Division 4 > Kidston 5
League Performance
123456789101112131415161718Match No12345678910League PositionLossWin
Match Players
Name Played Win % Ranking POM Form
Dinesh Chouhan 44 88.64% 146 8
Simon Parker 41 80.49% 123 5
Brian Marshall 41 68.29% 188 1
Steven Helman 30 0.00% 250 0
Daniel Holt 3 33.33% 0 0
Opposition Fixture Date Score Points Card
Exiles 12 Home 5 - 4 +6
Exiles 15 Away 3 - 6 +7
Exiles 14 Home 4 - 5 +4
Elstree and Borehamwood 6 Away 3 - 6 +7
Stanmore 5 Home 3 - 6 +3
Cobra Cowboys Away 2 - 7 +8
Exiles 13 Home 5 - 4 +6
Kidston 6 Home 9 - 0 +10
Elstree and Borehamwood 7 Away 4 - 5 +6
Exiles 12 Away 5 - 4 +4
Exiles 15 Home 6 - 3 +7
Exiles 14 Away 6 - 3 +3
Elstree and Borehamwood 6 Home 7 - 2 +8
Stanmore 5 Away 4 - 5 +6
Cobra Cowboys Home 7 - 2 +8
Exiles 13 Away 5 - 4 +4
Kidston 6 Away 0 - 9 +10
Elstree and Borehamwood 7 Home 9 - 0 +10
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