Tom Black (401) - BETA

Summary 2017-18

Current Points:
Monthly +/-
Season +/-
Wins / Losses
20 / 60
Last Match:
2443 days ago
Best Win:
Highest Winning Streak:


East Region
North Middlesex
Ellenborough TTC
St Michaels


Playing Hand:
Playing Style:


Season History
Season Start End Change
2015-16 2305 2483 178
2016-17 2235 2365 130
2017-18 2128 2260 132
2018-19 2034 2158 124
2019-20 2158 2158 0
2020-21 2158 2179 21
2021-22 2179 2214 35
2022-23 2214 2214 0
2023-24 2214 2226 12
2024-25 2226 2226 0
* click season to view previous season archive
Monthly Points Change
Best 8 wins
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Ben Warner (2647) Hunts 2* - Men's & Women's Singles WIN 2106 75
BritishLeague\Seniors 2017-18 WIN 2153 50
Craig Hastie (2625) County Championships - Senior Division 02/12/17 WIN 2210 50
Gary Keers (2463) Shaw\Winter 2017-18 WIN 2268 9
Steve Robinson (2347) Barnets\Winter 2017-18 WIN 2202 7
Nicusor Pupaza (2256) Barnets\Winter 2017-18 WIN 2207 5
John McCance (2312) Shaw\Winter 2017-18 WIN 2268 5
Reuben Okai (2161) Barnets\Winter 2017-18 WIN 2259 3
Worst Loss :-(
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Darius Xavier (2112) BritishLeague\Seniors 2017-18 LOSS 2274 -13
Full Season History
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Tiana Dennison (2587) BritishLeague\Seniors 2017-18 LOSS 2274 -1
Darius Xavier (2112) BritishLeague\Seniors 2017-18 LOSS 2274 -13
George Long (2781) BritishLeague\Seniors 2017-18 LOSS 2277 0
Winston Wong (2457) BritishLeague\Seniors 2017-18 LOSS 2277 -3
BritishLeague\Seniors 2017-18 LOSS 2284 -2
BritishLeague\Seniors 2017-18 LOSS 2284 -5
BritishLeague\Seniors 2017-18 LOSS 2284 0
BritishLeague\Seniors 2017-18 LOSS 2284 0
Gary Keers (2463) Shaw\Winter 2017-18 WIN 2268 9
Richard Hudson (2099) Shaw\Winter 2017-18 WIN 2268 2
John McCance (2312) Shaw\Winter 2017-18 WIN 2268 5
Vadym Krevs (2363) Shaw\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2273 -2
Ian Black (2459) Shaw\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2273 -1
David Bottomley (2319) Shaw\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2273 -2
Mal Hussain (2031) Shaw\Winter 2017-18 WIN 2268 2
Alan Jones (1801) Shaw\Winter 2017-18 WIN 2268 1
Richard Hudson (2079) Shaw\Winter 2017-18 WIN 2268 2
Kevin Brothwood (1977) Shaw\Winter 2017-18 WIN 2264 2
Guy Fernback (1988) Shaw\Winter 2017-18 WIN 2264 2
Pete Yeoman (2134) Shaw\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2263 -4
Nick Denney (1993) Shaw\Winter 2017-18 WIN 2263 2
Andrew Walker (2211) Shaw\Winter 2017-18 WIN 2263 3
Reuben Okai (2161) Barnets\Winter 2017-18 WIN 2259 3
Phillip Shepherd (2085) Barnets\Winter 2017-18 WIN 2259 2
Paul Martindill (2463) Barnets\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2259 -1
Mark Johnson (2611) County Championships - Senior Division 02/12/17 LOSS 2210 0
Craig Hastie (2625) County Championships - Senior Division 02/12/17 WIN 2210 50
Chris Bailey (2918) County Championships - Senior Division 02/12/17 LOSS 2210 0
Stephen Ward (2968) County Championships - Senior Division 02/12/17 LOSS 2210 0
Chun Yin Yu (3069) County Championships - Senior Division 02/12/17 LOSS 2210 0
Graeme Barella (3017) County Championships - Senior Division 02/12/17 LOSS 2210 0
Steven Gray (2633) County Championships - Senior Division 02/12/17 LOSS 2210 0
Alex Facey (2547) County Championships - Senior Division 02/12/17 LOSS 2210 -1
Michael Browne (2846) County Championships - Senior Division 02/12/17 LOSS 2210 0
Ben Willson (2900) County Championships - Senior Division 02/12/17 LOSS 2210 0
Stephen Horton (2927) County Championships - Senior Division 02/12/17 LOSS 2210 0
Jason Thompson (3156) County Championships - Senior Division 02/12/17 LOSS 2210 0
Vasile Spinul (2677) Barnets\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2207 0
Pawel Zoldak (2235) Barnets\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2207 -2
Nicusor Pupaza (2256) Barnets\Winter 2017-18 WIN 2207 5
Tomasz Konczal (2554) Barnets\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2202 0
Steve Robinson (2347) Barnets\Winter 2017-18 WIN 2202 7
Jacek Broda (2155) Barnets\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2202 -2
Steven Gray (2608) BritishLeague\Seniors 2017-18 LOSS 2202 0
Simon Pryke (2942) BritishLeague\Seniors 2017-18 LOSS 2202 0
David Busari (2538) BritishLeague\Seniors 2017-18 LOSS 2153 -1
BritishLeague\Seniors 2017-18 WIN 2153 50
James Sprackling (2788) BritishLeague\Seniors 2017-18 LOSS 2153 0
Farhat Rasul (2640) BritishLeague\Seniors 2017-18 LOSS 2153 0
BritishLeague\Seniors 2017-18 LOSS 2153 0
Eren Gozcu (2878) BritishLeague\Seniors 2017-18 LOSS 2153 0
Bruce Yang (2138) Barnets\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2156 -2
Barnets\Winter 2017-18 WIN 2156 1
Simon Block (2228) Barnets\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2156 -2
Richard Anderson (2232) Shaw\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2159 -2
Stuart Mylrea (2417) Shaw\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2159 -1
Akash Shah (2473) Shaw\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2159 0
Marek Kasperek (2325) Barnets\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2160 -1
Barnets\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2160 -2
Barnets\Winter 2017-18 WIN 2160 2
BritishLeague\Seniors 2017-18 LOSS 2160 0
BritishLeague\Seniors 2017-18 LOSS 2160 0
Binyu Zhao (2749) BritishLeague\Seniors 2017-18 LOSS 2164 0
Georges Sokol (2223) BritishLeague\Seniors 2017-18 LOSS 2164 -4
BritishLeague\Seniors 2017-18 LOSS 2172 0
Simon Hillier (2082) BritishLeague\Seniors 2017-18 LOSS 2172 -8
Alan Cherry (2810) BritishLeague\Seniors 2017-18 LOSS 2172 0
Steven Gray (2683) BritishLeague\Seniors 2017-18 LOSS 2172 0
James Swede (2083) Shaw\Winter 2017-18 WIN 2180 3
Kevin Brothwood (1923) Shaw\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2180 -6
John Milner (1997) Shaw\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 2180 -5
Ben Warner (2647) Hunts 2* - Men's & Women's Singles WIN 2106 75
Louis Roper-Gibbs (2479) Hunts 2* - Men's & Women's Singles LOSS 2106 -1
Joe Wright (2591) Hunts 2* - Men's & Women's Singles LOSS 2106 0
Hunts 2* - U21 Men's & Women's LOSS 2116 -5
Hunts 2* - U21 Men's & Women's LOSS 2116 0
Hunts 2* - U21 Men's & Women's LOSS 2116 -5
Hunts Senior 2* - Mens and Womens Banded LOSS 2128 -12
Hunts Senior 2* - Mens and Womens Banded LOSS 2128 0
Joe Wright (2610) Hunts Senior 2* - Mens and Womens Banded LOSS 2128 0