Clubs > Shawfield Table Tennis Club
Useful Information
Start Time is 19:15, and matches must finish bu 21:55. Enter school through main entrance door. Teams play in the gym. go up the steps, through the dining hall and into the gym.
Arrival Instructions
Enter school through main entrance door. Teams play in the gym. Go up the steps, through the dining hall and into the gym.
From Bury take B6222, Rochdale Old Road. Approximately 1½ miles after Fairfield Hospital, turn left after St Michael’s Church into Norden Road. Follow road until its junction with Edenfield Road (A580), turn left at the mini-roundabout into Edenfield Road. Proceed up Edenfield Road for approximately 0.5 miles and turn right immediately before the war memorial in Shawfield Lane. Play in Norden Community School, OL12 7RQ which is located at bottom of Shawfield Lane on right hand side. Enter school via main entrance door.
Team Name League Captain
Shawfield TTC A Winter League 2024-25
James Collier
Shawfield TTC B Winter League 2024-25
Mark Bradshaw
Shawfield TTC C Winter League 2024-25
Barry Collier
Shawfield TTC D Winter League 2024-25
Brian Philip
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