Luke Waddingham (200721) - BETA

Summary 2019-20

Current Points:
Monthly +/-
Season +/-
Wins / Losses
1 / 29
Last Match:
1835 days ago
Best Win:
Highest Winning Streak:




Playing Hand:
Playing Style:


Season History
Season Start End Change
2018-19 0 -2 -2
2019-20 977 928 -49
2020-21 928 928 0
2021-22 928 928 0
2022-23 928 928 0
2023-24 928 928 0
2024-25 928 928 0
* click season to view previous season archive
Monthly Points Change
Best 8 wins
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Robert Plumb (1044) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 WIN 973 6
Worst Loss :-(
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Deborah Pallett (492) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 975 -10
Full Season History
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Barry Waterman (1116) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 931 -1
David Madsen (1073) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 931 -1
Nick Johns (1215) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 931 -1
Denzyl Thorne (1112) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 935 -1
Barrie Mitchell (1097) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 935 -1
Jose Torres (931) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 935 -2
Mark Seymour (1218) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 939 -1
Les Edmunds (1122) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 939 -1
Sally Kemp (992) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 939 -2
Malcolm Norris (1062) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 952 -1
Irina Booth (997) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 952 -2
Deborah Pallett (519) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 952 -10
Soodabeh Yazdani (1189) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 954 -1
Trevor Mansell (1214) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 954 -1
Harold Clark (1291) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 954 0
Michael Roberts (1189) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 957 -1
Nick Johns (1210) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 957 -1
Barry Waterman (1104) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 957 -1
Mike Hislop (933) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 962 -2
Barrie Mitchell (1106) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 962 -1
Jose Torres (925) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 962 -2
Deborah Pallett (492) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 975 -10
Irina Booth (969) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 975 -2
Peter Alexander (1149) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 975 -1
Adam Lamy (1066) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 973 -2
Dudu Souleiman (958) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 973 -2
Robert Plumb (1044) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 WIN 973 6
Sally Kemp (1000) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 977 -2
Les Edmunds (1121) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 977 -1
Mark Seymour (1211) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 977 -1