June Sayce (178937) - BETA

Summary 2018-19

Current Points:
Monthly +/-
Season +/-
Wins / Losses
2 / 61
Last Match:
2103 days ago
Best Win:
Highest Winning Streak:



Playing Hand:
Playing Style:


Season History
Season Start End Change
2017-18 0 0 0
2018-19 0 4 4
2019-20 4 4 0
2020-21 4 4 0
2021-22 4 4 0
2022-23 4 2 -2
2023-24 0 3 3
2024-25 3 3 0
* click season to view previous season archive
Monthly Points Change
Best 8 wins
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Worst Loss :-(
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
James Rink (2) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 2 -2
Full Season History
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Tony Madeley (1138) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 4 0
Freddie Norval (957) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 4 0
Joseph Lewis (1199) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 4 0
Janet Adams (2496) Vetts Northern Masters LOSS 4 0
Christine Williams (2022) Vetts Northern Masters LOSS 4 0
Vetts Northern Masters LOSS 4 0
Christopher Pike (829) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 4 0
Alastair Kerr (935) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 4 0
Malcolm Brown (779) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 4 0
Anne Moore (894) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 4 0
Steven Crowson (1765) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 4 0
Seyed Ali Kheradnejad (1156) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 4 0
Stephen Roberts (1721) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 4 0
Martin Roberts (1265) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 4 0
Ian Turner (1528) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 4 0
Benjamin Richards (994) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 4 0
Mark Richards (1078) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 4 0
Peter Stanway (1248) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 4 0
Graham Shardlow (797) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 4 0
Julie Newton (1018) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 4 0
Christine Tinker (1043) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 4 0
david pugh (619) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 4 0
Darren McHale (1006) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 4 0
Roger Hall (1126) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 4 0
Stephen Rhodes (766) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 4 0
John Sidwell (946) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 4 0
Mike Lewis (-2) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 WIN 0 4
Peter Flint (710) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 0 0
Glyn Evans (789) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 0 0
Michelle McGovern (2156) Vetts Southern Masters 040's Mens and Womens Singles LOSS 0 0
Susan Purton (1600) Vetts Southern Masters 040's Mens and Womens Singles LOSS 0 0
GERALDINE MORLE (1331) Vetts Southern Masters 040's Mens and Womens Singles LOSS 0 0
Stephen Rhodes (765) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 0 0
John Sidwell (952) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 0 0
Regino Victorino (881) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 0 0
Tony Madeley (1130) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 0 0
Freddie Norval (964) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 0 0
Glyn Evans (776) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 0 0
Anne Moore (890) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 0 0
Steven Crowson (1755) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 0 0
James Rink (2) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 2 -2
Alastair Kerr (925) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 2 0
Malcolm Brown (733) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 2 0
Benjamin Walters (0) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 4 -2
Julie Newton (1018) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 4 0
Christine Tinker (1044) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 4 0
Dawn Baldry (1746) Veterans Eastern Masters -Singles LOSS 4 0
Sara Williams (2735) Veterans Eastern Masters -Singles LOSS 4 0
Veterans Eastern Masters -Singles LOSS 4 0
Sarah James (1562) Veterans Eastern Masters -Singles LOSS 4 0
Keith Smith (1007) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 4 0
Roger Hall (1119) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 4 0
Darren McHale (995) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 4 0
Mike Lewis (0) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 WIN 0 4
Peter Flint (693) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 0 0
Janet Clark (883) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 0 0
Benjamin Richards (1001) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 0 0
Mark Richards (1023) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 0 0
Peter Stanway (1231) Shrewsbury\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 0 0
Doreen Tierney (1597) Veterans 040's Midlands Masters -Singles LOSS 0 0
Sarah James (1501) Veterans 040's Midlands Masters -Singles LOSS 0 0
Lynne Trussell (1930) Veterans 040's Midlands Masters -Singles LOSS 0 0
Veterans 040's Midlands Masters -Singles LOSS 0 0