Prepare for next season - Team & Player Registration Forms are now available for Season 2017/18. It will be a great help if teams who definitely wish to register for next season could do so as soon as possible. Formas can be downloaded by clicking on the following links:
Tony Sawyer via Weston-Super-Mare Table Tennis League ::
Bristol Table Tennis Academy Club will be running Half Term Training Days. For further details contact , 0117 9192617. An application form can be downloaded using the following link
May June 2017 Training Days (1).pdf
Tony Sawyer via Weston-Super-Mare Table Tennis League ::
The Archdale Cup commences next week. The rules for the competition along with a scoresheet and handicap allocations can be accessed via the following links:
Archdale Rules v2 2016_17.pdf
Archdale 16-17 Handicaps-1.pdf
Tony Sawyer via Weston-Super-Mare Table Tennis League ::
The fixtures for 2016-17 are now live on the website. The amended league constitution and rules agreed at the AGM are also available in the League Documents section. The playing format and rules for the Archdale Cup is being amended this season , details to follow.
Remember, a current valid TTE membership is required before a player plays in the league. There are still quite a few who have not yet renewed.
Tony Sawyer via Weston-Super-Mare Table Tennis League ::