Individual Averages > Winter 2023-24 > Premier Division
Player Team Played Won % Win
Vadym Krevs Exiles 1 12 12 100.00%
Zak Cantor Elstree And Borehamwood 1 6 6 100.00%
Jamie Watkins-Rees Elstree And Borehamwood 1 24 22 91.67%
Semi Idowu Ellenborough 1 30 27 90.00%
Vasile Spinul Stanmore 1 8 7 87.50%
Adil Sait Stanmore 1 23 17 73.91%
George Waddingham Kidston 1 15 11 73.33%
Akash Shah Exiles 1 27 19 70.37%
Mike Boardman Exiles 2 27 19 70.37%
Dumitru Toma Stanmore 1 28 19 67.86%
Ahlem Adel Exiles 2 21 14 66.67%
James Wang Ellenborough 1 9 6 66.67%
Sameer Patel Ellenborough 1 6 4 66.67%
Jonathan Proffitt Kidston 1 36 23 63.89%
Paul Martindill Kidston 1 18 11 61.11%
Rhyan Nelson Ellenborough 1 18 11 61.11%
Bruce Yang Ellenborough 1 12 7 58.33%
Elnaz Moharrer Exiles 2 21 12 57.14%
Ashutosh Pant Exiles 1 30 17 56.67%
Displaying: 19 of 47 players Last Updated:
Individual Averages > Winter 2023-24 > Division 1
Player Team Played Won % Win
Sayan Shah Stanmore 2 12 12 100.00%
Ryan Tailor Stanmore 2 6 6 100.00%
Janak Shah Stanmore 2 3 3 100.00%
Joshua Fernandes Stanmore 2 3 3 100.00%
Sahil Shah Exiles 4 45 42 93.33%
Julia Tokova Exiles 3 26 24 92.31%
Shaon Chapman Exiles 3 23 20 86.96%
Nishil Shah Stanmore 2 6 5 83.33%
Jenson Moreno Inception 2 6 5 83.33%
Kristian Nicolaou Exiles 3 20 16 80.00%
Mateo Aulnette Stanmore 2 9 7 77.78%
Ian Mablin Inception 1 30 22 73.33%
Tunde Oloruntoba Exiles 3 33 24 72.73%
Adam Wilkin Elstree And Borehamwood 2 27 19 70.37%
Guy Fernback Stanmore 2 42 28 66.67%
Shayan Parmar Stanmore 2 6 4 66.67%
Tony Shum Inception 1 39 25 64.10%
Nitin Rajdev Stanmore 2 32 19 59.38%
Joshua Lanzi Inception 2 27 16 59.26%
Darren Reed Elstree And Borehamwood 2 24 14 58.33%
David Middleton Hadley Wood 1 30 17 56.67%
Aarav Shah Inception 2 18 10 55.56%
Ahmad Mavaddat Herts Unison 33 18 54.55%
Nigel Finn Hadley Wood 1 21 11 52.38%
Ryan Li Exiles 4 45 23 51.11%
Displaying: 25 of 57 players Last Updated:
Individual Averages > Winter 2023-24 > Division 2
Player Team Played Won % Win
Solomon Musiwacho Kidston 3 6 6 100.00%
Rajesh Shah Oshwal NW A 36 34 94.44%
Simon Conway Ellenborough 2 24 22 91.67%
Calvin Drummond Stanmore 3 12 11 91.67%
Sanj Shah Oshwal NW A 18 16 88.89%
Paul Perkins Ellenborough 2 21 18 85.71%
Jonathan Hart Elstree and Borehamwood 3 24 19 79.17%
Michal Kmiecik Exiles 6 42 33 78.57%
Harris Lorie Elstree and Borehamwood 3 27 21 77.78%
Anuj Shah Oshwal NW A 27 21 77.78%
Rishi Patel Stanmore 3 30 23 76.67%
Richard Barbarash Dads Army 1 45 34 75.56%
Marian Strugaru Exiles 7 39 29 74.36%
Louise Johnston Ellenborough 2 23 17 73.91%
Shiromi Aponso Stanmore 3 15 11 73.33%
Steve Cross Ellenborough 2 24 17 70.83%
Grahame Fernback Dads Army 1 39 26 66.67%
Dev Malde Stanmore 3 36 24 66.67%
Lawrence Check Exiles 6 21 14 66.67%
Manzar Rehman Exiles 6 6 4 66.67%
Stanley Kenner Hadley Wood 2 6 4 66.67%
John Forbes (S) Exiles 7 3 2 66.67%
Kevin Hathway (S) Exiles 6 3 2 66.67%
Dean Nabarro (S) Dads Army 1 3 2 66.67%
Adrian Hentes Stanmore 3 3 2 66.67%
Adrian Pini Kidston 3 30 19 63.33%
Aidan Walsh Exiles 7 30 19 63.33%
David Birkett Exiles 8 42 26 61.90%
Daniel Walters Dads Army 1 39 24 61.54%
Brent Cross Elstree and Borehamwood 3 33 20 60.61%
James Swede Dads Army 1 5 3 60.00%
June Nelson Ellenborough 2 27 16 59.26%
Jamie Banner Exiles 7 21 12 57.14%
Leslie Herman Hadley Wood 2 54 30 55.56%
Michael Collins Elstree and Borehamwood 3 27 15 55.56%
Daniel Shoop Dads Army 1 9 5 55.56%
Displaying: 36 of 72 players Last Updated:
Individual Averages > Winter 2023-24 > Division 4
Player Team Played Won % Win
Kai Shalson EBATT Youth 30 30 100.00%
Tyler Shalson EBATT Youth 27 27 100.00%
Mann Doshi Stanmore 4 6 6 100.00%
Rishi Patel (S) Stanmore 4 6 6 100.00%
Ishaan Shah (S) Oshwal Nw B 5 5 100.00%
Vimal Patel Stanmore 4 18 17 94.44%
Thomas Moschidis Exiles 11 33 26 78.79%
Harley Joseph EBATT Youth 9 7 77.78%
Abdul Bhutto Stanmore 4 9 7 77.78%
Leo Cai Redfit 33 25 75.76%
Zoltan Ballago Fundamentals 23 17 73.91%
Mischa Laun Redfit 33 24 72.73%
Matt Dawes Redfit 18 13 72.22%
Marian Rinja Stanmore 4 21 15 71.43%
Frankie Lesser Stanmore 4 16 11 68.75%
Ollie Troward Winter A Team 27 18 66.67%
Kevin Bernbaum Fundamentals 21 14 66.67%
Paresh Patel Fundamentals 21 14 66.67%
Sujay Shah Oshwal Nw B 15 10 66.67%
Guoying (karen) Yuan Stanmore 4 9 6 66.67%
Chris Faux Winter A Team 6 4 66.67%
Yash Patel Stanmore 4 3 2 66.67%
Alan Lee Winter A Team 3 2 66.67%
Dinesh Chowdhury Stanmore 4 18 11 61.11%
Josh Gelb EBATT Youth 15 9 60.00%
Coby Greenberg EBATT Youth 36 20 55.56%
Keith Parker Exiles 11 27 15 55.56%
Gihan Shrikantha Exiles 11 9 5 55.56%
Nilesh Shah Oshwal Nw B 15 8 53.33%
Philippe Ricoux Stanmore 4 15 8 53.33%
James Hamilton Fundamentals 17 9 52.94%
Displaying: 31 of 59 players Last Updated:
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