Ralph Staves (323942) - BETA

Summary 2024-25

Current Points:
Monthly +/-
Season +/-
Wins / Losses
18 / 11
Last Match:
15 days ago
Best Win:
Highest Winning Streak:



Playing Hand:
Playing Style:


Season History
Season Start End Change
* click season to view previous season archive
Monthly Points Change
Best 8 wins
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
RONALDO FAVIO ORTEGAPACA (351) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 263 6
Karen Zhang (272) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 237 5
Rod Maples (284) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 253 5
Simon To (261) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 243 4
Kenzo Boulton (236) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 237 4
Selma Atasoy (144) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 251 3
Christine Pleines (187) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 263 3
JOHN ORSULIK (179) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 253 3
Worst Loss :-(
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Pradeep Sekar (37) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 237 -6
Full Season History
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Haruki Bohl (235) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 267 -2
Andrew Zhang (44) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 267 2
João Pinho (9) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 269 2
Arron Ault (318) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 269 -2
RAYYAN EL HOMSI (301) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 269 -2
Christine Pleines (187) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 263 3
RONALDO FAVIO ORTEGAPACA (351) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 263 6
CHRISHNA MOUAKOUMBAH (197) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 263 -3
David Law (0) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 253 2
Rod Maples (284) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 253 5
JOHN ORSULIK (179) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 253 3
Peter Hau (443) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 257 -1
Peter Ingle (284) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 257 -2
Oluwatofunmi Fakeye (453) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 257 -1
Tom Edge (61) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 251 2
Selma Atasoy (144) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 251 3
daniel Nelson () CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 251 1
Simon To (261) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 243 4
Nishant Sonkar (-6) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 243 2
Zhanel Turlybayeva (68) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 243 2
Kenzo Boulton (236) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 237 4
Daniel Cilibanov (387) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 237 -1
Jack Edge (179) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 237 3
billy mauger (0) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 236 2
Herbie Dimmock (178) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 236 -3
Stanley Halter-Turner (0) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 236 2
Pradeep Sekar (37) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 237 -6
Karen Zhang (272) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 WIN 237 5
Isaac Schaessens Coleman (769) CentralLondon\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 237 0