Club Secretary/Captain's Invitation to the 2019 AGM

  The AGM is to take place on Thursday 20th June 2019 at 7.30pm at the Hilton Centre. Please make sure that your club/squad is represented by at least one person as failure to do so incurs a fine of £6.00. Anyone can represent you as long as they are not already representing another team. It’s one vote per team. One person cannot vote for more than one team. Proposals for rule amendments are linked below and here are the minutes of the 2018 AGM.

We did not have any proposals from clubs, we just have one Committee proposal to tweak one rule and of course, the Cup Handicaps have a revised proposal. We have some suggestions re league structure to be discussed. Please attend and make your views known so you work under the rules you want. Anyone has the right to propose an amendment to any of these proposals before voting takes place, although if I had them a day or two in advance I can copy them for all. There is no need to print these off. Up to date copies will be available on the night.

General Secretary – Roy Caswell;


1.Apologies for absence

2. Approval of last year’s minutes

3. Matters arising

4. Correspondence

5. Chairman’s Report

6. Treasurer’s Report

7. Rule Proposals 2019 - Click link

We have been asked to discuss a proposal which is on the TTEngland AGM as to which way we should vote if we do vote this year. The proposal is to reduce Table Tennis England fees by £7 from £16 to £9. The advantage is that we all save £7. The disadvantage is that TTEngland have their hands tied and have to abandon many projects such as funding for Junior TT which may have adverse long term results. I have said provisionally we would vote against it, but we would be allowed to change our minds.

8. Election of Officers:

9. Election of Management Committee:

10. AOB

Roy Caswell, General Secretary of the Bolton & District Table Tennis League

Last Updated:
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