Annual General Meeting
The AGM will be held on Wednesday 14th June at the WSM Cricket Club, Devonshire Rd, Weston-super-Mare BS23 4NY.
The meeting will start at 7:30pm.
The meeting will be followed by the presentation of trophies.
If you have any items of business that you wish to raise at the AGM please notify the League Secretary no later than 26th May.
If you wish to raise motions or propose alterations to constitution or rules at the AGM please send them to the League Secretary in writing no later than 20th May.
Any proposals will be circulated to all member clubs two weeks prior to the AGM and any amendments to the proposals must be in the hands of the Secretary one week prior to the AGM.
We are looking to recruit members to the committee and have vacancies for the roles of Match Secretary and Publicity Officer.
Any nominations for these posts would be welcomed.
Author: Tony Sawyer via Weston-Super-Mare Table Tennis League
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