New Season Fixtures 2018 2019



FIXTURES 2018 – 2019


Week commencing


October                 15               AJ     BI      CH    DG    EF

                             22               IA      HB    GC    FD     JE

                             29               AH    BG    CF     DE    JI

November           5               GA    FB     EC     DJ     HI

                             12               AF     BE     CD    JH     IG

                             19               EA    DB    CJ      GH    FI     

                             26               AD    BC    JG     HF     IE

December           3               CA    BJ      FG     EH    DI

                             10               AB    JF      GE    HD    IC

                             17               Free Week

                             24               Free Week

                             31               Free week

January               7               JA     IB      HC    GD    FE

                             14               AI      BH    CG    DF     EJ

                             21               Handicap Cup Round 1

                             28               HA    GB    FC     ED    IJ

February             4               AG    BF     CE     JD     IH

                             11               FA     EB     DC    HJ     GI

                             18               Handicap Cup Round 2

                             25               AE    BD    JC      HG    IF

March                 4               DA    CB    GJ     FH     EI

                             11               Handicap Cup Round 3

                             18               AC    JB      GF     HE    ID

                             25               BA    FJ      EG    DH    CI     

April                   1               Handicap Cup Semi Finals

                           8               Handicap Cup Final                 



In accordance with Rule 9(b) all matches due to be played in the 1st half of the season (i.e) w/c 10th December, 2018  must be played by 11th January, 2019.  All  matches due to be played in the 2nd half of the season must be played by 13th April, 2019.

Author: via Shrewsbury Table Tennis League
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