September-December 23

Pipe-cleaning activities - A series of free activities to dry run operations on an opportunity basis for WTTC members.  Generally, it is on a Thursday evening between 1900 and 2100 at Broadoak Academy.

22 February 2024 onwards on a Thursday 7-9 pm

An opportunity for players of all standards to come together and have fun!

We are an all-inclusive Charitable Incorporated Organisation and welcome new and experienced players alike, so there’ll always be a range of abilities and players to play with at these sessions.

Don't worry if you're on your own or feeling anxious. We pride ourselves on our friendliness, and WTTC Staff will greet you on arrival, look after you, and also make initial introductions for you.


WTTC intends to set up and run a new Weston League sometime in 2024

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