There was not much business to be done at the League meeting. All clubs were represented. Saint Columba's have now changed their name as well as their venue. They are now Vickerstown Saints. James Turner's registration for Millom and Joss Edwards change to Vickerstown Saints "B" team were both approved. Representatives were asked if they felt we needed Handbooks as well as using the Barrow 365 website. Members felt it was useful to have handbooks. Clubs were reminded that League Fees are due by the next League Meeting. The draw for the Tom Dixon Cup was not available but clubs were told that as there is no week set aside for the First Round teams would need to arrange their matches within the next 8 weeks. Teams failing to play their first round matches would be scratched. There was some discussion about why the Handicap Committee does not meet to discuss Handicaps - some of which were seen as inaccurate. A question was asked as to why juniors could often be changed right before semi finals but players who have been in the league longer seem to keep the same Handicap regardless of form.
AOB - The first point raised was the awarding of Trophies that had previously been awarded through the TT Centre. As this had not been done recently it was suggested this was taken on by the League. Some of the trophies need to be traced - especially the Junior trophies.
Most of the discussion was about the need to look at ways of encouraging more people into table tennis and to retain the players we do have. It was suggested that at each meeting a different event, competition or idea is discussed. At this meeting a proposal to retain the Centenary Cup competition was agreed. Members would be asked for their views and alternative formats would be discussed.
The meeting closed with the draw for the £100 club.
Next meeting Monday 3rd November 7.30pm at the Table Tennis Centre