Nicholas Holmes (154496) - BETA

Summary 2023-24

Current Points:
Monthly +/-
Season +/-
Wins / Losses
10 / 26
Last Match:
-43 days ago
Best Win:
Highest Winning Streak:



Playing Hand:
Playing Style:


Season History
Season Start End Change
2015-16 1492 1515 23
2016-17 1364 1364 0
2017-18 1228 1228 0
2018-19 1105 1105 0
2019-20 1105 1105 0
2020-21 1105 1105 0
2021-22 1105 1105 0
2022-23 1105 1105 0
2023-24 1105 1119 14
2024-25 1119 1119 0
* click season to view previous season archive
Monthly Points Change
Best 8 wins
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Roger Whitfield (1234) Shrewsbury\Winter 2024-2025 WIN 1112 7
Andrew Millard (1209) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 1109 7
Will Priestley (1077) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 1110 4
Will Priestley (1078) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 1105 4
Peter Flint (970) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 1114 3
Janet Clark (1045) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 1109 3
Malcolm Brown (826) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 1114 2
Malcolm Brown (829) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 1109 2
Worst Loss :-(
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Peter Flint (964) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA LOSS 1109 -4
Full Season History
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Andrew Lines (0) Shrewsbury\Winter 2024-2025 WIN 1112 1
Merlin Hinton (1100) Shrewsbury\Winter 2024-2025 LOSS 1112 -2
Clare Rogers (934) Shrewsbury\Winter 2024-2025 WIN 1112 2
Mark Lewis (1561) Shrewsbury\Winter 2024-2025 LOSS 1116 0
Robert Lewis (987) Shrewsbury\Winter 2024-2025 LOSS 1116 -4
Phil Holdsworth (1503) Shrewsbury\Winter 2024-2025 LOSS 1116 0
Andrew Hawkins (1447) Shrewsbury\Winter 2024-2025 LOSS 1112 0
Roger Whitfield (1234) Shrewsbury\Winter 2024-2025 WIN 1112 7
chris perry (1057) Shrewsbury\Winter 2024-2025 LOSS 1112 -3
John Ratcliffe (1039) Shrewsbury\Winter 2024-2025 LOSS 1119 -3
Thomas Dickins (1173) Shrewsbury\Winter 2024-2025 LOSS 1119 -2
Barry Pinches (1131) Shrewsbury\Winter 2024-2025 LOSS 1119 -2
Malcolm Brown (826) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 1114 2
Steven Crowson (1879) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA LOSS 1114 0
Peter Flint (970) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 1114 3
Jonathan Clarke (1484) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA LOSS 1114 0
Mitch Haynes (1471) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA LOSS 1114 0
Stefan Derricutt (1639) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA LOSS 1114 0
Mark Lewis (1527) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA LOSS 1110 0
Phil Holdsworth (1494) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA LOSS 1110 0
Will Priestley (1077) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 1110 4
Colin Sayce (1647) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA LOSS 1110 0
John Waine (1716) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA LOSS 1110 0
Mark Howorth (1727) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA LOSS 1110 0
Malcolm Brown (829) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 1109 2
Peter Flint (964) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA LOSS 1109 -4
Janet Clark (1045) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 1109 3
Steve Fitzpatrick (1101) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA LOSS 1111 -2
Mitch Haynes (1469) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA LOSS 1111 0
Christopher Harris (1412) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA LOSS 1111 0
John Ratcliffe (1001) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA LOSS 1109 -4
Andrew Millard (1209) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 1109 7
Ping Lun TAM (1343) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA LOSS 1109 -1
Mark Lewis (1503) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA LOSS 1105 0
Phil Holdsworth (1486) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA LOSS 1105 0
Will Priestley (1078) Shrewsbury\Shrewsbury and District TTA WIN 1105 4