Derek Watmough (2060) - BETA

Summary 2015-16

Current Points:
Monthly +/-
Season +/-
Wins / Losses
46 / 30
Last Match:
31 days ago
Best Win:
Highest Winning Streak:



Playing Hand:
Playing Style:


Season History
Season Start End Change
2015-16 2812 2854 42
2016-17 2569 2575 6
2017-18 2318 2415 97
2018-19 2174 2200 26
2019-20 2200 2207 7
2020-21 2207 2207 0
2021-22 2207 2139 -68
2022-23 2139 2197 58
2023-24 2197 2196 -1
2024-25 2196 2221 25
* click season to view previous season archive
Monthly Points Change
Best 8 wins
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Jeffrey Cohen (2763) VETTS Northern Masters - 2016 - Men's and Women's Over 40 Singles WIN 2845 9
Allan Cowley (2959) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2818 7
Allan Cowley (2970) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2844 7
David Andrews (2916) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2818 6
Paul Doolan (2559) VETTS Northern Masters - 2016 - Men's and Women's Over 40 Singles WIN 2845 5
Dariusz Sienko (2626) VETTS Northern Masters - 2016 - Men's and Women's Over 40 Singles WIN 2845 5
John Davies (2892) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2844 5
John Davies (2865) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2818 5
Worst Loss :-(
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Roy Costello (2279) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 LOSS 2860 -13
Full Season History
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Eddie Kalinowski (2271) Bury\Winter League 2024-25 LOSS 2220 -2
Ted Robakowski (2122) Bury\Winter League 2024-25 LOSS 2220 -3
Philip Myers (2477) Bury\Winter League 2024-25 LOSS 2220 -1
Lee Devenport (2465) Bury\Winter League 2024-25 LOSS 2221 -1
Brian Hallsworth (2589) Bury\Winter League 2024-25 LOSS 2221 0
Sam Wells (2591) Bury\Winter League 2024-25 LOSS 2221 0
Andrew Morey (2693) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2848 2
Alan Ingerson (2714) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2848 3
Alan Crompton (2519) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2848 1
Andrew Evans (3060) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 LOSS 2851 -1
Stephen Barber (3052) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 LOSS 2851 -1
David Bolton (2999) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 LOSS 2851 -1
Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2860 1
Roy Costello (2279) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 LOSS 2860 -13
Ian Lansdale (2803) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2860 3
Les Baker (2957) VETTS Northern Masters - 2016 - Men's and Women's Over 40 Singles LOSS 2845 -4
Paul Doolan (2559) VETTS Northern Masters - 2016 - Men's and Women's Over 40 Singles WIN 2845 5
Dariusz Sienko (2626) VETTS Northern Masters - 2016 - Men's and Women's Over 40 Singles WIN 2845 5
Jeffrey Cohen (2763) VETTS Northern Masters - 2016 - Men's and Women's Over 40 Singles WIN 2845 9
Tim Vaughan (2819) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 LOSS 2851 -2
John Aberra (2955) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 LOSS 2851 -1
Keith Dale (2767) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 LOSS 2851 -3
John Hutchinson (2947) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 LOSS 2857 -2
Gillian Marsden (2465) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2857 1
Iain Lindley (2659) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 LOSS 2857 -5
Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2854 1
Stuart McCaig (2408) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2854 1
Mathew Fishwick (2327) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2854 1
Allan Cowley (2970) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2844 7
David Andrews (2940) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 LOSS 2844 -2
John Davies (2892) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2844 5
Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 LOSS 2851 -5
Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 LOSS 2851 -2
Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 LOSS 2851 0
Chris Sutcliffe (2257) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2847 1
Paul Tatlock (2742) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2847 3
Raymond Isherwood (2624) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2845 2
Allan Auxilly (2574) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2845 2
Michael Brierley (2845) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 LOSS 2845 -2
John Bradbury (2678) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2839 2
Dave Smith (2753) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2839 3
Atul Sheth (2425) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2839 1
Chris Naylor (2764) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2839 3
Mark Speakman (2347) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2839 1
Kevin Chapman (2713) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 LOSS 2839 -4
Andrew Morey (2655) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2835 2
Stephen Hunt (1920) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2835 1
Alan Crompton (2511) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2835 1
Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2833 1
Roy Costello (2160) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2833 1
Tim Vaughan (2768) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 LOSS 2843 -3
John Cartledge (2656) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 LOSS 2843 -5
John Aberra (2868) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 LOSS 2843 -2
Gillian Marsden (2393) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2840 1
Iain Lindley (2591) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2840 2
Mathew Fishwick (2265) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2836 1
Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2836 1
roy alty (2619) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2836 2
Allan Cowley (2959) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2818 7
John Davies (2865) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2818 5
David Andrews (2916) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2818 6
Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 LOSS 2816 -2
John Hilton (1221) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2816 1
Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2816 3
Chris Sutcliffe (2177) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2815 1
Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2815 3
Paul Tatlock (2740) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 LOSS 2815 -3
Brian Hallsworth (2689) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 LOSS 2818 -4
Michael Brierley (2825) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 LOSS 2818 -2
Andy Hey (2679) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2818 3
John Bradbury (2692) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2810 3
Dave Smith (2701) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2810 3
Alan Bradbury (2633) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2810 2
James Hewitt (2285) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2812 1
Kevin Chapman (2699) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 LOSS 2812 -4
Mark Speakman (2285) Bolton\Winter 2015-2016 WIN 2812 1