Annual Championship 2020
Annual Championships 2020.doc  






You are invited to enter the Shrewsbury & District Table Tennis Association Annual Championships at the Shrewsbury Table Tennis Academy, Mount Pleasant Road, SHREWSBURY on Sunday 15th March 2020. Events will commence at 10am (venue open from 9.30)

The completed entry form can be e mailed to Kath Driscoll by Monday 9th March, 2020.  Only players registered and having played for a team in the Shrewsbury League at least 3 times by the 28th February, 2020 will be eligible to enter.

The entry fee is £7 .50 per player and £4.00 for juniors and will cover all events.



Name......................................   E mail address.................................................


Club........................................   Phone Number.................................................


ETTA Registration Number....................................


I wish to enter the following events: please tick


Open Singles.............................. Ladies Singles...............................................


Junior Singles (Born after 1/1/02) …....................


Veteran Singles (Born before 1/1/80) …....................


Division 1 Singles..........................  Division 2 Singles.................................


Hard Bat Event    …......................


Open Doubles      …...................... Partners Name …...................................


If you do not have a partner we will do our best to find you one.

Forms to be e-mailed to

Or posted to 2 Carrington Close, Shelton Shrewsbury SY3 8DE





Author: via Shrewsbury Table Tennis League
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