Nikolay Ferdinandov (187284) - BETA

Summary 2017-18

Current Points:
Monthly +/-
Season +/-
Wins / Losses
91 / 101
Last Match:
7 days ago
Best Win:
Highest Winning Streak:


South East
Hemel Hempstead
Wembley and Harrow


Playing Hand:
Playing Style:


Season History
Season Start End Change
2016-17 475 691 216
2017-18 622 1013 391
2018-19 912 1045 133
2019-20 1045 1145 100
2020-21 1145 1145 0
2021-22 1145 1251 106
2022-23 1251 1319 68
2023-24 1319 1428 109
2024-25 1428 1428 0
* click season to view previous season archive
Monthly Points Change
Best 8 wins
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Colin Parslow (1333) HemelHempstead\Winter 2017-18 WIN 717 25
HemelHempstead\Winter 2017-18 WIN 642 25
HemelHempstead\Winter 2017-18 WIN 717 25
Jack Adams (1191) HemelHempstead\Winter 2017-18 WIN 642 25
Peter Leckie (1968) WembleyAndHarrow\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1428 25
Colin Parslow (1318) HemelHempstead\Winter 2017-18 WIN 806 25
HemelHempstead\Winter 2017-18 WIN 642 25
HemelHempstead\Winter 2017-18 WIN 806 20
Worst Loss :-(
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Nicholas Carter (127) Chalfonts\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 818 -13
Full Season History
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Abir Mathur (1419) HemelHempstead\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 1490 -3
Jack Reyland (1630) HemelHempstead\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 1490 -1
Howard Collins (1311) HemelHempstead\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 1490 -5
Maahi Malde (1656) WembleyAndHarrow\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1484 9
Frankie Lesser (1244) WembleyAndHarrow\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 1484 -6
Rahul Shah (1353) WembleyAndHarrow\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1484 3
Anthony Bourke (1590) HemelHempstead\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 1476 -1
Antony Whetherly (1715) HemelHempstead\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1476 11
Anthony Coomber (1498) HemelHempstead\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 1476 -2
Bogdan Coman (1961) HemelHempstead\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 1478 0
Ian Fisher (1444) HemelHempstead\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 1478 -2
Zain Ahmed (1778) HemelHempstead\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 1478 0
Akber Nawed (1573) WembleyAndHarrow\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 1489 -2
Aaron Patel (1053) WembleyAndHarrow\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 1489 -10
Ben O'Connor (882) WembleyAndHarrow\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1489 1
William Higgins (1735) HemelHempstead\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 1476 -1
Colin Tibbles (1402) HemelHempstead\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1476 3
Alan Jones (1678) HemelHempstead\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1476 11
Jack Reyland (1617) HemelHempstead\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 1469 -1
David Westley (1562) HemelHempstead\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1469 6
Gileng Salter (1207) HemelHempstead\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1469 2
Anthony Bourke (1570) HemelHempstead\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 1461 -1
Anthony Coomber (1478) HemelHempstead\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 1461 -2
Antony Whetherly (1714) HemelHempstead\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1461 11
Peter Leckie (1968) WembleyAndHarrow\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1428 25
Alan Jones (1453) WembleyAndHarrow\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1428 5
Neil Besley (1331) WembleyAndHarrow\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1428 3
Philip Oswin (1407) HemelHempstead\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 982 0
Gileng Salter (1210) HemelHempstead\Winter 2017-18 WIN 982 11
Daniel Penberthy (1430) HemelHempstead\Winter 2017-18 WIN 982 20
Philip Gore (1154) HemelHempstead\Winter 2017-18 WIN 973 9
Michael Carbery (1331) HemelHempstead\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 973 0
Christopher Jennings (1322) HemelHempstead\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 973 0
Toofan Khalili (1692) HemelHempstead\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 964 0
George Wood (1139) HemelHempstead\Winter 2017-18 WIN 964 9
Stephen Laird (1545) HemelHempstead\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 964 0
Alan Parsons (462) HighWycombe\Winter 2017-18 WIN 972 1
Bryan Morris (501) HighWycombe\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 972 -10
HighWycombe\Winter 2017-18 WIN 972 1
Nathan MCDonagh (1281) Chalfonts\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 957 0
Shaun Bausor (1226) Chalfonts\Winter 2017-18 WIN 957 11
Richard Whitehouse (924) Chalfonts\Winter 2017-18 WIN 957 4
Alan Jolly (1361) HemelHempstead\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 942 0
Ian Roby (1345) HemelHempstead\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 942 0
Colin Parslow (1317) HemelHempstead\Winter 2017-18 WIN 942 15
Aylesbury\Winter 2017-18 WIN 919 9
Aylesbury\Winter 2017-18 WIN 919 11
Aylesbury\Winter 2017-18 WIN 919 3
Laurence Pennant-Jones (1361) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 911 0
Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 WIN 911 1
Lawrence Knowles (1031) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 WIN 911 7
Aylesbury\Winter 2017-18 WIN 910 1
Aylesbury\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 910 -1
Aylesbury\Winter 2017-18 WIN 910 1
Jonathan Wyatt (198) HighWycombe\Winter 2017-18 WIN 911 1
Ryan Britnell (594) HighWycombe\Winter 2017-18 WIN 911 1
Lawrence Summers (861) HighWycombe\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 911 -3
Jack Betts (1056) Chalfonts\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 905 -1
Cosmin Cojocaru (1019) Chalfonts\Winter 2017-18 WIN 905 7
Brian Brown (827) HighWycombe\Winter 2017-18 WIN 899 3
John Lord (623) HighWycombe\Winter 2017-18 WIN 899 2
Graham Linney (0) HighWycombe\Winter 2017-18 WIN 899 1
Aylesbury\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 898 -2
Aylesbury\Winter 2017-18 WIN 898 2
Chris Ward (319) Aylesbury\Winter 2017-18 WIN 898 1
HemelHempstead\Winter 2017-18 WIN 857 15
HemelHempstead\Winter 2017-18 WIN 857 11
Jack Adams (1185) HemelHempstead\Winter 2017-18 WIN 857 15
John Park (343) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 WIN 856 1
Nicholas George (210) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 WIN 856 1
Bill Honour (1036) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 856 -1
Aylesbury\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 850 -1
Susan Marchant (903) Aylesbury\Winter 2017-18 WIN 850 6
Aylesbury\Winter 2017-18 WIN 850 1
Gijo Mathai (1198) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 853 0
Peter Heathcote (1096) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 853 -1
Simon Evans (933) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 853 -2
Ted Parkes (868) Chalfonts\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 864 -2
Dexter Dalston (849) Chalfonts\Winter 2017-18 WIN 864 4
Nicholas Carter (214) Chalfonts\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 864 -13
Joe Griffiths (1190) Chalfonts\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 864 0
David Clingbine (1220) Chalfonts\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 864 0
Fanny Speck (1165) Chalfonts\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 864 0
Aylesbury\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 862 -2
Aylesbury\Winter 2017-18 WIN 862 1
Aylesbury\Winter 2017-18 WIN 862 3
Shaun Bausor (1244) Chalfonts\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 850 0
Richard Whitehouse (925) Chalfonts\Winter 2017-18 WIN 850 6
Rachel Stones (947) Chalfonts\Winter 2017-18 WIN 850 6
James Miller (169) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 WIN 849 1
Stuart Paterson (1301) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 849 0
Simon Coleman (1243) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 849 0
John Birkett (933) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 850 -2
Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 WIN 850 1
Laurence Pennant-Jones (1345) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 850 0
Mariusz Wojenka (559) HighWycombe\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 853 -6
Dawid Mizera (447) HighWycombe\Winter 2017-18 WIN 853 1
Marcin Kurowski (598) HighWycombe\Winter 2017-18 WIN 853 2
Burton Thalayasingham (1131) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 853 -1
John Park (324) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 WIN 853 1
Jackie Leigh (1284) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 853 0
Mitchell Hyams (1306) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 841 0
Bill Honour (1049) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 WIN 841 11
John Park (324) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 WIN 841 1
Jeremy Holman (727) HighWycombe\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 850 -4
Alex Giles (730) HighWycombe\Winter 2017-18 WIN 850 3
James Rivers (509) HighWycombe\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 850 -8
Aylesbury\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 851 -3
Aylesbury\Winter 2017-18 WIN 851 1
Aylesbury\Winter 2017-18 WIN 851 1
HemelHempstead\Winter 2017-18 WIN 806 20
Colin Parslow (1318) HemelHempstead\Winter 2017-18 WIN 806 25
Ian Roby (1349) HemelHempstead\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 806 0
Simon Evans (906) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 809 -2
Gijo Mathai (1184) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 809 0
Peter Heathcote (1029) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 809 -1
Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 809 -1
Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 WIN 809 1
Harvey Noble (1211) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 809 0
Aylesbury\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 807 -1
Aylesbury\Winter 2017-18 WIN 807 2
Aylesbury\Winter 2017-18 WIN 807 1
Nicholas Carter (127) Chalfonts\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 818 -13
Ted Bettridge (851) Chalfonts\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 818 -2
Ted Parkes (829) Chalfonts\Winter 2017-18 WIN 818 4
Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 WIN 818 2
Ed Lawrie (1152) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 818 0
Jamie Olney (911) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 818 -2
David Clingbine (1214) Chalfonts\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 818 0
Vincent Gaches (1121) Chalfonts\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 818 0
Fanny Speck (1162) Chalfonts\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 818 0
Jonathan Wyatt (181) HighWycombe\Winter 2017-18 WIN 822 1
Ryan Britnell (579) HighWycombe\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 822 -6
HighWycombe\Winter 2017-18 WIN 822 1
James Miller (115) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 WIN 822 1
Tony Moody (1065) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 822 -1
Simon Coleman (1221) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 822 0
Aylesbury\Winter 2017-18 WIN 823 4
Aylesbury\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 823 -2
Aylesbury\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 823 -3
Tony Moody (1056) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 826 -1
John Birkett (901) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 826 -2
Kenneth Hill (1148) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 827 0
Burton Thalayasingham (1052) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 827 -1
Andrew Templeton (1254) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 827 0
Susan Marchant (884) Aylesbury\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 831 -2
Aylesbury\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 831 0
Aylesbury\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 831 -2
Philip Montague (705) HighWycombe\Winter 2017-18 WIN 834 3
Peter Montague (720) HighWycombe\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 834 -4
Ben Charles (882) HighWycombe\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 834 -2
Burton Thalayasingham (1061) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 WIN 823 11
Jackie Leigh (1258) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 823 0
Andrew Templeton (1251) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 823 0
Terry Marsh (1135) HemelHempstead\Winter 2017-18 WIN 788 15
Barbara Bart (978) HemelHempstead\Winter 2017-18 WIN 788 9
HemelHempstead\Winter 2017-18 WIN 788 11
Martin Smith (697) HighWycombe\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 793 -3
David Reeves (803) HighWycombe\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 793 -2
Bill Honour (1103) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 WIN 776 15
John Park (323) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 WIN 776 1
Nicholas George (205) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 WIN 776 1
Simon Evans (862) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 779 -2
Gijo Mathai (1162) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 779 0
Peter Heathcote (981) Chiltern\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 779 -1
Aylesbury\Winter 2017-18 WIN 764 1
Aylesbury\Winter 2017-18 WIN 764 7
Edward Lock (894) Aylesbury\Winter 2017-18 WIN 764 7
Dawid Mizera (408) HighWycombe\Winter 2017-18 WIN 767 1
Mariusz Wojenka (550) HighWycombe\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 767 -6
Marcin Kurowski (605) HighWycombe\Winter 2017-18 WIN 767 2
HemelHempstead\Winter 2017-18 WIN 717 25
Ian Roby (1348) HemelHempstead\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 717 0
Colin Parslow (1333) HemelHempstead\Winter 2017-18 WIN 717 25
HemelHempstead\Winter 2017-18 WIN 642 25
Jack Adams (1191) HemelHempstead\Winter 2017-18 WIN 642 25
HemelHempstead\Winter 2017-18 WIN 642 25
Aylesbury\Winter 2017-18 WIN 630 9
Aylesbury\Winter 2017-18 WIN 630 3
Aylesbury\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 630 0
Jeremy Holman (674) HighWycombe\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 639 -2
Alex Giles (695) HighWycombe\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 639 -2
James Rivers (472) HighWycombe\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 639 -5
Aylesbury\Winter 2017-18 WIN 622 15
Aylesbury\Winter 2017-18 WIN 622 2
Aylesbury\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 622 0
Tim Boyall (1260) HemelHempstead\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 622 0
Gerald Evans (1433) HemelHempstead\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 622 0
Chris Ward (1349) HemelHempstead\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 622 0
David Clingbine (1182) Chalfonts\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 622 0
Vincent Gaches (1102) Chalfonts\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 622 0
Fanny Speck (1162) Chalfonts\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 622 0