Lynne Trussell (44989) - BETA

Summary 2018-19

Current Points:
Monthly +/-
Season +/-
Wins / Losses
110 / 163
Last Match:
2092 days ago
Best Win:
Highest Winning Streak:


South East
Haywards Heath


Playing Hand:
Playing Style:


Season History
Season Start End Change
2015-16 2440 2424 -16
2016-17 2182 2231 49
2017-18 2008 2129 121
2018-19 1916 1937 21
2019-20 1937 1937 0
2020-21 1937 1952 15
2021-22 1952 1988 36
2022-23 1988 1988 0
2023-24 1988 1988 0
2024-25 1988 1988 0
* click season to view previous season archive
Monthly Points Change
Best 8 wins
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Tony Smith (2335) Topspin Sports Burgess hill 2* - Veterans WIN 1885 60
Veterans 040's Midlands Masters -Singles WIN 1930 60
HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1831 25
Thamal Udamulla (2206) Cippenham 5 by 2 1*Star - Veteran WIN 1891 23
Denise Jacobi (1952) Vetts Southern Masters 040's Mens and Womens Singles WIN 1881 19
Alan Papier (2128) Cippenham Super 6 Veterans 1*- Veterans WIN 1897 17
Horsham Spinners 1*-Veterans WIN 1864 17
Veterans Eastern Masters -Singles WIN 1958 17
Worst Loss :-(
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Kyoko Lancaster (1235) County Championships - Senior LOSS 1961 -33
Full Season History
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Colin Barham (1402) Topspin Sports Burgess hill 2* - Veterans WIN 1885 2
Colin Barham (1402) Topspin Sports Burgess hill 2* - Veterans WIN 1885 2
Robert Watson (1388) Topspin Sports Burgess hill 2* - Veterans WIN 1885 2
Alison Jordan (1571) Topspin Sports Burgess hill 2* - Veterans WIN 1885 3
Topspin Sports Burgess hill 2* - Veterans LOSS 1885 -18
Tony Smith (2335) Topspin Sports Burgess hill 2* - Veterans WIN 1885 60
Topspin Sports Burgess hill 2* - Veterans LOSS 1885 0
Topspin Sports Burgess hill 2* - Veterans WIN 1885 1
Christine Williams (2034) Bristol 1 * Veterans Rating Tournament WIN 1871 13
Denise Weller (1802) Bristol 1 * Veterans Rating Tournament LOSS 1871 -5
GERALDINE MORLE (1496) Bristol 1 * Veterans Rating Tournament WIN 1871 2
Jenny Tanner (820) Bristol 1 * Veterans Rating Tournament WIN 1871 1
Celia Hooker (1630) Bristol 1 * Veterans Rating Tournament WIN 1871 2
Lucy Bowskill (924) Bristol 1 * Veterans Rating Tournament WIN 1871 1
Julie Byrne (1973) Bristol 1 * Veterans Rating Tournament LOSS 1871 -2
Charlotte Taylor (1577) Bristol 1 * Veterans Rating Tournament WIN 1871 2
Alison Jordan (1594) Vetts Western Masters LOSS 1888 -18
Vetts Western Masters LOSS 1888 -4
Sara Williams (2826) Vetts Western Masters LOSS 1888 0
Vetts Western Masters WIN 1888 5
Mina Matta (1511) CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1893 -8
Fawzi Yousif (2275) CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1893 0
Josef Krakovsky (1771) CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 WIN 1893 3
CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 WIN 1893 1
CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1893 -2
CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 WIN 1893 1
Matthew Turner (1613) ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 LOSS 1902 -6
Phil Pullen (1340) ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 WIN 1902 1
ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 LOSS 1902 -4
Wim Faassen (1954) Cippenham 5 by 2 1*Star - Veteran LOSS 1891 -3
Steve Buck (2574) Cippenham 5 by 2 1*Star - Veteran LOSS 1891 0
Vadym Krevs (2338) Cippenham 5 by 2 1*Star - Veteran LOSS 1891 0
Cippenham 5 by 2 1*Star - Veteran LOSS 1891 0
Thamal Udamulla (2206) Cippenham 5 by 2 1*Star - Veteran WIN 1891 23
Simon Pells (1656) Cippenham 5 by 2 1*Star - Veteran LOSS 1891 -9
CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 WIN 1877 9
Dennis Hayden (2097) CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1877 -1
Jim Skinner (1938) CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 WIN 1877 6
Terry Dean (1530) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1876 1
Brandon Bennett (2458) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1876 0
Michael Robinson (2473) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1876 0
Horsham Spinners 1*-Veterans WIN 1864 17
Horsham Spinners 1*-Veterans WIN 1864 1
Horsham Spinners 1*-Veterans LOSS 1864 0
Ken Lewis (2049) Horsham Spinners 1*-Veterans LOSS 1864 -2
Alan Papier (2084) Horsham Spinners 1*-Veterans LOSS 1864 -2
Horsham Spinners 1*-Veterans LOSS 1864 0
Roger Pingram (2133) Horsham Spinners 1*-Veterans LOSS 1864 -2
Richard Caddy (1918) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1869 -2
John Burnham (1786) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1869 -3
Ben Worley (2232) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1869 0
CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 WIN 1867 3
Richard Caddy (1912) CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1867 -2
Robert Hoare (1474) CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 WIN 1867 1
Charlie Usher (1827) CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1871 -2
CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1871 -1
CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1871 -1
HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1831 25
Graham Carter (2201) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1831 15
Andrew Sharland (2169) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1831 0
ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 LOSS 1838 -3
Steve Ball (1820) ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 LOSS 1838 -2
Geoff Stovold (1818) ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 LOSS 1838 -2
Di Gutteridge (1561) County Championships - Veterans WIN 1847 4
Janice Fuller (1690) County Championships - Veterans LOSS 1847 -13
Nick Smith (1974) CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 WIN 1840 7
CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1840 0
CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1840 0
Steven Ive (906) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1837 1
Viv Cole (1078) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1837 1
HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1837 1
Christopher Harper (1791) ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 WIN 1826 4
Michelle McGovern (2184) ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 WIN 1826 15
Simon Fisher (1440) ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 LOSS 1826 -8
CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1833 -1
CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1833 -3
CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1833 -3
Dennis Hayden (2088) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1836 -1
Richard Cosens (1997) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1836 -1
Matthew Caddy (1941) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1836 -1
Steve Ball (1825) ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 LOSS 1840 -2
Raymond Jordan (3175) ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 LOSS 1840 0
Geoff Stovold (1817) ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 LOSS 1840 -2
Diane McLellan (1762) BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 WIN 1834 8
BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 LOSS 1834 -2
Susan Body (1522) BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 WIN 1834 3
Carrie Cope (2002) BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 LOSS 1834 -3
Mary Heffernan (1698) BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 LOSS 1836 -10
Denise Weller (1778) BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 WIN 1836 8
Susan Body (1487) BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 WIN 1836 3
Carrie Cope (2005) BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 LOSS 1836 -3
Mary Heffernan (1665) BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 LOSS 1857 -13
Denise Weller (1767) BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 LOSS 1857 -8
CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 WIN 1851 2
CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 WIN 1851 2
CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 WIN 1851 2
Jim Skinner (1930) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1849 -2
Fawzi Yousif (2257) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1849 0
Costas Kyriacou (1803) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1849 4
Horsham Spinners 1*-Veterans LOSS 1867 -9
Michael Stanners (1424) Horsham Spinners 1*-Veterans WIN 1867 1
Ken Lewis (2040) Horsham Spinners 1*-Veterans LOSS 1867 -2
Paul Nicol (1874) Horsham Spinners 1*-Veterans LOSS 1867 -3
Horsham Spinners 1*-Veterans LOSS 1867 0
Horsham Spinners 1*-Veterans LOSS 1867 -2
Fawzi Yousif (2204) Horsham Spinners 1*-Veterans LOSS 1867 -1
Horsham Spinners 1*-Veterans LOSS 1867 -2
Graham Green (2132) ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 LOSS 1871 -1
Mike Daley (1494) ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 WIN 1871 1
Russell Foreman (1768) ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 LOSS 1871 -4
Graham Green (2134) CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1873 -1
CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1873 -1
Shaun Parsley (2452) CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1873 0
CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1873 0
David Steel (2299) CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1873 0
CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1873 0
Michael Robinson (2443) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1883 0
Terry Dean (1482) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1883 -10
Brandon Bennett (2350) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1883 0
ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 WIN 1877 2
ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 WIN 1877 3
ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 WIN 1877 1
CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1879 -1
CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1879 -1
Keigo Burnham (2612) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1880 0
Ben Worley (2225) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1880 0
David Champneys (2031) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1880 -1
Colin Barham (1394) Horsham Spinners 1*-Veterans WIN 1900 1
Simon Pells (1632) Horsham Spinners 1*-Veterans WIN 1900 2
Peter Cracknell (1319) Horsham Spinners 1*-Veterans WIN 1900 1
Horsham Spinners 1*-Veterans LOSS 1900 -3
Horsham Spinners 1*-Veterans LOSS 1900 0
Samson Bekele (2402) Horsham Spinners 1*-Veterans LOSS 1900 0
Horsham Spinners 1*-Veterans LOSS 1900 -20
Paul Martindill (2255) Horsham Spinners 1*-Veterans LOSS 1900 -1
Andrew Sharland (2145) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1901 -1
HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1901 0
Michael Bridger (2340) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1901 0
Anita Jermyn (1734) County Championships - Veterans WIN 1909 5
Diane McLellan (1726) County Championships - Veterans LOSS 1909 -13
Steven Ive (881) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1906 1
Viv Cole (1078) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1906 1
HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1906 1
Phil Pullen (1314) ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 WIN 1908 1
Matthew Turner (1510) ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 WIN 1908 1
ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 LOSS 1908 -4
CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 WIN 1921 1
CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1921 -13
CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1921 -1
Sheila King (1721) Vetts Southern Masters 040's Mens and Womens Singles WIN 1881 7
Julie Byrne (1886) Vetts Southern Masters 040's Mens and Womens Singles WIN 1881 14
Denise Jacobi (1952) Vetts Southern Masters 040's Mens and Womens Singles WIN 1881 19
Doreen Tierney (1641) Vetts Southern Masters 040's Mens and Womens Singles WIN 1881 5
Cathy Garnsworthy (1091) Vetts Southern Masters 040's Mens and Womens Singles WIN 1881 1
Michele Reeves (2462) Vetts Southern Masters 040's Mens and Womens Singles LOSS 1881 0
Christine Scaysbrook (1878) Vetts Southern Masters 040's Mens and Womens Singles LOSS 1881 -6
Michelle McGovern (2150) ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 LOSS 1899 -1
Christopher Harper (1793) ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 LOSS 1899 -4
Simon Fisher (1241) ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 LOSS 1899 -13
Fawzi Yousif (2176) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1906 -1
Jim Skinner (1915) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1906 -2
Costas Kyriacou (1770) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1906 -4
ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 WIN 1908 6
Gordon Hall (1885) ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 LOSS 1908 -2
Michael Hughes (1684) ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 LOSS 1908 -6
Fawzi Yousif (2171) CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1919 -1
Costas Kyriacou (1760) CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1919 -5
Josef Krakovsky (1748) CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1919 -5
Sandy Nash (2080) County Championships - Veterans LOSS 1924 -3
Tumay Ekrem (1915) County Championships - Veterans LOSS 1924 -5
County Championships - Veterans WIN 1924 3
CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 WIN 1917 2
Michael Hughes (1670) CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1917 -6
CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 WIN 1917 11
Stuart Brooks (2047) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1911 7
Sally Hughes (2333) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1911 0
HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1911 -1
Russell Foreman (1740) ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 LOSS 1917 -5
ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 LOSS 1917 0
Graham Green (2176) ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 LOSS 1917 -1
CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 WIN 1914 6
Dennis Hayden (2047) CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1914 -1
Jim Skinner (1895) CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1914 -2
Michael Robinson (2422) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1913 0
Brandon Bennett (2228) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1913 0
Terry Dean (1360) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1913 1
ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 WIN 1907 3
ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 WIN 1907 2
ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 WIN 1907 1
Samson Bekele (2402) Cippenham Super 6 Veterans 1*- Veterans LOSS 1897 0
Hari Gehlot (2762) Cippenham Super 6 Veterans 1*- Veterans LOSS 1897 0
Thamal Udamulla (2172) Cippenham Super 6 Veterans 1*- Veterans LOSS 1897 -2
Andrew Phillips (1702) Cippenham Super 6 Veterans 1*- Veterans LOSS 1897 -8
Gerald Hawkins (1699) Cippenham Super 6 Veterans 1*- Veterans WIN 1897 3
Alan Papier (2128) Cippenham Super 6 Veterans 1*- Veterans WIN 1897 17
Dominique Williams (1799) County Championships - Senior LOSS 1961 -13
Kyoko Lancaster (1235) County Championships - Senior LOSS 1961 -33
Agnieszka Mazurek (2056) County Championships - Senior LOSS 1961 -4
Sandy Nash (2049) County Championships - Senior LOSS 1961 -4
County Championships - Senior LOSS 1961 0
Gemma Chapman (1956) County Championships - Senior LOSS 1961 -5
Hazel Brown (928) County Championships - Senior WIN 1961 1
Amalia Stern (1205) County Championships - Senior WIN 1961 1
County Championships - Senior LOSS 1961 -5
Beth Atkinson (1947) County Championships - Senior LOSS 1961 -5
County Championships - Senior LOSS 1961 -5
County Championships - Senior WIN 1961 8
Graham Carter (2244) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1963 -1
Michael Bridger (2328) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1963 0
HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1963 -1
Carrie Cope (1994) Veterans Eastern Masters -Singles LOSS 1958 -5
Veterans Eastern Masters -Singles WIN 1958 17
Sandy Nash (2040) Veterans Eastern Masters -Singles LOSS 1958 -5
Deborah Auvache (2237) Veterans Eastern Masters -Singles LOSS 1958 -2
Sue Collier (2635) Veterans Eastern Masters -Singles LOSS 1958 0
Charlie Usher (1807) CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 WIN 1964 2
CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1964 -6
CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1964 -2
Viv Cole (1028) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1975 -13
HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1975 1
Steven Ive (856) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1975 1
ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 WIN 1985 2
Matthew Turner (1281) ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 LOSS 1985 -13
ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 WIN 1985 1
Geoff Stovold (1773) ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 WIN 1987 2
ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 WIN 1987 2
Steve Ball (1784) ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 LOSS 1987 -6
Diane McLellan (1653) Bristol 1 * Veterans Rating Tournament WIN 1985 2
Caroline Berkley (1600) Bristol 1 * Veterans Rating Tournament WIN 1985 2
GERALDINE MORLE (1373) Bristol 1 * Veterans Rating Tournament WIN 1985 1
Bristol 1 * Veterans Rating Tournament WIN 1985 1
Doreen Tierney (1611) Bristol 1 * Veterans Rating Tournament WIN 1985 2
Cathy Garnsworthy (1111) Bristol 1 * Veterans Rating Tournament WIN 1985 1
Celia Hooker (1528) Bristol 1 * Veterans Rating Tournament WIN 1985 1
Julie Byrne (1819) Bristol 1 * Veterans Rating Tournament LOSS 1985 -8
CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 WIN 1996 1
CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1996 -4
CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1996 -8
CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 WIN 2000 1
CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 2000 -6
CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 WIN 2000 1
Dennis Hayden (2060) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1993 6
Matthew Caddy (1899) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 WIN 1993 3
Richard Cosens (1950) HaywardsHeath\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 1993 -2
Jane Vickers (2401) Veterans 040's Midlands Masters -Singles LOSS 1930 0
Veterans 040's Midlands Masters -Singles WIN 1930 60
June Sayce (0) Veterans 040's Midlands Masters -Singles WIN 1930 1
Sarah James (1501) Veterans 040's Midlands Masters -Singles WIN 1930 2
Graham Green (2175) CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1933 -1
CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1933 -1
CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1933 -1
Gordon Hall (1888) ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 LOSS 1933 -2
ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 LOSS 1933 -2
ReigateAndRedhill\2018-2019 WIN 1933 4
Mary Nicholls (1533) BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 WIN 1927 3
Sally Bax (1547) BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 WIN 1927 3
Johanna Outhwaite (1567) BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 WIN 1915 3
Helena Dennett (1885) BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 WIN 1915 9
Susan Purton (1515) BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 WIN 1909 3
Celia Hooker (1533) BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 WIN 1909 3
BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 LOSS 1922 -10
BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 LOSS 1922 -3
Sarah James (1507) BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 WIN 1913 1
Rita Lopes (1826) BritishLeague\Veteran Womens 2018-19 WIN 1913 8
David Steel (2289) CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1913 0
Tony Steel (2305) CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1913 0
CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1913 0
CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1917 -1
CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1917 -2
Stuart Brooks (2056) CrawleyAndHorsham\Divisions 1 And 2 2018-19 LOSS 1917 -1
Olawale Bada (2313) Hunts 2* - Veteran's Singles LOSS 1916 -1
Richard Bellamy (1799) Hunts 2* - Veteran's Singles WIN 1916 8
John Hope (1896) Hunts 2* - Veteran's Singles LOSS 1916 -6