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Table Tennis League

Ryedale Table Tennis League Privacy Policy

When you join the Ryedale Table Tennis League (the League) we collect, use and store personal data about you.  We are committed to handling this data safely and securely and to protecting and respecting your privacy.

The data we hold about you consists of your name, home and email addresses, date of birth, gender and contact phone numbers.

We may use this personal information to notify you about League activities or to provide you with information which may be relevant to you individually or to draw your attention to announcements or news items published on our website at www.table tennis

You may, if you wish, opt out of receiving this information by informing the League's General Secretary whose details are shown on the website.

A limited amount of personal data about officers of the League and team captains is shown on the League website with the consent of the members holding such positions.  This information can be seen by members of the public accessing the website.

Subject to these exceptions, we will not share your data with any third parties without your prior consent save where we are required to do so by law.

We are committed to ensuring that any personal information you provide to us is secure and in order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable measures and procedures to safeguard and protect the information we collect.

We will hold your personal data on our system for as long as you are a member of the League or for as long afterwards as it is in the League's legitimate interest to do so or for as long as necessary to comply with our legal obligations.

You have a right to access the personal data we hold about you or to obtain a copy of it.  If you wish to do so please contact the General Secretary of the League.

If you believe that the information we hold about you is incomplete or inaccurate, you may contact us to ask us to complete or correct that information.

We believe that the privacy policy set out above complies with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulations.

The policy may be subject to change at any time to meet any future amendments under those Regulations.  

Alan Kirkwood

General Secretary/Data Controller 


About Us

Ryedale Table Tennis League is a small, friendly league based in North Yorkshire.  We have about 80 players in 6 clubs and this season there are 17 teams playing in two divisions.  Clubs are based in the Malton and Pickering areas but Covid has taken its toll this season and the numbers of players and clubs are down from previous years.

In addition to regular league fixtures, we usually have an annual closed tournament in spring and several knockout competitions towards the end of the season and in early summer. In previous seasons the league has had an annual awards presentation dinner at a local hotel usually in May.

If you are interested in joining our league, you will find all the information about clubs, venues and the people to contact on this website.

Contact Info

Alan Kirkwood (General Secretary ,TT365 Admin Newsletter Recipient)

01751 472091 (h)

07837629559 (m)

Andy Paton (TT365 Result Arbitrator ,County Representative ,Match Secretary)

01653 618245 (h)

07944171197 (m)

Ruth Purseglove (Coaching Secretary)

01439 771095 (h)

07739 438193 (m)