Laikram Persaud (90202) - BETA

Summary 2018-19

Current Points:
Monthly +/-
Season +/-
Wins / Losses
107 / 14
Last Match:
10 days ago
Best Win:
Highest Winning Streak:



Playing Hand:
Playing Style:


Season History
Season Start End Change
2015-16 2988 3055 67
2016-17 2750 2848 98
2017-18 2563 2673 110
2018-19 2406 2496 90
2019-20 2496 2538 42
2020-21 2538 2538 0
2021-22 2538 2512 -26
2022-23 2512 2566 54
2023-24 2566 2529 -37
2024-25 2529 2529 0
* click season to view previous season archive
Monthly Points Change
Best 8 wins
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
John Fuller (2689) County Championships - Veterans WIN 2440 28
County Championships- O60'S WIN 2397 14
Richard Beckham (2485) County Championships - Veterans WIN 2440 11
County Championships- O60'S WIN 2397 11
County Championships- O60'S WIN 2397 3
Charles Fulcher (2061) County Championships - Veterans WIN 2440 3
Chris Beckley (2286) CentralLondon\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2432 3
Matthew Stephens (2418) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 2535 3
Worst Loss :-(
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Martin Tate (2180) County Championships - Veterans LOSS 2440 -15
Full Season History
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Michael Loveder (2016) LondonBanksAndCivilService\Active Season 24-25 WIN 2554 1
Neil Le Milliere (2046) LondonBanksAndCivilService\Active Season 24-25 WIN 2554 1
Andrew Nash (2090) LondonBanksAndCivilService\Active Season 24-25 LOSS 2554 -10
Gabriel Concepcion (1880) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 2558 1
Bryan AIGLEMONT (2508) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 2558 -3
Jogenes Senorin (2565) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 2558 -2
Pavlo Rizanenko (1584) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 2555 1
Silvia Trenti (1814) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 2555 1
Antony morris (1978) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 2555 1
Duncan Brown (1857) LondonBanksAndCivilService\Active Season 24-25 WIN 2552 1
Toan To (1782) LondonBanksAndCivilService\Active Season 24-25 WIN 2552 1
Simon Holohan (2082) LondonBanksAndCivilService\Active Season 24-25 WIN 2552 1
Gianluca Lucchin (1794) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 2549 1
David Bottomley (2072) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 2549 1
Jiawei Wu (1667) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 2549 1
Tyrone Silcott (1813) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 2544 1
Mahmood Kelani (2289) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 2544 2
Abdur Rahman Kelani (2255) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 2544 2
Gregory Gargrupe (1361) LondonBanksAndCivilService\Active Season 24-25 WIN 2541 1
Eric Woo (1987) LondonBanksAndCivilService\Active Season 24-25 WIN 2541 1
Adil Islam (1642) LondonBanksAndCivilService\Active Season 24-25 WIN 2541 1
Samson Bekele (2383) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 2535 2
Richard Thorne (2135) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 2535 1
Matthew Stephens (2418) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 2535 3
Adam Johnson (2292) LondonBanksAndCivilService\Active Season 24-25 WIN 2532 2
Gareth Jones (1654) LondonBanksAndCivilService\Active Season 24-25 WIN 2532 1
Ronald Turner (1874) LondonBanksAndCivilService\Active Season 24-25 WIN 2529 1
John Crawford (1922) LondonBanksAndCivilService\Active Season 24-25 WIN 2529 1
Jai Persaud (1696) LondonBanksAndCivilService\Active Season 24-25 WIN 2529 1
Gabriel Petito (646) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 2529 1
Peter Stahlman (2526) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 2529 -2
Fabio Petito (1562) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 2529 1
Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2494 1
Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2494 1
Kenneth Cheung (1714) CentralLondon\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2491 1
Bankole Adeniji (1201) CentralLondon\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2491 1
CentralLondon\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2491 1
Rafal Bajda (2016) CentralLondon\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2488 1
Zeshi Wang (1751) CentralLondon\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2488 1
Van Chung Luu (1912) CentralLondon\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2488 1
William Ampomah (1777) Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2485 1
Joe Leone (1472) Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2485 1
Robert Campbell (1413) Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2485 1
Lawrence Chamberlain (2010) CentralLondon\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2482 1
Michael Hebdige (2010) CentralLondon\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2482 1
David Adesanya (1689) CentralLondon\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2482 1
Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2479 1
Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2479 1
Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2479 1
Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2476 1
Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2476 1
Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2476 1
Leslie Samuels (2143) CentralLondon\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2478 1
Neil Le Milliere (2107) CentralLondon\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2478 1
Peter Harris (2354) CentralLondon\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 2478 -4
Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2475 1
Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2475 1
Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2475 1
andrew sanders (2067) Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2472 1
Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2472 1
Douglas Taucher (1752) Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2472 1
Alexander Ahl (2777) CentralLondon\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 2472 0
Benjamin Palmer-Jones (2048) CentralLondon\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2472 1
Cacherel Mirjah-Mercer (2749) CentralLondon\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 2472 -1
Larry Trumpauskas (1447) CentralLondon\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2469 1
Daniel Nzekwe (1738) CentralLondon\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2469 1
Frederic Wilke (808) CentralLondon\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2469 1
Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2467 1
Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2467 1
Charles Fulcher (2061) County Championships - Veterans WIN 2440 3
Andrew Warner (2569) County Championships - Veterans LOSS 2440 -4
John Fuller (2689) County Championships - Veterans WIN 2440 28
Andrew Trott (3052) County Championships - Veterans LOSS 2440 0
William Ampomah (1784) Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2437 1
dave wareham (1401) Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2437 1
Robert Campbell (1360) Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2437 1
Mahmood Kelani (2154) CentralLondon\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2432 2
Munib Ahmad (2120) CentralLondon\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2432 1
Abdur Rahman Kelani (2137) CentralLondon\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2432 2
Dawud Khan (2027) CentralLondon\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2429 1
CentralLondon\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2429 1
Michael Benson (1602) CentralLondon\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2429 1
Mark Mitchell (2439) County Championships - Veterans LOSS 2440 -5
Simon Pryke (2728) County Championships - Veterans LOSS 2440 -2
Martin Tate (2180) County Championships - Veterans LOSS 2440 -15
Richard Beckham (2485) County Championships - Veterans WIN 2440 11
Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2437 1
Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2437 1
Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2437 1
Chris Beckley (2286) CentralLondon\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2432 3
Van Chung Luu (1920) CentralLondon\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2432 1
Rafal Bajda (1978) CentralLondon\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2432 1
Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2429 1
Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2429 1
Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2429 1
Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2426 1
Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2426 1
Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2426 1
County Championships- O60'S WIN 2397 14
County Championships- O60'S WIN 2397 11
County Championships- O60'S WIN 2397 3
Peter Bradley (1736) County Championships- O60'S WIN 2397 1
Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2395 1
Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2395 1
Ian Mablin (1916) County Championships - Veterans WIN 2407 1
County Championships - Veterans LOSS 2407 -13
andrew sanders (2042) Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2418 1
Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2418 1
Douglas Taucher (1661) Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 2418 -13
William Ampomah (1787) Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2415 1
Joe Leone (1495) Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2415 1
Robert Campbell (1283) Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2415 1
Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2412 1
Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2412 1
Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2412 1
Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2409 1
Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2409 1
Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2409 1
Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2406 1
Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2406 1
Wandsworth\Winter 2018-19 WIN 2406 1