Jiten Pitamber (2262) - BETA

Summary 2015-16

Current Points:
Monthly +/-
Season +/-
Wins / Losses
100 / 145
Last Match:
17 days ago
Best Win:
Highest Winning Streak:


East Region
Hemel Hempstead
North Herts
Luton TTC


Playing Hand:
Playing Style:


Season History
Season Start End Change
2015-16 2445 2562 117
2016-17 2306 2079 -227
2017-18 1871 2125 254
2018-19 1912 1810 -102
2019-20 1810 1805 -5
2020-21 1805 1805 0
2021-22 1805 1795 -10
2022-23 1795 1821 26
2023-24 1821 1855 34
2024-25 1855 1859 4
* click season to view previous season archive
Monthly Points Change
Best 8 wins
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Keir Morton (3351) Liverpool Grand Prix (2015), Mens Banded Events WIN 2445 75
Paul Laverty (3131) Bristol Grand Prix, Mens Banded Events WIN 2393 75
London Grand Prix, Men's Banded Events WIN 2497 60
Jarvis Sports Sussex Satellite Grand Prix - Men's and Women's Banded Singles Events WIN 2461 45
Jarvis Sports Sussex Satellite Grand Prix - Men's and Women's Banded Singles Events WIN 2461 33
Jarvis Sports Sussex Satellite Grand Prix - Men's and Women's Banded Singles Events WIN 2461 33
Richard Hazell (2720) London Grand Prix, Men's Banded Events WIN 2497 33
Bristol Grand Prix, Mens Banded Events WIN 2393 33
Worst Loss :-(
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Nottingham Grand Prix, Men's Banded Events LOSS 2580 -39
Full Season History
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Joseph Simpson (1531) NorthHerts\Winter 2024 - 2025 WIN 1889 1
Bartosz Dobosz (1601) NorthHerts\Winter 2024 - 2025 LOSS 1889 -6
Andrew Hodgson (1538) NorthHerts\Winter 2024 - 2025 WIN 1889 1
Mateusz Browarnik (1458) Luton\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1886 1
Andrew Jenkins (1477) Luton\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1886 1
William Tyler (1381) Luton\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1886 1
SAM TAHERI (1300) NorthHerts\Winter 2024 - 2025 WIN 1883 1
Steve Prince (1470) NorthHerts\Winter 2024 - 2025 WIN 1883 1
Michael Stilges (1244) NorthHerts\Winter 2024 - 2025 WIN 1883 1
Marc Brent (1951) HemelHempstead\Winter 2024-25 LOSS 1859 -2
Andrew Walker (2092) HemelHempstead\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1859 11
Angela Smith (2209) HemelHempstead\Winter 2024-25 WIN 1859 15
Alan Cherry (3321) MiltonKeynes\MKTTC Summer League 2016 LOSS 2566 0
Peter Tillotson (2204) MiltonKeynes\MKTTC Summer League 2016 LOSS 2566 -4
MiltonKeynes\MKTTC Summer League 2016 LOSS 2570 -4
Michael Wilkins (2656) MiltonKeynes\MKTTC Summer League 2016 LOSS 2570 0
Ethan Walsh (3791) Corby Smash Superleague 1* Open LOSS 2596 0
Adam Wilson (1299) Corby Smash Superleague 1* Open WIN 2596 1
Corby Smash Superleague 1* Open WIN 2596 3
Elroy Edwards (2185) Corby Smash Superleague 1* Open LOSS 2596 -15
Ian Johnston (2161) Corby Smash Superleague 1* Open LOSS 2596 -15
Alan Cherry (3345) MiltonKeynes\MKTTC Summer League 2016 LOSS 2595 0
Peter Tillotson (2204) MiltonKeynes\MKTTC Summer League 2016 WIN 2595 1
London Grand Prix, Men's Singles LOSS 2497 0
Daniel Spurling (3307) London Grand Prix, Men's Singles LOSS 2497 0
Shaquille Webb Dixon (3815) London Grand Prix, Men's Singles LOSS 2497 0
Abdur Rahman Kelani (2957) London Grand Prix, Men's Banded Events LOSS 2497 0
Richard Hazell (2720) London Grand Prix, Men's Banded Events WIN 2497 33
Colin Barham (1710) London Grand Prix, Men's Banded Events WIN 2497 1
Naphong Boonyaprapa (3344) London Grand Prix, Men's Banded Events LOSS 2497 0
London Grand Prix, Men's Banded Events WIN 2497 5
London Grand Prix, Men's Banded Events LOSS 2497 -1
London Grand Prix, Men's Banded Events WIN 2497 60
MiltonKeynes\MKTTC Summer League 2016 LOSS 2497 0
Charles Philippe (2602) MiltonKeynes\MKTTC Summer League 2016 LOSS 2497 0
Topspin Fusion 2* - Senior LOSS 2497 0
Peter Ives (3009) Topspin Fusion 2* - Senior LOSS 2497 0
Alex Aston (3025) Topspin Fusion 2* - Senior LOSS 2497 0
Topspin Fusion 2* - Senior LOSS 2497 0
George Haining (3239) Topspin Fusion 2* - Senior LOSS 2497 0
Adam Jepson (3649) ELCC-WILMOTT CUP LOSS 2497 0
Daniel Fielding (3368) ELCC-WILMOTT CUP LOSS 2497 0
Lukasz Lewandowski (3264) ELCC-WILMOTT CUP LOSS 2497 0
Semi Idowu (3170) ELCC-WILMOTT CUP LOSS 2497 0
James Rule (3551) Doncaster Grand Prix, Men's Singles LOSS 2493 0
Doncaster Grand Prix, Men's Singles LOSS 2493 0
Craig Allen (2673) Doncaster Grand Prix, Men's Singles LOSS 2493 -3
Ryan Moore (2671) Doncaster Grand Prix, Men's Banded Events WIN 2493 26
Lourence Lewis-Hanna (3195) Doncaster Grand Prix, Men's Banded Events LOSS 2493 0
Doncaster Grand Prix, Men's Banded Events LOSS 2493 0
Mark Ross (2194) Doncaster Grand Prix, Men's Banded Events WIN 2493 5
Doncaster Grand Prix, Men's Banded Events LOSS 2493 -24
Matthew Shaw (3209) Doncaster Grand Prix, Men's Banded Events LOSS 2493 0
Keith Carrington (1713) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League LOSS 2507 -13
Chris Belton (1738) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League WIN 2507 1
Julie Snowdon (2511) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League LOSS 2507 -2
Michael Wilkins (2636) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League WIN 2507 7
MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League LOSS 2507 -8
Tom Tofield (1549) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League WIN 2507 1
Kelvin Choong (2432) Luton\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2509 -3
Julie Snowdon (2537) Luton\Winter 2015-16 WIN 2509 5
Terry Lau (2361) Luton\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2509 -4
Beth Atkinson (2727) Cippenham Senior 1* Open LOSS 2514 -2
Dean Haskett (2692) Cippenham Senior 1* Open LOSS 2514 -2
Cippenham Senior 1* Open LOSS 2514 0
Cippenham Senior 1* Open LOSS 2514 0
Alex Aston (2886) Cippenham Senior 1* Open LOSS 2514 -1
Alan Shelford (2784) NorthHerts\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2517 -1
Stephen Sale (2484) NorthHerts\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2517 -2
Samson Bekele (2958) BATTS Super Series 2* - Senior LOSS 2529 0
BATTS Super Series 2* - Senior WIN 2529 1
Keith Fung (3031) BATTS Super Series 2* - Senior LOSS 2529 0
BATTS Super Series 2* - Senior LOSS 2529 -12
Costas Papantoniou (3738) BATTS Super Series 2* - Senior LOSS 2529 0
Carsten Hovestadt (2923) BATTS Super Series 2* - Senior LOSS 2529 -1
BATTS Super Series 2* - Senior LOSS 2529 0
Janice Laing (2632) NorthHerts\Winter 2015-16 WIN 2524 7
Sandra Harper (2825) NorthHerts\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2524 0
Gavin Booth (2600) NorthHerts\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2524 -2
MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League WIN 2521 1
Mervyn Kelly (1810) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League WIN 2521 1
MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League WIN 2521 1
Richard Grethe (2641) NorthHerts\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2504 -1
Robert Gibson (2380) NorthHerts\Winter 2015-16 WIN 2504 3
Agnieszka Mazurek (2804) NorthHerts\Winter 2015-16 WIN 2504 15
Sai Wah Lok (1872) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League WIN 2515 1
Kam Cheung Wong (1795) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League WIN 2515 1
Larry Lung (1896) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League LOSS 2515 -13
Paul Martindill (2956) Cippenham Super 6 Senior 2* Open LOSS 2511 0
Wim Faassen (2530) Cippenham Super 6 Senior 2* Open WIN 2511 12
Cippenham Super 6 Senior 2* Open WIN 2511 1
Cippenham Super 6 Senior 2* Open LOSS 2511 -3
Miroslav Danadzhiev (2718) Cippenham Super 6 Senior 2* Open LOSS 2511 -2
Cippenham Super 6 Senior 2* Open LOSS 2511 0
Christopher Penrose (3004) Cippenham Super 6 Senior 2* Open LOSS 2511 0
Cippenham Super 6 Senior 2* Open LOSS 2511 -4
Nottingham Grand Prix, Men's Singles LOSS 2580 0
Nottingham Grand Prix, Men's Singles LOSS 2580 0
Nottingham Grand Prix, Men's Singles LOSS 2580 -2
Nottingham Grand Prix, Men's Singles LOSS 2580 0
Dominic Cutter (2173) Nottingham Grand Prix, Men's Singles LOSS 2580 -30
Nottingham Grand Prix, Men's Banded Events LOSS 2580 0
Nathan Brindley (1771) Nottingham Grand Prix, Men's Banded Events WIN 2580 1
Nottingham Grand Prix, Men's Banded Events LOSS 2580 -39
Nottingham Grand Prix, Men's Banded Events WIN 2580 1
Rob McPheat (1936) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League WIN 2591 1
Robert Mungham (1788) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League LOSS 2591 -13
James Molloy (2076) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League WIN 2591 1
Mal Hussain (2331) Luton\Winter 2015-16 WIN 2594 2
Mark Slough (2091) Luton\Winter 2015-16 WIN 2594 1
Paul Beard (2354) Luton\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2594 -6
Russell Penn (2073) Luton\Winter 2015-16 WIN 2591 1
Luton\Winter 2015-16 WIN 2591 1
Rick Baker (1748) Luton\Winter 2015-16 WIN 2591 1
Stephen Trevanion (2720) NorthHerts\Winter 2015-16 WIN 2582 7
Terry Lane (2452) NorthHerts\Winter 2015-16 WIN 2582 3
NorthHerts\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2582 -1
Masoud Nassor (1778) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League WIN 2579 1
Barbara Peters (1632) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League WIN 2579 1
Nicholas Markham (1554) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League WIN 2579 1
Cippenham Team 2* Open LOSS 2568 -2
Dylan Day (1702) Cippenham Team 2* Open WIN 2568 1
Simon Morgan (2539) Cippenham Team 2* Open LOSS 2568 -4
Cippenham Team 2* Open WIN 2568 1
JAKE PRICE (2726) Cippenham Team 2* Open WIN 2568 17
Cippenham Team 2* Open WIN 2568 2
Cippenham Team 2* Open LOSS 2568 0
Jon Allen (2600) Cippenham Team 2* Open LOSS 2568 -4
Gabriela Tankel (2720) NorthHerts\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2573 -1
John McCance (2566) NorthHerts\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2573 -2
Marek Mastalerczyk (2640) NorthHerts\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2573 -2
Naresh Magan (1810) Luton\Winter 2015-16 WIN 2579 1
John Seckerson (1688) Luton\Winter 2015-16 WIN 2579 1
Keywan Hassani-Pak (2220) Luton\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2579 -8
Jarvis Sports Sussex Satellite Grand Prix - Men's and Women's Banded Singles Events LOSS 2461 2 (2)
Jarvis Sports Sussex Satellite Grand Prix - Men's and Women's Banded Singles Events WIN 2461 11
Jarvis Sports Sussex Satellite Grand Prix - Men's and Women's Banded Singles Events WIN 2461 33
Jarvis Sports Sussex Satellite Grand Prix - Men's and Women's Banded Singles Events WIN 2461 45
Jarvis Sports Sussex Satellite Grand Prix - Men's and Women's Banded Singles Events LOSS 2461 -6
Jarvis Sports Sussex Satellite Grand Prix - Men's and Women's Banded Singles Events WIN 2461 33
Jarvis Sports Sussex Satellite Grand Prix - Men's and Women's Banded Singles Events LOSS 2461 -5
Jarvis Sports Sussex Satellite Grand Prix - Men's and Women's Banded Singles Events WIN 2461 5
Viktoras Burbulevicius (2921) Jarvis Sports Sussex Satellite Grand Prix - Men's and Women's Banded Singles Events LOSS 2461 0
Geoff Callaway (2082) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League LOSS 2481 -8
David Plumb (1793) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League LOSS 2481 -13
Barry Bishop (1951) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League WIN 2481 1
Chris Belton (1724) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League WIN 2484 1
Julie Snowdon (2572) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League WIN 2484 6
Andrew Smith (2008) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League LOSS 2484 -10
Paul Haigh (2257) Luton\Winter 2015-16 WIN 2491 2
Jez Wilcox (2080) Luton\Winter 2015-16 WIN 2491 1
Andrew Jenkins (2017) Luton\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2491 -10
Helmuth Osborne (2798) BATTS Senior Super Series 1* LOSS 2487 -1
Minesh Pitamber (2330) BATTS Senior Super Series 1* WIN 2487 3
BATTS Senior Super Series 1* LOSS 2487 0
Victor Chan (2094) BATTS Senior Super Series 1* WIN 2487 2
Jamie Fisher (3411) BATTS Senior Super Series 1* LOSS 2487 0
Luton\Winter 2015-16 WIN 2490 1
Ian Pirks (2031) Luton\Winter 2015-16 WIN 2490 1
Olutoye Boyede (2319) Luton\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2490 -5
Marlon Frankson (2099) NorthHerts\Winter 2015-16 WIN 2501 1
Oladele Adegbulugbe (1953) NorthHerts\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2501 -13
Steve Sullivan (1775) NorthHerts\Winter 2015-16 WIN 2501 1
David Foster (2625) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League LOSS 2509 -1
Mervyn Kelly (1804) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League WIN 2509 1
MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League LOSS 2509 -8
Sai Wah Lok (1842) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League WIN 2506 1
Kam Cheung Wong (1781) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League WIN 2506 1
MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League WIN 2506 1
Bartosz Romanek (1660) Luton\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2517 -13
Luton\Winter 2015-16 WIN 2517 1
Luton\Winter 2015-16 WIN 2517 1
Adam Jepson (3696) Bristol Grand Prix, Men's Singles LOSS 2393 0
Craig Allen (2558) Bristol Grand Prix, Men's Singles LOSS 2393 -3
Chris Cockburn (3137) Bristol Grand Prix, Men's Singles LOSS 2393 0
Bristol Grand Prix, Mens Banded Events LOSS 2393 -2
Luke Jones (3222) Bristol Grand Prix, Mens Banded Events LOSS 2393 0
Paul Laverty (3131) Bristol Grand Prix, Mens Banded Events WIN 2393 75
Terry Parkins (2904) Bristol Grand Prix, Mens Banded Events LOSS 2393 0
Bristol Grand Prix, Mens Banded Events WIN 2393 33
Louis Price (3018) Bristol Grand Prix, Mens Banded Events LOSS 2393 0
Wim Faassen (2510) Bristol Grand Prix, Mens Banded Events WIN 2393 21
MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League WIN 2390 1
Nicholas Markham (1558) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League WIN 2390 1
Masoud Nassor (1757) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League WIN 2390 1
Craig Brown (2827) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League LOSS 2392 0
Gareth Jones (2390) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League LOSS 2392 -2
Alan Cherry (3204) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League LOSS 2392 0
Geoff Callaway (2031) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League LOSS 2426 -8
Barry Bishop (1899) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League LOSS 2426 -13
David Plumb (1741) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League LOSS 2426 -13
Matthew Evans (3304) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League LOSS 2428 0
Edward Simms (2720) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League LOSS 2428 -1
MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League LOSS 2428 -1
Mark Slough (2092) Luton\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2445 -8
Paul Beard (2291) Luton\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2445 -5
Luton\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2445 -4
Julie Snowdon (2659) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League LOSS 2458 -1
Chris Belton (1696) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League WIN 2458 1
Andrew Smith (1946) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League LOSS 2458 -13
Michael Wilkins (2628) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League LOSS 2468 -1
MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League LOSS 2468 -10
Tom Tofield (1522) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League WIN 2468 1
Paul Murdoch (1573) Luton\Winter 2015-16 WIN 2479 1
Rick Baker (1633) Luton\Winter 2015-16 LOSS 2479 -13
Valerie Murdoch (1959) Luton\Winter 2015-16 WIN 2479 1
Naresh Magan (1768) Luton\Winter 2015-16 WIN 2476 1
Keywan Hassani-Pak (2174) Luton\Winter 2015-16 WIN 2476 1
John Seckerson (1656) Luton\Winter 2015-16 WIN 2476 1
Aldershot Grand Prix, Men's Singles LOSS 2460 0
Rob Gladstone (2294) Aldershot Grand Prix, Men's Singles WIN 2460 6
Christopher Doran (4268) Aldershot Grand Prix, Men's Singles LOSS 2460 0
Aldershot Grand Prix, Men's Banded Singles LOSS 2460 -1
Aldershot Grand Prix, Men's Singles LOSS 2460 -2
Ugur Saglik (3185) Aldershot Grand Prix, Men's Singles LOSS 2460 0
Louis Price (3064) Aldershot Grand Prix, Men's Singles LOSS 2460 0
Aldershot Grand Prix, Men's Singles WIN 2460 17
Chris Sabourin (2608) Aldershot Grand Prix, Men's Singles LOSS 2460 -4
MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League WIN 2485 1
Kam Cheung Wong (1760) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League LOSS 2485 -13
Sai Wah Lok (1821) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League LOSS 2485 -13
Rob McPheat (1924) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League WIN 2510 1
David McGarragh (1814) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League LOSS 2510 -13
James Molloy (1993) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League LOSS 2510 -13
MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League WIN 2507 1
Masoud Nassor (1741) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League WIN 2507 1
Barbara Peters (1606) MiltonKeynes\2015-16 Winter League WIN 2507 1
Paul Nicol (2074) Batts Super Series 1* Senior LOSS 2521 -15
Batts Super Series 1* Senior LOSS 2521 0
Peter Radford (3054) Batts Super Series 1* Senior LOSS 2521 0
Colin Barham (1655) Batts Super Series 1* Senior WIN 2521 1
Luke Walsh (3381) Batts Super Series 1* Senior LOSS 2521 0
Julian Tee (2866) Hunts 2* Mens & Womens Banded Events LOSS 2501 -1
Matthew Stringer (2617) Hunts 2* Mens & Womens Banded Events WIN 2501 21
Naphong Boonyaprapa (3331) Hunts 2* Mens & Womens Banded Events LOSS 2501 0
Daniel Spurling (3160) Hunts 2* Men & Womens Single Events LOSS 2502 0
Karl Brown (2854) Hunts 2* Men & Womens Single Events LOSS 2502 -1
Liverpool Grand Prix (2015), Mens Banded Events LOSS 2445 0
Keir Morton (3351) Liverpool Grand Prix (2015), Mens Banded Events WIN 2445 75
Benjamin Knight (2437) Liverpool Grand Prix (2015), Mens Banded Events LOSS 2445 -6
Liverpool Grand Prix (2015), Mens Banded Events LOSS 2445 -18
Zak Cantor (3202) Liverpool Grand Prix (2015), Mens Banded Events LOSS 2445 0
Liverpool Grand Prix (2015), Mens Banded Events WIN 2445 6