Player Statistics > Joost Hunningher
Player Performance
1456789101213141718Match Number0123Wins
Opponent Team Date Score Result
Juliana Nguyen Highbury 16 6-11 7-11 11-9 12-10 11-7 Win
Ioanna Lampropoulou Highbury 16 11-5 11-3 11-4 Win
Fiona Sutton Highbury 16 12-10 11-6 7-11 11-5 Win
Liam Travers Irving 6 11-8 14-12 11-8 Win
Kiran Gaikwad Irving 6 10-12 11-9 11-4 11-7 Win
Jean-Luc Blakey Irving 6 11-2 11-5 11-4 Win
Ettore Miuccio Morpeth 13 9-11 5-11 5-11 Loss
Thao Vo Morpeth 13 11-7 11-9 11-4 Win
Khanjan Patel Morpeth 13 11-5 7-11 4-11 4-11 Loss
Adam Sharples U3A - CED and I 10-12 11-2 12-10 8-11 11-5 Win
Chris Bulford U3A - CED and I 9-11 9-11 11-6 4-11 Loss
Christopher Searing U3A - CED and I 11-3 11-6 10-12 11-1 Win
Johannes Frank Pingpongtribe2 11-1 11-8 11-2 Win
Stephanie Fleck Pingpongtribe2 7-11 9-11 11-6 8-11 Loss
Ashima Bansal Highbury 14 8-11 5-11 4-11 Loss
Khaled Zaidan Highbury 14 7-11 11-9 8-11 11-3 8-11 Loss
Ilko Goledjiev Highbury 14 11-4 8-11 7-11 2-11 Loss
Anna Lisa Tazartes Brunswick 6 3-11 3-11 3-11 Loss
Emad Abid-Ali Brunswick 6 7-11 4-11 16-14 6-11 Loss
Dee Hunter Brunswick 6 11-4 11-5 12-10 Win
Fiona Sutton Highbury 16 11-8 4-11 9-11 9-11 Loss
Juliana Nguyen Highbury 16 5-11 9-11 11-4 12-10 11-13 Loss
Richard Coburn Highbury 16 7-11 11-8 13-11 11-8 Win
Kevin Luu Fusion 7 Jr 8-11 11-5 3-11 9-11 Loss
Yiannis Kazantzidis Fusion 7 Jr 2-11 10-12 9-11 Loss
Jonayed Ahmed Fusion 7 Jr 11-6 8-11 12-14 11-2 15-13 Win
Hristo Kolev Irving 6 11-5 11-5 11-2 Win
Liam Travers Irving 6 3-11 11-8 14-12 11-6 Win
Kiran Gaikwad Irving 6 11-8 11-4 9-11 8-11 11-7 Win
Ettore Miuccio Morpeth 13 7-11 3-11 3-11 Loss
Khanjan Patel Morpeth 13 11-3 14-16 7-11 11-7 11-8 Win
Luca Minudel Morpeth 13 11-7 7-11 11-8 6-11 10-12 Loss
Khaled Zaidan Highbury 14 5-11 6-11 13-11 11-6 11-8 Win
Ola Afolabi Highbury 14 11-7 7-11 11-7 11-7 Win
Ilko Goledjiev Highbury 14 9-11 11-3 11-4 11-9 Win
Emad Abid-Ali Brunswick 6 11-7 11-6 12-14 11-5 Win
Leon Fergerson Brunswick 6 11-6 11-6 12-10 Win
Big D Abrenica Brunswick 6 11-8 7-11 11-7 9-11 7-11 Loss
Played: 38
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