Division 2 > Exiles 4
League Performance
12345678910111213141516Match No123456789League PositionLossWin
Match Players
Name Played Win % Ranking POM Form
Ian Bloom 27 51.85% 125 1
Roy Tempest 24 8.33% 145 0
Gill Toumbas 21 66.67% 104 0
Barna Bernad 18 66.67% 70 1
Deepesh Shukla 15 86.67% 142 4
Jim Wallace 15 66.67% 87 1
Bambos Nicolaou 3 100.00% 80 1
David Birkett 3 66.67% 91 0
Opposition Fixture Date Score Points Card
Exiles 7 Home 3 - 6 +3
Exiles 8 Away 1 - 8 +9
Elstree and Borehamwood 3 Away 6 - 3 +3
Kidston 3 Away 4 - 5 +6
Exiles 6 Home 4 - 5 +4
Exiles 5 Away 3 - 6 +7
Elstree and Borehamwood 2 Away 3 - 6 +7
Dads Army 1 Home 6 - 3 +7
Exiles 7 Away 8 - 1 +1
Exiles 8 Home 9 - 0 +10
Elstree and Borehamwood 3 Home 4 - 5 +4
Kidston 3 Home 8 - 1 +9
Exiles 6 Away 4 - 5 +6
Exiles 5 Home 2 - 7 +2
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