Janet Adams (5841) - BETA

Summary 2018-19

Current Points:
Monthly +/-
Season +/-
Wins / Losses
41 / 41
Last Match:
27 days ago
Best Win:
Highest Winning Streak:



Playing Hand:
Playing Style:


Season History
Season Start End Change
2015-16 3077 3171 94
2016-17 2854 2921 67
2017-18 2629 2655 26
2018-19 2390 2499 109
2019-20 2499 2499 0
2020-21 2499 2499 0
2021-22 2499 2499 0
2022-23 2499 2500 1
2023-24 2500 2445 -55
2024-25 2445 2410 -35
* click season to view previous season archive
Monthly Points Change
Best 8 wins
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 WIN 2412 33
Karen Smith (2574) BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 WIN 2398 26
Karen Smith (2556) County Championships-Veterans Premier WIN 2431 21
BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 WIN 2467 17
Michele Reeves (2470) County Championships-Veterans Premier WIN 2431 14
Rosemary Rainton (2457) BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 WIN 2467 12
Sarah Short (2478) County Championship Veterans Premier WIN 2468 12
Michele Reeves (2485) BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 WIN 2476 12
Worst Loss :-(
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Teresa Bennett (2228) BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 LOSS 2476 -18
Full Season History
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Stephen Horsfield (2995) Sheffield\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 2410 0
Andrew Horsfield (2855) Sheffield\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 2410 0
Simon Pugh (2950) Sheffield\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 2410 0
Sarah Short (2565) Vetts Northern Masters LOSS 2496 -3 (2)
Vetts Northern Masters WIN 2496 2
June Sayce (4) Vetts Northern Masters WIN 2496 1
Vetts Northern Masters WIN 2496 1
Christine Williams (2022) Vetts Northern Masters WIN 2496 2
Rosemary Rainton (2457) BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 WIN 2467 12
BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 WIN 2467 17
BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 WIN 2470 2
Sarah Short (2521) BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 LOSS 2470 -5
Teresa Bennett (2228) BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 LOSS 2476 -18
Michele Reeves (2485) BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 WIN 2476 12
Silvia Trenti (1960) BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 WIN 2474 1
BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 WIN 2474 1
Darren Lindley (2801) Sheffield\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 2474 0
Jack Grant (2879) Sheffield\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 2474 0
Simon Pugh (2898) Sheffield\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 2474 0
Rosemary Rainton (2476) County Championship Veterans Premier LOSS 2468 -6
Sarah Short (2478) County Championship Veterans Premier WIN 2468 12
Sara Williams (2817) County Championship Veterans Premier LOSS 2468 -1
Sue Pingram (1901) County Championship Veterans Premier WIN 2468 1
David Rayner (2412) Sheffield\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2470 3
Joshua Walshe (2294) Sheffield\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 2470 -5
Jake Meikle (2723) Sheffield\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 2475 -1
David Eckl (2511) Sheffield\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 2475 -2
theo cordara (2564) Sheffield\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 2475 -2
Richard Horsfield (1963) Sheffield\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2469 1
Steve Crosby (2495) Sheffield\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2469 5
Mark Short (2979) Sheffield\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 2469 0
Karen Smith (2556) County Championships-Veterans Premier WIN 2431 21
Michele Reeves (2470) County Championships-Veterans Premier WIN 2431 14
Diane St. Ledger (2089) County Championships-Veterans Premier WIN 2431 3
Lance Webster (2315) Sheffield\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2432 3
Sarah Short (2477) Sheffield\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 2432 -2
Chrissy Sykes (2530) Sheffield\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 2432 -2
Zoe-Pilleriank Cheeseman (2363) Sheffield\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 2439 -3
Trevor Williams (2342) Sheffield\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 2439 -3
Andrew Horsfield (2737) Sheffield\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 2439 -1
Jamie Smith (2486) Sheffield\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 2452 -2
Keith Bradshaw (2194) Sheffield\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 2452 -6
Steven Mason (2286) Sheffield\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 2452 -5
Veterans 040's Midlands Masters -Singles LOSS 2449 -7 (5)
Natalie Riley (2205) Veterans 040's Midlands Masters -Singles WIN 2449 5
(2003) Veterans 040's Midlands Masters -Singles WIN 2449 2
Christine Williams (1892) Veterans 040's Midlands Masters -Singles WIN 2449 1
Eileen Allison (1227) Veterans 040's Midlands Masters -Singles WIN 2449 1
Josephine Bennett (1459) Veterans 040's Midlands Masters -Singles WIN 2449 1
Jack Grant (2791) Sheffield\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 2449 0
Simon Pugh (2839) Sheffield\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 2449 0
Stephen Horsfield (2845) Sheffield\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 2449 0
Dawn Pearce (1762) BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 WIN 2445 1
Julie Snowdon (2068) BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 WIN 2445 3
BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 WIN 2442 1
Silvia Trenti (1944) BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 WIN 2442 2
BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 WIN 2440 3
Sara Williams (2765) BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 LOSS 2440 -1
BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 LOSS 2412 -5
BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 WIN 2412 33
BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 LOSS 2398 -12
Karen Smith (2574) BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 WIN 2398 26
David Rayner (2375) Sheffield\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 2411 -2
Ivor Warner (2120) Sheffield\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 2411 -6
Jake Cutts (2247) Sheffield\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 2411 -5
Jake Meikle (2647) Sheffield\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 2406 -1
David Eckl (2529) Sheffield\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2406 7
Timothy Denby (2669) Sheffield\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 2406 -1
Steve Crosby (2482) Sheffield\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 2408 -2
Richard Lightowler (2825) Sheffield\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 2408 0
Mark Short (3030) Sheffield\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 2408 0
Christina wright Veteran's Six Nation Women's & Men's Team event WIN 2392 1
Maz Morgan Veteran's Six Nation Women's & Men's Team event WIN 2392 1
Veteran's Six Nation Women's & Men's Team event WIN 2392 1
Ikuko Mcmahon Veteran's Six Nation Women's & Men's Team event WIN 2392 1
Catherine O'Neill (1404) Veteran's Six Nation Women's & Men's Team event WIN 2392 1
Veteran's Six Nation Women's & Men's Team event WIN 2392 1
Emma Harradine (2490) Veteran's Six Nation Women's & Men's Team event WIN 2392 11
Sara Williams (2725) Veteran's Six Nation Women's & Men's Team event LOSS 2392 -1
Vetts North Eastern Masters 2018 040's Mens and Womens Singles LOSS 2390 0 (2)
Vetts North Eastern Masters 2018 040's Mens and Womens Singles WIN 2390 1
Faith Frankel (1479) Vetts North Eastern Masters 2018 040's Mens and Womens Singles WIN 2390 1