Ethics, Discipline & Complaints Policy (Appendix 2)
1. Purpose
To provide Llandudno & District Table Tennis League (LTTL) members with details of what are acceptable and unacceptable behaviours and the expectation of others in relation to good practices.
2. Expectations
All appointed Officers, staff, volunteers and members of LTTL will endeavour to;
· Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person within the context of table tennis
· Treat everyone equally and not discriminate on the grounds of age, gender, disability, race, ethnic origin, nationality, colour, parental or marital status, religious belief, class or social background, sexual preference or political belief.
· Not condone, or allow to go unchallenged, any form of discrimination or harassment if witnessed.
· Display high standards of behaviour.
· Promote the positive aspects of table tennis, for example fair play.
· Encourage all participants to learn the Laws and Rules and play within them whilst always respecting the decisions of match officials.
· Actively discourage unfair play, rule violations and arguing with match officials.
· Recognise good performance not just match results.
· Place the well-being and safety of children above the development of performance.
· Ensure activities are appropriate for the age, maturity, experience and ability of the individual.
· Respect children’s opinions when making decisions about their participation in table tennis.
· Not to smoke, drink or use banned substances while working with children.
· No adult will provide children with alcohol when they are under their care.
· Follow the LTTL Safeguarding Policy & Procedures.
3. Unsanctioned Activities
Volunteers and members of the League are not to engage in the following practices as these practices will never be sanctioned by the LTTL or TTW.
· Unrelated adults taking children to their own home or other secluded place unaccompanied.
· An unrelated adult sharing a room with a child.
· Engaging in rough, physical or sexually provocative games.
· Allowing or engaging in any form of inappropriate touching.
· Making sexually suggestive remarks.
· Reducing a child to tears.
· Allowing children to use inappropriate language unchallenged.
· Allowing allegations made by a child to go unchallenged, unrecorded or not acted upon in line with LTTL policy and procedures.
· Carrying out personal care for a child that the child can do unaided.
· Adults departing from premises without first supervising the safe dispersal of children.
· Resorting to bullying tactics or verbal abuse.
· Causing a participant to lose self-esteem by embarrassing, humiliating or undermining them as an individual.
· Unrelated adults spending unnecessary amounts of time alone with children away from other adults.
4. Disciplinary Procedure
The LTTL will receive, in full confidentiality, reports of any member of the League contravening this code of practise & after a full investigation and consultation will decide and act on their findings in line with Section 5 below.
5. Managing complaints
All complaints received are taken very seriously and will be dealt with as quickly as possible. An initial response will be provided within 7 days other than in exceptional circumstances.
A complaint is defined as “dissatisfaction of the way in which the League, Club or Individual conducts themselves, or “dissatisfaction of the playing conditions at a particular venue”.
A complaint may be made in writing (or email) or verbally to the League Secretary or a Committee Member.
When investigating a complaint we will:
· Gather and analyse all relevant information, clarifying any confusion that may have occurred
· Decide on any appropriate action to resolve the complaint
· If necessary discuss the issue face to face
· When necessary, will regularly provide updates on the progress of an investigation until the matter is fully resolved
· We will aim to resolve all complaints within 28 days wherever possible.
6. Refusal of Membership
The LTTL has decided that it will not knowingly allow any person convicted of any sexual offence against a child to be a member of the organisation.