Division Two > Match Card
Home Player Away Player Games Score
 (-2) 11-4 11-7 11-2 1-0
 (+6) 8-11 9-11 8-11 0-1
 (-1) 11-7 11-7 8-11 10-12 11-9 1-0
 (-2) 11-3 11-6 11-4 1-0
 (+2) 8-11 5-11 8-11 0-1
 (0) 11-7 11-6 6-11 11-7 1-0
 (-3) 11-7 11-4 11-3 1-0
 (0) 11-3 11-6 11-7 1-0
 (+4) 7-11 1-11 8-11 0-1
11-8 11-7 9-11 12-10 1-0
Submitted By: Michael Sheppard :: Approved By: Michael Sheppard :: Completed By: Michael Sheppard 7 - 3

Match Report

Luton III continued their impressive start to the season with a home win against Furious, the vastly experienced Dennis McConkey leading the way, unbeaten in singles and doubles. Steve Reeves lost his unbeaten record to the steady Danyal Asghar, also a winner against Mick Barber. While skipper John Clark went unrewarded, Tan Jiao also proved too tricky for Mick for Furious's third point.
Written by: Michael Sheppard
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