Jonathan Jackson (39037) - BETA

Summary 2018-19

Current Points:
Monthly +/-
Season +/-
Wins / Losses
74 / 25
Last Match:
11 days ago
Best Win:
Highest Winning Streak:


East Region
Wembley and Harrow


Playing Hand:
Playing Style:


Season History
Season Start End Change
2015-16 2161 2300 139
2016-17 2070 2174 104
2017-18 1957 2038 81
2018-19 1834 1881 47
2019-20 1881 1887 6
2020-21 1887 1887 0
2021-22 1887 1917 30
2022-23 1917 1953 36
2023-24 1953 1969 16
2024-25 1969 1976 7
* click season to view previous season archive
Monthly Points Change
Best 8 wins
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Toni Cavic (1927) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1843 6
Russell Davies (1914) Watford\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1837 6
Russell Davies (1927) Watford\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1871 6
Robert Culverhouse (1907) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1860 5
Nigel Finn (1831) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1880 4
Arpad Kajcsa (1795) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1843 4
Joseph Hunter (1802) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1838 4
Alan Thomas (1848) Watford\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1837 4
Worst Loss :-(
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Kai Shalson (1214) Barnets\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 1978 -13
Full Season History
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Sushil Shah (1486) WembleyAndHarrow\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1973 1
Anuj Shah (1633) WembleyAndHarrow\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1973 1
Vishaal Patel (1692) WembleyAndHarrow\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 1973 -6
Tomas Kapustka (1746) WembleyAndHarrow\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 1976 -6
Anand Muthusamy (1737) WembleyAndHarrow\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1976 2
Kenji Odono (1244) WembleyAndHarrow\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1976 1
Rianka Patel (1735) WembleyAndHarrow\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1970 2
Sanjay Shah (1753) WembleyAndHarrow\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1970 2
Rajesh Shah (1793) WembleyAndHarrow\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1970 2
Khushal Siyani (1628) WembleyAndHarrow\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1969 1
Nikunj Patel (2084) WembleyAndHarrow\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 1969 -1
James Lofthouse (1647) WembleyAndHarrow\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1969 1
Nigel Wong (1794) WembleyAndHarrow\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1967 2
Sahil Shah (1955) WembleyAndHarrow\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 1967 -2
Philip Elkins (1712) WembleyAndHarrow\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1967 2
Coby Greenberg (938) Barnets\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1978 1
Sarit Shah (1059) Barnets\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1978 1
Kai Shalson (1214) Barnets\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 1978 -13
Dhruv Khandwala (1329) WembleyAndHarrow\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1975 1
Dhairya Majmudar (1214) WembleyAndHarrow\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1975 1
Marian Strugaru (1674) WembleyAndHarrow\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1975 1
Ryan Li (1636) WembleyAndHarrow\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1980 1
Wojtek Czubek (1785) WembleyAndHarrow\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1980 2
Louay El Abed (1664) WembleyAndHarrow\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 1980 -8
Greig Harris (1633) Barnets\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1976 1
Jo Radiven (1555) Barnets\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1976 1
Martin Marinov (1677) Barnets\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1976 2
WembleyAndHarrow\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1878 1
Mitchell Jones (3032) WembleyAndHarrow\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1878 0
Albert Wong (1655) WembleyAndHarrow\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1878 2
Nigel Finn (1831) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1880 4
Habib Janoowalla (1687) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1880 -5
Mark York (2127) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1880 -1
Ian Hamilton (1569) Watford\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1877 1
Ian Fisher (1401) Watford\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1877 1
Andrew Wilson (1427) Watford\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1877 1
Matthew Robinson (1710) Watford\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1873 2
Ian Hamilton (1567) Watford\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1873 1
Allan Lander (1392) Watford\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1873 1
Russell Davies (1927) Watford\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1871 6
Steve Leven (1878) Watford\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1871 -2
Alan Thomas (1862) Watford\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1871 -2
Toni Cavic (1901) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1883 -2
Arpad Kajcsa (1812) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1883 3
Roy Tempest (1302) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1883 -13
David Hancock (1343) Watford\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1880 1
Adam Barber (1355) Watford\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1880 1
David Edwards (1314) Watford\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1880 1
Jack Bender (1807) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1875 3
Alan Lamprell (1733) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1875 3
Paul Buey (1980) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1875 -1
Mark McCarthy (1989) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1873 -1
Leslie Wong (1583) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1873 2
Gordon Carlyle (1332) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1873 1
Mark Davies (1394) Watford\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1870 1
Andrew Wilson (1432) Watford\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1870 1
Steven Marsh (1334) Watford\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1870 1
Nick Nicolaou (1590) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1860 2
Robert Culverhouse (1907) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1860 5
Tunde Oloruntoba (1767) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1860 3
Dave Sims (1464) Watford\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1866 1
Jackie Channell (1557) Watford\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1866 1
Sally Bax (1491) Watford\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1866 -8
Matthew Robinson (1673) Watford\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1861 2
Allan Lander (1395) Watford\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1861 1
Ian Hamilton (1575) Watford\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1861 2
Tony Shum (1566) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1856 2
Jo Radiven (1553) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1856 1
Martin Marinov (1588) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1856 2
Ravi Patel (1636) Watford\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1852 2
Adam Barber (1341) Watford\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1852 1
David Edwards (1308) Watford\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1852 1
Ben Babcock (1272) Watford\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1849 1
Morgan Charles (1405) Watford\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1849 1
Usman Latif (1286) Watford\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1849 1
Guy Fernback (1850) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1855 -2
David Miller (1904) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1855 -2
Kevin Williams (1925) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1855 -2
Nitin Rajdev (1666) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1843 2
Toni Cavic (1927) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1843 6
Arpad Kajcsa (1795) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1843 4
Paul Martin (1899) WembleyAndHarrow\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1849 -2
Bharat Malde (1924) WembleyAndHarrow\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1849 -2
Steve Leven (1842) WembleyAndHarrow\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1849 -2
Russell Davies (1914) Watford\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1837 6
Alan Thomas (1848) Watford\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1837 4
Howard Davies (1587) Watford\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1837 2
John Carpenter (1653) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1832 2
Leslie Wong (1582) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1832 2
Gordon Carlyle (1325) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1832 1
Thomas Palmer (1455) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1838 -8
Barney Mindlin (1796) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1838 -2
Joseph Hunter (1802) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1838 4
David Hancock (1317) Watford\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1835 1
Morgan Charles (1400) Watford\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1835 1
Adam Barber (1320) Watford\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1835 1
Stuart Dyson (1749) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1834 -3
Nick Nicolaou (1568) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1834 2
Bambos Nicolaou (1623) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1834 2