Charlie Izatt (52108) - BETA

Summary 2017-18

Current Points:
Monthly +/-
Season +/-
Wins / Losses
24 / 12
Last Match:
2578 days ago
Best Win:
Highest Winning Streak:



Playing Hand:
Playing Style:


Season History
Season Start End Change
2015-16 1611 1601 -10
2016-17 1441 1396 -45
2017-18 1256 1265 9
2018-19 1138 1140 2
2019-20 1140 1131 -9
2020-21 1131 1131 0
2021-22 1131 1131 0
2022-23 1131 1131 0
2023-24 1131 1131 0
2024-25 1131 1131 0
* click season to view previous season archive
Monthly Points Change
Best 8 wins
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Michael Roberts (1331) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1260 6
Stephen May (1302) NorthMiddlesex\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1257 5
Sunil Trakru (1300) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1274 5
Chris Tuttle (1238) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1270 4
Adam Lamy (1126) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1262 3
Robert Plumb (1158) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1262 3
NorthMiddlesex\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1257 3
NorthMiddlesex\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1272 3
Worst Loss :-(
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Angelica Landry (770) NorthMiddlesex\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1275 -13
Full Season History
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Joe Wilkinson (1063) NorthMiddlesex\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1263 2
Harold Webb (1015) NorthMiddlesex\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1263 2
Brian Price (1299) NorthMiddlesex\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1263 -2
Stephen May (1302) NorthMiddlesex\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1257 5
NorthMiddlesex\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1257 3
Geoffrey Woodend (1312) NorthMiddlesex\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1257 -2
Rosetta Delisle (986) NorthMiddlesex\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1255 2
Trevor Mansell (1317) NorthMiddlesex\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1255 -2
Rob Costa (1068) NorthMiddlesex\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1255 2
Angelica Landry (770) NorthMiddlesex\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1275 -13
Ross McCleary (871) NorthMiddlesex\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1275 1
Anthony Watts (907) NorthMiddlesex\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1275 -8
Dave Cocks (1332) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 LOSS 1274 -2
Michael Roberts (1333) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 LOSS 1274 -2
Sunil Trakru (1300) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1274 5
John Lynch (937) NorthMiddlesex\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1278 1
Henry Rudd-Clarke (706) NorthMiddlesex\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1278 1
Dom Philp (1021) NorthMiddlesex\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1278 -6
Chris Tuttle (1238) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1270 4
Kevin Sawyer (1037) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1270 2
Dudu Souleiman (1064) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1270 2
Jenny Barton (660) NorthMiddlesex\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1272 1
NorthMiddlesex\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1272 3
NorthMiddlesex\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1272 -6
Harold Webb (1046) NorthMiddlesex\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1270 2
Joe Wilkinson (1062) NorthMiddlesex\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1270 2
Brian Price (1318) NorthMiddlesex\Winter 2017-18 LOSS 1270 -2
Adam Lamy (1126) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1262 3
Robert Plumb (1158) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1262 3
Jose Torres (1071) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1262 2
Dave Cocks (1306) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 LOSS 1260 -2
Michael Roberts (1331) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 WIN 1260 6
Sunil Trakru (1272) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2017-18 LOSS 1260 -2
Jackie Turner (1065) NorthMiddlesex\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1256 2
Steven Helman (769) NorthMiddlesex\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1256 1
Philip Bennett (541) NorthMiddlesex\Winter 2017-18 WIN 1256 1