Important Notices

2024/25 season for Luton and District League

The fixtures for the season are now available the Handicaps will be published in next couple of weeks. Have a great competitive season.

Valerie Murdoch :

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DETAILS FOR 2023-2024

The season will commence on 13th November fixtures are on this website.

As we have only 7 teams the intention is to play 21up best of 3 legs. Only one division teams playing each other 4 times.

Each player will have individual handicaps details to be sent out and displayed soon including how the handicaps will be used during matches.

Regards Alex . please note email sent to all players with handicaps should have said teams play each other 3 times not 4, a senior moment by me

Valerie Murdoch :

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Fixtures all set !!

Head to the Fixtures Page, we're all set :-)

Rick Baker :

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21-22 Season Reg Forms AVAILABLE NOW

The new 21-22 Registration Forms are now available on the Downloads Page !

PLS get your Registrations in ASAP, thanks :-)

Rick Baker :

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Source: Bedfordshire County Table Tennis Association


Source: Bedfordshire County Table Tennis Association


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Source: Premier

Source: Premier

Source: Premier

Source: Premier

Source: Premier

Source: Premier